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Posts posted by Indhoos

  1. True Story...A man kept coming to our store to exchange a skirt for his wife because every time he takes it home, there is something wrong with it. Mom finally asked why the lady is not coming to the store to choose one and try it on to which he replied,


    "I am buying it for my young wife whom I married from home and brought here recently. I don't want her coming around here because these young thugs will say 'What's up' to her and she will end up leaving me."


    Anyway, mom convinced him to bring her, since the thugs won't bother her if he is with her...When he did; she looked young enough to be his grand-daughter.


    Now, imagine the dilemma of that man and that girl's blight. She can't leave the home!

  2. Wow...there was another one that was similar, but it involved adults and the funny thing was that they started to rationalize it and believe it to be genuine...One lady mentioned how everyone is always complimenting her daughter's big beautiful blue eye and nothing else. She thought that it was due to the fact the her blue-eyed daughter had nothing else to offer. The mother had brown eyes.


    I will try to find it and post it maybe...Very interesting though.

  3. ^^^Dildiliq aa? Ar iikaadi bal, Kii cunugtaa dharka ka dhaqi la'ahay hadaan anigana ku daro wareer waaye...Yaa rabi.


    Thanks yaaqeey for dhising my niyad waaba naxsanaaye, Kornaato markaa arkaabay aaba kabahaygii raadsadaye.


    Warka keena gabdho.

  4. Bring this back...I missed it.


    Some I know.











    Kuwaan laakiin magacyadoodee ahaayeen.







    I will add the reer mudug side later.

  5. Waraada Af-Soomaaliga inaan daadiyay baan isku haystay, maxee tahay meeshaan leenba arkooyaa inay jiq iiga tahaye...Haye bal dhowrkoo xabo ha la ii jilciyo, sida


    Cambaruud, (Been masheehaayo oo hees baan ku maqlay laakiin wuxuu yahay maaqaa).





    Boolo (kan shimbir iyo cay leeba u maleen jiray)


    Korneeto (nooc kubadda loo haraantiyo leeba u maleeyey)





    Bal kuwaas ha la ii macneeyo. Waad Maraqsantahiin Aqiyaarta, Habeen xanaagsan.

  6. ^^^You were considering to conceive a child scientifically?


    It is scary and you are right that there are more mishaps with these procedures. Was it not on the news the other, a couple whose embryo was placed in another recipient? This had a happy ending because the lady who received the wrong embryo decided to give the baby to the biological family after she gave birth.

  7. ^^^Heh, TV ma daawan in dhaweed, siiba waxaan ay reality TV dhahaan layma tuso.


    Iskoolkiina, casharkii intay la oroday bay show theme uga dhigtay oo tiri show hebeloo kale haloo soo diyaariyo, waa class project. Dooqa labaadna waa show hebel...Waan maqlaa weligeey ma daawane maxaan ka qabtaa? Waxay igu kaliftay inaan showga soo daawado si aan bal wax uga fahmo meesha wax loo wado.


    Yacni hadda waxaa lamaraa heer hadii aad adiga iska dayso, meela kale uu kaasoo galaayo oo teknolojiyada sinaba looga madax banaanaan karin. Sidaa darteed waxaan dareemayaa in nolosheeda qayb ka mid ah ay makiinado qaateen.

  8. Awww, Brothers, don't even get me started and I have five of them. My god they were everywhere.


    Me getting into my car, the cute guy approached and grabbed the car door saying salaams, before I could reply...WHAP, right on the poor guys chest lands my brother's hand, with a, "Zup Buddy." The poor cutie mumbled, "Cool, cool." with a hand on his chest...Ouch. The car door slammed shut and I get a, "Take care sis, drive safely." I drive away mumbling, "But he was talking to me."


    My brother gets home and issues a warning. "That dude that was talking to you today, I intervened b/c he is a no good player, but he won't bother you again and you better not talk to him."


    Moral of this story...Brother's reaction depends on your reputation in the neigbhorhood. If you are walking around talking about your latest conquest, then good luck chatting up that girl whose brother overheard you.

  9. Okley Dokley Folks...the results are in from the interview with the view elders that I could find. :D


    Waxay ii sheegeen inuu Af-Soomaaligu ku dhashay dhankaa iyo waqooyiga kana soo tagay isagoo wali carab la' oo aan xoogsan. Ka dib wuxuu yimid goboladaa dhexe, dhanka mudugta halkaa oo uu ku koray, ku qaarnay kuna weenaaday. Isagoo xogaa duq ah ayuu wuxuu u baqoolay dhinacaa iyo koonfurta oo uu ku gaboobay, yacni law-law noqday. Ka dibna wuxuu ku dhintay halkaa iyo dhanka mayga. icon_razz.gif



    Go Figure...

  10. Hee maya, dhar waa lasoo wada dhaqayee ilatahay aan 'Say Walaahi Crew' ka eheen, laakiin adiga feeradaa meesha keentayaan ka naxay aniga...Macbuudkoow.


    Okey Waa tanaa xujadda...Ha dhaaran.


    Maalmo ayaad safar soo aheed, oodan helin wax aad cunto ama cabto...Gaajo, oon, hadaad sigaar cabtit sigaar, wax walba way ku hayaa. Magaalaad timaadeen, magaalada waxaa yaala wax walba oo ay naftaadu rabtay, hilib, caano, biyo, cunto ayu nooc,LAAKIIN, hal shay bas ayaa laguu ogol yahay inaad cuntid ama cabtid.


    Aad intaad uga fiirsadit bal sheyga intaad cuntid waxa ku hayaba kaa bi'in lahaa noo sheeg?


    Good luck

  11. Unless you know the person very well it is not easy to aproach such topic. What I noticed is that when these ladies walk into a store to buy such products they normally claim that they are purchasing them for a friend and are not users themselves, despite the evidence on her lips, eye sockets and the creases of her fingers.


    Walaahi waxaa arkay like Choco mentioned, gabdho aad u middab qurxanaa oo haddana wajigooda uu sambab u ekaaday see marba wax u marinaayeen, kaaga darane way kusii wadaan...Laa xawla walaa quwata.


    PS. I think the above gabay should be shortened and included in the product boxes. smile.gif

  12. War meeshaan maanta maxaa kasoo socdo?...qalbi


    Party aan orkay orodaan ku galay mise waaba koox xukun doona, waa soo gidaaday...Secret society baan arkay, falaagaan mooday xisbiga dhinaca kale kasoo horjeedo, waa soo orday...Waa kanaa, like KK said.


    Senior Nomads waa loo yaaban yahay maalinka maantaya.

  13. Wow lovely, maasha-allah...You did amazing with both. My fave so far is the Cowl, very cute. Anything that has a turquoise color will look good with it. Keep up the good work and keep sharing your work with us.