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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    IOG have serious issues with UAE , yet when it comes to Somali issues they all form one single line. Theere are reports that UAE intelligence officers were waiting at the Djibouti airport to kidnap him. I have been telling you guys for years how Djibouti is benefiting from the so called war on terror and the instability in Somalia. Is this Fahad Yaasin guy serious? how could he trust Djibouti? Didn't he know how Geelle is a member of the opposition? Dadkan yaa la taliya? Rooble decided to revive the evil coalition : Sisi of Egypt, UAE, Saudis which drags Djibouti and Kenya with their leash. Didn't he know how the UAE destroyed or failed everything they touched from LIbya, Yemen Ethiopia, the gulf dispute and so on. Joe Biden and America had decided to avoid the disaster called UAE. In Ethiopia the TPLF was destroyed by their drones. Yet, once again they switched and decided to back Sudan and tow the American line. Like a jealous woman they saw Qatar leave Eritrea and they jumped in without thinking. The two main nations who contribute most of the troops like Uganda and Ethiopia are not involved with these shenanigans. Furthermore, Rooble and his clique in Mogadishu could damage and undermine the Turkish Airline flights to Mogadishu by interfering with civil aviation using illegal means to kidnap Somali government official. few months ago Belarusian authorities hijacked a flight to arrest one of the dissidents, and the EU decided to boycott their air space. Turkish airline is the lifeline of Somalia connecting us directly to the world. Waar ninka inaga qabta inta uusan dalka kala dirin. What is speaker Mursal waiting? Waar ninkan Rooble ee wax ma garatada ah dalka ka qabo inta aanu cadow gacanta ugalin , ama dagaal cusub qarxin.
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