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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    My dear brother Arabs never hate somalis,and when it comes prayer he knows if he has discrimination in his heart, his salad not acceptable, so why he waste his time in a mosque? There is everywhere discriminations, wealth,colour,different religions, education,culture,power, and even if you drive an old car. There is condition when you lead the prayers First... You shoud know yourself more taqwa. May be there is one man in the back line who is better than you, so look the people and ask who can be lead the prayers, this time your not looking white colour black or yellow we all stand front of allah with all colours. Our back home we have more discrimination than arabs normal life. Let me know if your don't understand my little eglish i will try another language.
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