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Woke up at 6:50am, took a quick shower, had some loxoox and prepared for work. As i was there waiting for the car to come, i decided to have one more cup of tea.


Sitting on my bed and sipping the coffee, my little child (3 and half years old) came next to me giving me a kiss and telling me:


"Daddy, You are Going to Die tonight".


I was shocked, never hear of him saying such words and he is not this type of children who talk too much and associate with the others too much.


I was like "What?" ,, He smiled and said "You are going to die tonight".


The car arrived and i left house thinking of that little kid.


I'm i'm really worried. Not coz i'm dying (everybody is dying anyway) but the fact that this might be true and the little i'm prepared to die this time.


I had to take and keep my ablution, i'm making Du'as and i'm doing some extra prayers in the office just in case I’m going to die tonight.


I can still see his smile Walaahi ,,, and how simple he said this. The mother wasn’t there and I didn’t tell her yet. I don’t want her to worry, not at all.


Now my question is, am I really going to die tonight ???


I’m feeling a little headache and it worries me. I injured my hand this morning and I’m worried about it. So basically everything is worrying me today.


I’m going to clean up my desk and work on some personal stuff to destroy or delete from my computer just in case. Should I call my Mom and say good bye and I Love her ? should I do the same to the wife ? what about the sisters and brothers ?? colleagues ?


I’m really worried and I don’t know if can even work properly today. I’ve classes in the afternoon but I’m just thinking to go home and stay there in case I’m going to die.


The other problem that is worrying me is how I’m going to die. Is it going to be a car accident, a gunshot, a heart attack or what ??



That wicked kid has really ruined my day. I can still see him smiling and saying “Daddy, you’re going to die tonight”.




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loooool ,, it is getting even scarier ,,,


I'm receiving calls from old friends that i haven't spoken with them over a year or so ......


Why today bal ?? ,,, they're just saying Hi and how things have been.

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LOL..i see why you worried. MIskiin i shouldn't laugh but im picturing that kid,lol.


JB,you know kid's premonitions tend to be true.So i would pack my suit case dear :D

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I love your little son, I hereby what I'm thinking, No, I can't give him my daughter, he might tell her she is dying! I like the fact that he has freaked you out. Well done to him. Tell him to go to Dahabshill for his reward. icon_razz.gif


JB, How you are living today should be how every Muslim lives, because the truth is we CAn and we will die anytime. When your time is up, it is up, I think you should try and keep the feeling, fear and remembrance of Allah going, make it a good and permanent change and feature in your life I'A. smile.gif


Thank your little boy for making you remember your lord and worship him like you should be. MAshallah, mashallah.

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You are so mean ibti ... come on you shouldn't send that reward quickly. :D


Yes we are all going to die but imagine your doctor tells you that you're dying in 3 hours ..... i just want to see your face then ,,, blue or green ,, hehe :D



I'm just thinking how i'm going to die dee ,,,, loooooooooool ,, I'm feeling dizzy already ,, is that the start ?? , :D

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Ms DD   

Please forgive me JB for you are about to die..

And I forgive you.. smile.gif


It could be true, it may never happen. either way as ibti said, try to live your life this way.


PS. Pay off all your debt...just in case

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Ms DD   

Transfer all your debt to someone else then. Get the kafan ..just in case of course. Make sure you tell all the men you know to attend your janaazah..ask them to clear their dairy for tomorrow.

I will post if i can think of more talooyin wanaagsan.

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Marka hore waxaad ka fakirtaa waxaad saad ama sahay u qaadan laheed hadaad dhimato, safarkaagu yuusan noqon mid bar go' ah oon buuxin, tuko salaad istikhaara, sheydaanka iska naar, culumo Alle ayaad tahay oo salaada badi, quraanka afka haka qaadin, ducooyinka isku duba rid, maalintaada farxad ku dhameeso.



Kulla Nafsin thaa'iqatulmawti, waad xasuusataa qisadii ninkii damcey inuu geerida ka dhuunto ee xilligii Nabi Suleiman, intii malaku mawt loo soo direy la yiri orodoo ninkaas nafta ka soo qaad, malaku mawtkii baa tagay magaaladii uu rabey inuu ninka nafta kaga qaado, balse ninkii meesha ma joogin, malagii Rabbi buu ku noqdey oo yiri Yaa Rabbi, ninkaad itiri nafta ka soo qaad ma joogo magaaladii aad ii dirtey, malagii baa lagu yiri adigu magaalada tag, bal u fiirso, ninkii wuxuu markaa la joogey Nabi Suleiman kana codsadey in uu magaala hebel tago meeshuna ay dheertahay sidaa darteedna ka codsadey nabi suleiman in qudradii iyo powerkii uu Rabbi siiyey isticmaalo, cajjiib, yaa nabiyullaahi magaaladdayda wey dheertahay ee dabeelaha i raacsii si aan durbaba u tago magaaladii, sidii buu ninkii meesha ku tagay iyo malagii oo sugayo, halkii baa nafta kaga baxdey.



Qisadu wey dheereed oo waliba ninkaas geeridu wuu necbaa sidaa awgeed ayuu magaalada kale ugu cararayey asoo moodayo inuu badbaadayo.



Anyway, just xasuusnoow, ajashaadu kolkey gaadho unbaad dhiman, walaa dhaktar, walaa cunug, walaa super power kale, walaa awliyo, walaa quruumo ayaan kuu sheegi karin waqtigaad dhimanayso.

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LoooooooooooL JB Cunuga Riiigoore ayuu ka dhaliyay wale ....inta laga NAXSADAY Ayaa lagugu qoslay waliba ...ciyaalka qaarba mucjiso ah



PS:Karfanti masoo iibsatay?

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That is really out of the blue, coming from a 3 year old.


I have to wonder, though. Can all this be because you made tea but drank coffee? smile.gif

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