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Ninkii Marqaamay ! ! ! ! VERY FUNNY STORY

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waxaa ka dhacay magaalada Antwerp wadanka Belgium nin ayaa wuxuu soo jeedey almost 1week oo uu meel fadhiyey uuna qayilayey.


markii danbe ayaa waxaa cuncuntay futada ninkii wuxuu is yiri futada xoqo ! ! ! ! !


Show tiisa xoqi maayee wuxuu xoqayaa saaxiibkii Futad*iisa . . markaasuu yiri saaxiibkii war waamaxay dee ? ? !!!


maqlimaayo isagu.. .. . . . way ku sii kacday mar kaasuu aad u sii xoqay! ! ! :D:D


Hadhow ayuu saaxiibkii tusay dadkii oo dhan; bal ninkan futadayda xoqaya eega ! ! !


Cabbaar ka dib buu ogaaday . . . . . dee xaal baa lagu xukumay inuu u qaado wixii meesha fadhiyey oo dhan qaad




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It’s funny in a very sad way, saaxib. Many of these guys suffer from serious addictions. This magic grass plays havoc with their lives and the lives of those around them. When we don’t have any famous and expensive clinics to send them to and wean them of this drug, how the hell are they going to stop?


The case of the guy you mentioned is an extreme one, the mild idiosyncrasies of others however, are widespread. Even those that don’t chew play a part in the circulation of this drug; when they get married they distribute boxes of this stuff to all who’ll have them! I was also shocked recently to find that some people also dispense that substance to people who come to pay their condolences after funerals! This disease has become a part of our Somali culture. It is our Somali culture.


The older people are content with just chewing Jaat without deviating into any other forms of drugs. The younger ones however, start with this and then move on to all sorts of other filth. Sometimes, they mix it with alcohol, marijuana and various pills!


You’ll be surprised to know that I have no real objection to the drug itself; after all, people are free to do whatever they want to do. I would however like them to be aware of what they’re getting themselves into before they do it. I have no statistics to back me up here; all I’m going by is what I’ve seen with my own eyes. I accept that this might not be representative of all Somalis that indulge in such practises. Still, I can’t help wondering why is it that when Somalis develop a taste for something, they always give it one hundred percent effort? I see the Somali drunks in the streets stumbling and falling as they walk and I wonder why I’ve never seen a Somali who looked normal but had a stench of alcohol emanating from his person? Does the word “moderation†not exist in our vocabulary? Why is it that when we drink we become drunks and when we chew or smoke we become Zombies? Are there no Somalis who occasionally dip a toe into the ocean of intoxication instead of diving right in all the time? :mad:


Again, maybe I presume too much and I’m letting my disappointment and bewilderment get the better of me here. :(

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I'm sure that jacaylbaro didn't mean for this topic to become a serious one, but ngonge ur right.


An old class mate of mine was asking us what we planned to do for ciid several yrs ago. When we told him our plans of going shopping and all the other stuff we would indulge in, he just laughed and said he was celebrating his ciid with a fiver. To buy a can of beer and jaad with that is. And spend his ciid in a merry way.

After saying this he burst out laughing as proud as can be and walked off still smiling. This boy of course, later became the prime suspect for everything that went missing in school and was involved with drug dealers as well as local gangs.


What is so sad about it all was that when i started that school, he used to look out for me like an older brother would, and made sure no one bothered me. In the end he just became tempramental... :(

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