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Walaac laga qabo inuu dagaal ka dhex qarxo Ciiddamadda GMIS iyo kuwa DFKMGS ee isku hor-fadhiya duleedka Magaalladda Baydhabo.


Mogadishu, Khamiis, Nov 02, 2006 Radio Simba


Iyadoo uu fashil ku yimid Qabsoomidda Kulanka Wada-xaajoodka ee DFKMGS iyo GMIS, ayaa waxaa aad looga cabsi qabaa inuu dagaal ka dhex dillaaco labada dhinac.


Labada dhinac ee Ergooyinka ka kala socday GMIS iyo DFKMGS, waxa uu midba midka kale ku eedeynayaa inuu mas'uul ka yahay Fashilka ku yimid Kulankaasi.


Dhinaca kale, Ciiddamadda Maxkamadaha Islaamka ayaa waxay ku sii siqayaan dhinaca Magaalladda Baydhabo oo Xaruun KMG u ah Dowladda Federalka, waxaana la sheegay inay Ciiddamadda Maxkamadaha wax ka yar 40-Km u jiraan Baydhabo.


Mas'uul ka tirsan GMIS oo isagoo ku sugan Degmadda Buur-hakaba, Khadka Telefoonka maanta Wareysi ku siiyey Waregeyska Asharqal Awsad, ayaa sheegay haddii uu fashilmo Kulanka Kharttoum inay u jiheysan doonaan dagaal ay ku qaadaan Magaalladda Baydhabo.


Mas'uulkaasi GMIS uga hadlay Degmadda Buur-hakabo, ayaa sheegay inay DFKMGS dhabar u ridanayso Fahilka ku yimid Kulanka Wada-xaajoodka ee Khartoum, isagoo xusay inay Dowladda Federalka u oggolaatay inay Ciiddamadda Ethiopian-ka ku soo xadgudbaan Qaranimadda Somalia, isla markaana ay ku gacan sayreen in Ciiddamadda Ethiopia laga wada saaro gudaha dalka Somalia.


Mas'uulkaasi Wareysiga Khaaska ah siiyey Wargeyska Asharqal Awsad, oo codsaday inaan la carabaabin, waxa uu ku nuuxnuuxsaday inay Ciiddamadooda bilaabi doonaan waxa uu ugu yeero Loolan dagaal, si ay u qabsadaan Magaalladda Baydhabo.


Hadalka Mas'uulkaasi ayaa waxa uu ku soo beegmay iyadoo ay Ciiddamadda DFKMGS iyo kuwa Ethiopian-ka ee ku sugan duleedka Magaalladda Baydhabo wadaan dhaqdhaqaaq Ciiddan, isla markaana ay maalmihii la soo dhafay Carbis Dab-rod ah ka wadeen duleedka Xeradda Ciiddamadda ee Daynuunaay.


Dhinaca kale, Mas'uul ka tirsan DFKMGS, oo isagana maanta siiyey Wargeyska Asharqal Awsad, isagoo ku sugan Magaalladda Baydhabo, ayaa sheegay inaysan wax cabsi ah ka qabin duullaanka ay Ciiddamadda Maxkamadaha la soo maagan yihiin Magaalladda Baydhabo, isagoo xusay inay ku fashilmi doonaan isku-daygoodaasi, waa sida uu hadalka u yiri Mas'uulkaasi.


Diplomaasiyiinta Beesha Caalamka, ayaa waxay ka digeen haddii uu dagaal ka dhex qarxo Ciiddamadda GMIS iyo DFKMGS inuu saamayn guud ku yeelan doono Dalalka Geeska Afrika, isla markaana ay dhici karto inay Ciiddamo Shisheeye oo uu kua dhexeeyo Ficiltan-Siyaasadeed iyo mid Milliteri ay ku soo biixaan dagaalka u dhexeeya DFKMGS iyo GMIS.








Simba Media Center , Mogadishu

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MUQDISHO: Maxkamadaha Midoobay oo ka dhawaajiyay inay dagaal ku qaadayaan xarunta Dowladda ee Baydhabo

Posted to the Web Nov 02, 07:50



Muqdisho (PP) - Afhayeen magaciisa qariyay oo u hadlay Maxkaamdaha Midoobay ayaa wuxuu daboolka ka qaaday in Maxkamadaha ay ka go'an tahay inay weerar ku qaadan Magaalada Baydhabo oo ay dowladdu daggan tahay.


Afhayeenkaan magaciisa qariyay oo la hadlayay Sharqal-awsat ayaa sheegay in Maxkaamdaha ay isku diyaarinayaan inay weerar ku qaadaan maadaama uu hakad ku yimid shirkii lagu waday inuu ka fumo Magaalada Khartoum ee Dalka Sudan.


"Maxakamduhu waxay diyaariyeen Malleeshiyooyin fara badan si ay gacanta ugu dhigaan magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta u ah Dowladda Federaalka, taasna waa mid ka go'an madaxkamadaha" ayuu yiri afhayaankaas magaciisa qariyay oo ku suganaa xillliga uu hadlayay Wargeyska Sharqal-awsat Magaalada Buur-hakaba ee Gobolka Bay.


