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Posts posted by Tuvok

  1. The X-MEN movie isn't my kind of movie. There was no relevant plot in X-MEN, nor do I expect one in X-MEN2.


    The Matrix involved excellent plot, philosophy, brilliant action sequences and many other goodies. I must have watched it +20 times. I am not the kind that goes to cinemas (haven't been in one for +10 years), so I'll wait for the DVD release.

  2. sweet_gal,


    The correct term of what happened to you is "cracking." Oftentimes people don't know what the literal terms "crack" & "hack" mean. Hackers are smart and efficient programmers who most often develop better softwares and programs. Crackers (and/or coders) are malignant intruders who cause mischief and loss of property.





    One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.



    One who makes unauthorized use of a computer, especially to tamper with data or programs.

  3. sweet_gal,


    The correct term of what happened to you is "cracking." Oftentimes people don't know what the literal terms "crack" & "hack" mean. Hackers are smart and efficient programmers who most often develop better softwares and programs. Crackers (and/or coders) are malignant intruders who cause mischief and loss of property.





    One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.



    One who makes unauthorized use of a computer, especially to tamper with data or programs.

  4. Originally posted by rudy:

    I prefer mandrake since it has more device support



    Mandrake hasn't special "more device support"; all device drivers it uses stems from the same linux kernel that all linux distros use. If a specific distro doesn't support any of your hardware components, it's because it has an outdated kernel. In that case, if you still like that specific distro, all you have to do is download the latest kernel and compile it.

  5. Originally posted by rudy:

    I prefer mandrake since it has more device support



    Mandrake hasn't special "more device support"; all device drivers it uses stems from the same linux kernel that all linux distros use. If a specific distro doesn't support any of your hardware components, it's because it has an outdated kernel. In that case, if you still like that specific distro, all you have to do is download the latest kernel and compile it.

  6. My favorite OS is Debian GNU/Linux; it's stable, you don't run into dependency problems, you can install/uninstall the applications you need with terminals (using apt-get) or Synaptic if you fancy gui scripts. I don't like Red Hat; it's very bloated and feels fake, they also bombard your email with daily updates. OpenBSD is also great; it's the most secure/stable OS (mainly used for servers, but can also be used as desktop).


    Of Windows, I prefer Windows 2000 Pro though I hardly use it.

  7. My favorite OS is Debian GNU/Linux; it's stable, you don't run into dependency problems, you can install/uninstall the applications you need with terminals (using apt-get) or Synaptic if you fancy gui scripts. I don't like Red Hat; it's very bloated and feels fake, they also bombard your email with daily updates. OpenBSD is also great; it's the most secure/stable OS (mainly used for servers, but can also be used as desktop).


    Of Windows, I prefer Windows 2000 Pro though I hardly use it.

  8. So what if Jews control so many important and powerful institutions? They deserve it because they worked hard to achieve this control. It's not like those institutions are Islamic; it's based in the West among non-Muslims. What are you implying; that Muslims need control non-Muslim institutions?


    Muslims don't need do that; it doesn't matter if all forces of the universe unite to defeat Muslims. What matters is if Muslims defeat themselves; like when they've made it halal among themselves to kill, rape, loot each other, and destroy and squander their natural resources. Stop whinning about Jews, and proclaim jihad against yourselves!