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Posts posted by Isra

  1. Poor Che/Forest - I am sure those make out sessions were a treat for Oprah - 20 years of Steadman must be getting a bit old for her lol


    lol@bengalis and hairy persians...I was expecting more Pakistanis asking for visa and Nigerians telling me about their millions in Swiss bank accounts.

  2. wow topic derailed pretty quickly, an entire research paper can be writtien about the Somali complex re mixed marriages - simply by reviewing the tons and tons of posts on this forum!

  3. Reading Now: Twelve Tribes of Hattie - Ayana Mathis


    Favourite Books

    - The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

    - One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez

    - No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

    - The Road by Cormac McCarthy

    - Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison (LOVE IT)


    and many more...but those come to mind quickly

  4. Oh Cara, I feel sorry for your co-worker - maybe his married life is hellish and that site is his only form of escape. I would discourage your other coworkers from toying with his emotions, he could turn psychotic on you and shoot up the place.

  5. LOOL Raamsade. Don't get desperate to prove me a liar now! I did NOT create that profile - it's incredibly boring.


    Perhaps by linking your profile to this post - many women will join that site and message you! I am doing you a FAVOR seriously! lol


    Damn I think guilt is settling in - I am sorry for posting it Raamsade - I didn't mean to expose your desperate search for love in the world of the internet. But life is a B! lol

  6. LOOOL You are too funny. Sir, doth protest too much! Admit it! You are looking for LOVE, you can't wait for cupid to strike you with his arrow - you are even ready to jump ship and travel half across the world for the ONE! PLEASE don't delete it. I hope you are getting lucky!


    Oh and how have I followed you around this site?! lol seriously I am officially the worst member of SOL - 174 posts in over 10 years. I don't have the commitment to follow anyone on this site.


    I must admit that I would not have posted your profile - if I did not read your silly comment today after taking some vacation time away from SOL, about the Hajj being a "useless" pilgrimage - regardless of context - that comment is pure rubbish.

  7. If I was going to impersonate someone on this would someone I know! lol like Libax or Miskin! ... you are just random. But dude...why are you ready to relocate internationally! for a woman? seriously - things must be bad in Canada - female shortage lol






    Buddy I thought you were an Atheist?! lol



    Profile - RAAMSADE (unfortunately no public photos :(!


    I'm educated, down to earth brother with a good sense of humour living in Canada. I value the little things in life and strongly believe in constantly improving myself both physically and intellectually. I enjoy reading, humour, a good, thoughtful movie, debating/disccusing current events, politics and interesting subjects with friends.

    What am I looking for?

    I'm looking for a Muslim girl who is ready to settle down and have a family. I'm not too picky when it comes to potential mate. As long as you are honest, strive for what is best both Islamically and otherwise, have a sense of humour as I like to joke around sometimes, respect me, yourself and others and know what you want in life... then you and I can get along just fine.