Wuxuu sheegay afhayeenkaan in baaqashada shirka ay iyaga dan u ahayd, waxaana uu sheegay dagaalka ka qarxa halkaas inuu gaari doono dowladaha dariska la ah Soomaaliya, waxaana uu carrabka ku adkeeyay inay jiri doonaan dagaallo kale oo ka dhaca dalka gudihiisa kuwaasoo dhex mari doona Dowladda iyo Maxkamadaha.


"Waxaan ku ururinaynay Degmada Buur-hakaba iyo deegaannada ku dhowdhow Askar daacad noo ah, waana kuwo loo tababaray inay dagaal la galaan ciidanka dowladda iyo kuwa Ethiopian-ka ah ee isla socda" ayuu yiri Afhayeenkaas oo aan magaciisa la soo xigan.


Dowladda Federaalka ayaa waxay ka dhawaajisay inay jiraan dhaqdhaaqyo ay wadaan Maxkamadaha kuwaasoo ay ku doonayaan inay dagaal ugu soo qaadaan Xaruntooda baydhabo, balse dowladdu waxay ka dhawaajisay inay iska difaacayaan weerar kasta oo kaga yimaada dhanka Maxkamadaha.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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Your 'finally' sxb is disgustingly 'xasiidnimo'. You are hopin a war on which neither will win nor loose, but whose sole victims will be the people.

Xasiid waa Xasadaan!

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Originally posted by Juje:

Your 'finally' sxb is disgustingly 'xasiidnimo'. You are hopin a war on which neither will win nor loose, but whose sole victims will be the people.

Xasiid waa Xasadaan!

In war,There is always a winner.I really can't wait for it,the sooner it breaks out,the sooner things will take shape.Its a blessing.

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Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane:

In war,There is always a winner.I really can't wait for it,the sooner it breaks out,the sooner things will take shape.Its a blessing.

Tell me who has won in the last sixteen years.

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Originally posted by Juje:

Tell me who has won in the last sixteen years. [/QB]

No body has fought the last 16 yrs.The oppression of civil and unarmed pple is not war,the show of who got more guns is not war and definately,the fighting of gangsters is not a war.

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Juji, Mr. Northerner is being sarcastic,and no doubt in my mind that he knows that war isn't good thing to take place. So don't be too quick to judge or insult someone taht quick.


But I am trully saddened to see what Lt.Xalane has scripted above, I very much doubt that this fellow knows anything about war in first hand.He doesnt' realize the human suffering that may take place.


It would be wise for such fellow to think about the result of war and that babies don't come to born in wars, rather you loose 'em.It's simple fact which is needed from this fellow, to realize and to grasp the realities of war which he is delightenly is awaiting to take place.


Shame on you Xalane.

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Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

Juji, Mr. Northerner is being sarcastic,and no doubt in my mind that he knows that war isn't good thing to take place. So don't be too quick to judge or insult someone taht quick.


But I am trully saddened to see what Lt.Xalane has scripted above, I very much doubt that this fellow knows anything about war in first hand.He doesnt' realize the human suffering that may take place.


It would be wise for such fellow to think about the result of war and that babies don't come to born in wars, rather you loose 'em.It's simple fact which is needed from this fellow, to realize and to grasp the realities of war which he is delightenly is awaiting to take place.


Shame on you Xalane.

MR.Red Sea,the somalian proverb goes like this '' dagaal wiil baa kudhinto ee wiil kumadhasho.U say that i don't realize the human suffering that is involved in war,but what is it that the pple haven't suffered yet?They have suffered more than anything for no price at all and should we had this kinda war long time ago,things would have been very different now.There are many things that are worse than death itself and numbers don't matter to me at all,so long as there is an underlined objective that has to be met with.And yes,i really am delighted,that soon,my pple,probably ur pple too,would find their peace,their happiness and their sovereignity in the out come of this great war that we all eagerly await.Redsea,only in war does peace come forth.Think about it and while u think about it,tell me one nation that hasn't had its dark times ?They all did,and under one banner,a govenrment of one that is,they came out of whatever darkness they were in.Think about it..

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So LT. Xalane, so where have you been in the last 17 years?


What more of war do you need to take place or were you young back then,so you want that movie or "game show" to replay?


We have been witnessing it in the last 16 years or so, and to say war which has ALREADY being tried and failed would settle things back to normal is absulately redicolous to say the least.


However,although I wouldn't suggest for war whatever the circumanstance and be so wishful as you seem to be, then I think it's time on the rightous' camp to take action as well, and put an end to these warlords' era for once and for all, by then I hope you won't be coming up with new way to calaacal on the cyber space.


All I can say at the moment is, we shall see and wait.I have full confidence and would support with all I have including puting my life on the line for the evildoers to be gotten rid off,are YOU willing to do the same yaa Luitanant?

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