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Posts posted by rantingmrp

  1. Carafaat;769349 wrote:
    The new constitution of Kenya is supposed to be implemented from january 2012. This would mean that Somali´s in NFD would get more rights to have their own provincial authority with a mandate on tax collection, budget allocation, choose their representatives and governors etc.

    The new constitution has been sabotaged even before it can begin work. The particular make-up of Kenya's economy and politics dooms the country to one of two possibilities: either non-Kikuyu presidents bent on redistributing kikuyu wealth to the rest of the country (thanks to Kenya's first president, who was kikuyu, kikuyus got a massive head-start in development and, with the capital city and all government departments headquartered in their region of origin, are significantly ahead of the rest of the country: Central Kenya's living standards and service provision levels are, according to the UNDP's 2011 annual report, at par with the general living standards of places like Brazil and China, including per capita GDP), or kikuyu presidents determined to maintain the status quo and get more wealth to their people.

    The result of all this was the violence in kenya after the stolen vote of 2007 december: the subsequent struggle has pitted non-kikuyus determined to install a federal constitution as you describe above (a county collects revenues as taxes, these go into a central pot, and then are allocated to counties for development on the basis of a formula that takes into account poverty levels, population density, infrastructural needs, etc). But Kikuyu leaders have seen the danger this poses: under the current president - who is kikuyu - central province, where kikuyus come from, pays far less in taxes per capita than any other region save for the badlands of NEP - what you call NFD. The result of this situation, if implemented, will be that central province will receive less in federal funds than the other provinces, since its development index is much higher than those of other regions.

    Kikuyu MPs are therefore trying their best to derail that implementation, hoping to force the current situation to persist. This looks like a doomed effort, however, since virtually all of the rest of the country is determined to get rid of the excesses of the past. Smart young Kenyan-Somali MPs and government officials are playing a crucial role in the implementation of the new constitution, including Isaack Hassan (chair of the electoral and boundaries commission), Adan Keynan MP, etc.

    One hopes the provisions of the document are implemented to the letter, to allow not just NEP, but the rest of Kenya (which is host to large numbers of Kenyan and Somali Somalis) to benefit from the dynamism of the country.

  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;768632 wrote:
    Horta Abtigis markastaba meel cidhidhi bu isku dhex tuura lol Abtigis from what clan are the girls who marry black men since you know waxa is pipbgereya.

    What colour are somalis, yellow? You probably mean ethnic background rather than colour. Economic, national and ethnic politics means it is probably more acceptable (in somalia) for somali women to marry white men or african american muslims or african americans in general (in that order, descending), but where communities rub up against each other (e.g. in Nairobi) or where the situation is dire (e.g. in Kenya's refugee camps, which are choc-full of somali families happy and willing to let their daughters marry anyone who will get them out of those hellholes), intermarriages happen with unremarkable regularity.

    In some cases it has assumed alarming manifestations for somalis: somali men losing their wives to kenyans in refugee camps, for example (see http://goo.gl/5LZzw).

    At any rate, people have been intermarrying for millenia and will continue to do so, regardless of prevailing or perceived social or tribal norms or mores.