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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    On another note, it seems our highly esteemed former member of SOL is close to breaking point. Having failed for the better most of the past 20 years to gain any traction for his so called SSC/Khaatumo bandwagon. I find it quite funny and bemusing to say the least, that Mr. Badawi is now at the mercy of Pirates, a group of folks that he used to show as much scorn as much as or even more than SNM folks. But let me just deflate this little dream of his, my assessment is DOA (Dead on arrival). The new leader of Garowe has no stomach to entertain where his predecessors broke their backs. In that, I see Sac-Magaalo much smarter than Dr. Gaas.
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