
“Our standard of living here is so bad that kids would rather join these terrorist organizations and go to their death,” says a Somali youth leader.

Instead of being talked about they want to be heard. They say they are the victims of recruitment and community leaders can dream up all the solutions in the world but Jama and Jeilani know why kids go, because they’ve lived it.

“Our standard of living here is so bad that kids would rather join these terrorist organizations and go to their death,” Jeilani said.

Jama co-founded the Cedar Riverside Youth Council in 2007 to bring young adults like them together. Jeilani is now the president of the council. Together the two say it’s their way to fight terrorism.

“The only way to combat ideology is with another ideology and that is ‘Hey you graduated from high school. There are these opportunities for you. This is America, the land of the dream. Take part of it'” Jama said.

While they weren’t invited to share their message at the table this time, they hope their community will listen before they lose more young lives.

“Them kids that are being neglected in the community are the ones out on the streets,” Jeilani said.


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