
New Somaliland government and president declared (SUF)

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Oodweyne the reason the British did not enter treaty with the Arab community of our own Barwaaqo

here is they  were too small and were generally considered as part of "" for a longtime.  Even

in Kenya the community were part of   so it has nothing to do with having a coastal access.

It just shows some communities were always separate from each other and this whole concept of "

beesha dheexe" is new,  sure the nickname Idoor existed but a unified structure never existed for

at-least 500 years each tribe had its own rulers and territory and that is how it will remain.No white

man can change that.

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The British, French were only interested in the gates of the red sea. Since they were both in competition they sat next to each other. The British being most capable empire agreed with Ethiopia, but behind the Ethiopians told the Italians to take sea shore next to France and not leave any room until Suakin (Sudan) for the French.


Since this area was not devied up in the Berlin conference, Russia objected anything close or claimed by Ethiopia, the Russians had in communication with their co-religionist Emperor that time.

Therefore the British made it up as they go. Being a maritime empire and the suez opening Bab Elmendeb was as hot as its today.



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Oodweyne  lets agree to disagree. Personally I don't believe in this "beesha dheexe" nonsense. Which is why my boys show no mercy to the Jeegaan in Ceel Afweyn. Waxas bariga lagama yaqaan.

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9 hours ago, Alpha Blondy said:

Salaax, you're really wasting your time on this anti-Somaliland nonsense. what's even worse, is that you've taken the position of a fake Somalilander, as no Somalilander is against the interest of the Somaliland. you sort of remind me of that Puntlander sultan in Tukoraq who serenaded the west Burco community with poetry of being heroic and gallant but at the same time called for their death! you're a cuck for the west Burco community leading you to compromise your beliefs and self-worth. no amount of anti-Somaliland vitriol will give you back what you've lost! 


I've never seen anyone so fixated on wishing for the downfall of the country of Somaliland as this Salaax guy. If you look at this comment  history "the final nail on the coffin" for Somaliland has been hammered over a hundred may nails does it take lol? Regardless of his rantings that "a new government" is forming in some tea shop or qat den, the legitimacy, unity and strength of Somaliland from Saylac to Tukaraq continues....sorry Salax ;)

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I like Mustafa Martin and his program ," Qiimaynta" with Cali Xadhaadhe. He often exposes the  corruption and nepotism of the Jeegaan administration.


Yey, in his latest proclamation of exile government and being the head of that government , Mr. Martin diminished his prestige among those who were trying to depose the Jeegaan. He might be a good TV presenter, but not a good politician.


I wish he said," Dawlad ayaan soo wadnaa, ama urur qurba joog ah oo ka hortaga Jeegaanta".


Actually, I was one of those who were participating the consultation to fight back against the Jeegaan hegemony in Somaliland. We haven't reached anything yet, but the enthusiasm of the people to confront the Jeegaan is one of the largest, I have seen in my experience as someone who participated many grassroot political campaigns.


I hope Mr. Mustafe corrects himself, because this is not an entertainment for his audience or political football that could be used as his desire.


In fact, it stinks to someone who has an  ulterior motive to use this so called " Dawlad" to cash something from Muuse Biixi who is drowning as we speak. 


The Jeegaan is the weakest entity I have seen in Somaliland  for the last 15 years, and I sure Muuse will go down, but before we depose him, we must work hard and we must not insult the intelligence of our supports.


For the last few weeks, I have met many serious individuals , from SAnaag, and they want change. If Allah allows, I night provide here in SOL, the substance of our discussions as soon as possible. In our last meeting , I told the guys that this is not a hundred meter dash, but a maraton that needs a long stamina. Personally, I do not like the tendency of people trying to use every thing in the social media just for publicity alone.


Mr. Martin is a useful individual who could help us achieve some of our goals, but he must not rush and claim a king that no one has crowned. 


I hope he will correct himself.
















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My good ole friend Galbeedi,


This reminds of a story I heard some time ago when attending a funeral from relatives of the deceased. It is said people who are bed ridden with terminal disease just days before they are about to die, they somehow miraculously gain a lot of strength. And to the loved ones surrounding that person this gives them a lot of hope that at very long last their loved one is gaining momentum and maybe getting healthier. But things take a bad turn quickly dashing all the hope and it is all over.  


I see this all of a sudden awakening of the Unionists on the back of "Jeegaanta" bandwagon as nothing more than "noolaatay naftii naxashka saarnayd"


So my old friends, while it lasts, enjoy. 

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At this stage, the issue is not about union yet. It is about either destroying the Jeegaan political and economic infrastructure that made them steal the election and loot the public purse. No one's expecting good governance and or better outcome from the Jeegaan. 


Todoba sano ka hor dawlad baa lagu wareejiyey, dawladiina waxay u bdesheen mid " Mafia reereed" ah oo ummaddii maalkoodu, iyo masiirkoodiiba way boobeen. 


They will never give power back easily unless pressure is applied by the majority of the people. Also, the people are tired of likes of Faysal Waraabe, Ina Dhoola yare and other members from your community who have failed to fix the system and help the opposition or get out of the way. UCID party has been the useful idiot that keeps the Jeegaan flourish. 


The first act of the next election will be to eliminate this dark horse and out its place a real opposition party. We all know the Jeegaan is minority in Somaliland and will be deposed sooner than you think.










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1 hour ago, galbeedi said:



At this stage, the issue is not about union yet. It is about either destroying the Jeegaan political and economic infrastructure that made them steal the election and loot the public purse. No one's expecting good governance and or better outcome from the Jeegaan. 


Todoba sano ka hor dawlad baa lagu wareejiyey, dawladiina waxay u bdesheen mid " Mafia reereed" ah oo ummaddii maalkoodu, iyo masiirkoodiiba way boobeen. 


They will never give power back easily unless pressure is applied by the majority of the people. Also, the people are tired of likes of Faysal Waraabe, Ina Dhoola yare and other members from your community who have failed to fix the system and help the opposition or get out of the way. UCID party has been the useful idiot that keeps the Jeegaan flourish. 


The first act of the next election will be to eliminate this dark horse and out its place a real opposition party. We all know the Jeegaan is minority in Somaliland and will be deposed sooner than you think.












If I were you, I wouldn't place too much into this. At the end of the day nothing will happen. This is not Koonfurta Somalia dadku iska daba cararaan shakhsi or indivitual. Reer Somaliland may voice their dissatisfaction vehemently but they know where the red line that no one crosses. 


Everything you hear and see today will only have the affect at the end of day to make Somaliland stronger and move towards the right direction. 

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