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Qoslaye goes for the low blow again.

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puntland has been working on projects to build garacad port and secured funding for it. then all of a sudden, qoslaye sends high level delegation and moves the project to Galmudug. waaw.


WAR DEG DEG AH+Dhageyso:- Villa Soomaaliya Oo Mashaariicdii dhismaha dekadda Garacad iyo wadada Wadaagsin qaab musuq maasuq ah Galmudug ugu wareejisay.


War deg deg ah oo hadda soo shaac baxay ayaa lagu xaqiijiyey in mashriic ballaaran oo dawladda Puntland ay ka heshay dalalka deeqaha bixiya laguna dhisi lahaa dekadda deegaan xeebeedka Garacad ee gobolka Mudug iyo wadada wadaagsin loo yaqaano ee isku xiraysa Garacad illaa Galdogob in mashaariicdaas madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ay qaab musuq maasuq ah ugu wareejisay deegaano Maamulka Galmudug ka tirsan sida dekadda Hobyo iyo wadada isku xiraysa Hobyo iyo Muqdisho.


Villa Soomaaliya ayaa wadamada deeqaha bixiyaha ee mashaariicdaan Puntland kula heshiiyey u daba martay iyadoo adeegsatay awood dawladeed oo qabyaaladaysan, iyadoona arrintaan laga qariyey xafiiska ra’iisul wasaaraha xukuumadda Soomaaliya, uuna hoos ka waday oo safarro dibadda ah u galay Ra’iisul wasaare ku xigeenka dawladda Muqdisho Cumar Carte Qaalib.


Xildhibaan Cabdibarre Yuusuf Jibriil oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka federaalka ayaa caddeeyay in khiyaanadaan laga shaqaynayey asbuucyadii lasoo dhaafay, islamarkaasina qabiilkii iyo dagaalkii sokeeye ee foosha xumaa uu wali ka socdo madaxtooyada villa Soomaaliya dhexdeeda.

Xildhibaan Cabdibarre wuxuu wareysiga ku sheegay in dawladda Puntland ay khiyaanadaan ka war hayso, xilli Muqdisho ay ka socdaan wada hadallo xasaasi ah oo mustaqbalka doorasho ee Soomaaliya ku saabsan.

Hoos ka dhageyso wareysiga Xildhibaan Cabdibarre uu Radio daljir siiyey

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If this is true, it's unfortunate. However, does Pland really need another port? The region's population is barely 3 million. Invest a big in Bosaso port and airport, and Garowe airport; that should suffice.


What's badly needed are roads, electricity and water. Ports mean nothing if goods cannot be produced and transported. A village like Garacad can serve a fishing hub.

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Haddii meesha qabiil wax lagu kala xadayo, PL soo nin meesha uma joogo. Why cry if GalMudug outmaneuvers you in your own game!

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Che, Garacad afkaaga ka leexi ;) It's not a "village," but a YUGE town roughly the size of Decatur, GA!! Jokes aside, I think what was proposed for Garacad is not a commercial port, but rather a jetty or small port for fishing boats and small dhows. The Wadaagsin (hope I am saying it correctly) road is the main project for Garacad as it will connect the coast to the interior towns (Galkacyo and etc) and then to border. This road if it's built well and utilized to its potential could create a tremendous trade and improve people's live.


I will rather see Somalis vying for projects and outmaneuver each other to improve their backyards than fight over whose dust town or leader is better than others. Kudos for GM for trying to make a case for their town over PL's, I think they're playing a fair game!

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^I think they are going for a bigger project than a simple jetty. The lufluf is more that way.


You don't play fair by going to donors to try to cancel another's project especially using the imprimatur of the federal government. Not sure how true this story is though - Somalis always like to cry bloody murder.

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