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Posts posted by Mama_Wareer

  1. Asalaamu Caleykum Waraxmatu-Allahi Wabarakaatu,


    Jazaaka-Allah Khair for that informative post, I wonder why all these secularists and apostates never care to mention any of the above as opposed to the traditional (100% UNislamic) abuse that they are always banging on about?


    I wish that more sisters would fight for their rights as a muslim woman, Im getting so sick and tired of seeing men that dont work but expect their wives to keep their duty to them. Its also the same with the brothers that work their fingers to the bone only to come back to a house that contains no peace.


    Islam is beautiful Masha-Allah, but sadly people are not :(



  2. Asalaamu Caleykum Waraxmatu-Allahi Wabarakaatu,


    Sister Shabelle, when can I hand in my CV? lol


    My dream has always been to own my very own business empire, and Insha-Allah use that to help the Muslim Ummah in Somalia smile.gif


    Scratch that, does anyone know what the pay for an assassin is like? icon_razz.gif

