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After Senile Silanyo fails to help Awdal people, Somalia Gov says will step in

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Wasiirka Warfaafinta Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdi Xayir maareeye Dowaldu wey u istaagtay u gurmadka dadka Gobolka Awdal ee abaaraha xuun hayso





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Waxa dadkan abaarhuhu saameeyeen ka mid ah dad badan oo Zone 5 ka yimid oo mudo sanad ah aanu roob hagaagsan helin. Roobka sayaxa ee Jiilaalka xeebaha ka da'a ayey Xoolohoodi la soo aadeen. Way soo qululeen " if you know the language. Wax Roob ahina ma da'in. Hadana iyaga iyo xoolohoodii ayaa dib u soo laabtay. Marka lagu daro dadkii Xeebaha degana ee abaaruhu saameeyeen , waa dad aad u badan.


Dawlada Degaanka Soomaalidu wax taageera ah ma soo gaadhsiin dadkaas iyo Xoolohooda oo soo laabanayey. Dadka degaanka ayaa baabuur ku qaaday iyaga iyo waxii xoolo ah ee soo hadhay.


The business community in Awdal and Hargeisa have done a great job to reach out in the hard hit area around the coastal area. The Awdal diaspora around the globe also has raised a lot of funds and sent the money to the " Gudiga Abaaraha".


There were some help from the government. Few trucks with food and water has arrived, but they did not set up an emergency personal to coordinate the effort, Although I heard that Waran cadde and Zaylici will be heading a drought council.


One thing I can say is that the people of Somaliland have done much better than the government. Women groups, youths, businessmen and regular people have contributed a lot.


Finally this issue of drought in the coastal area and rural lands will be a constant issue unless we change the way people live. Our people in the horn of Africa are living the way people lived for two thousand years ago. You can not sustain life in semi arid hot Savanah area without irrigation and the creation of artificial lakes and reservoirs to hold water. These Coastal people must move closer to the ocean and learn how to fish and build permanent communities. They faced these same issues just four years ago in 2012.


Ecologically the land, the livestock and people are connected in the cycle of life. If you keep cutting trees, raping the land, then the land will be dead . Then the animals will follow , and when you loose the basic livestock that is sustaining your life , you will be dead next. That is what happening today. Fire wood is the biggest environmental disaster in the country side. The poor nomad makes pennies , but he kills life for himself and his animals.


In northern Ethiopia and other countries, nomads were removed and forced to communes , where people and their lives are put together in permanent villages where they can be farmers , small businesses and small life stock for milk, butter and meat for these towns. Rather than the scattered nomadic life of rooming non stop. The Somalis rejected and some of the Oromo's resisted the Communes.


To achieve this, you need a progressive leaders and strong state to change how life is sustained in the Somali lands of today.


Last Friday The Awdal Community In Alberta collected some money for the drought relieve. I told The guys: " rather than just send the money and keep feeding people , let us urge the local drought council that they should use this money to rent Riggs and dig deep water wells in the hard hit area. In the long term , it could help more than just buy rice and oil as usual.


The Somali habited land is dying. Last year , a friend of mine travelled fro Addis to Borama , then to all the way to Boosaaso. He said from Addis the land is greener and fertile until you reach the land surrounding Jigjiga. The zone five is dry and grey. As you cross closer to the boarder, it is even worse with drought. That was last summer. In the north east the higher mountain elevation of Sanaag are still good and heathy , but the law land are dry.


Some of you have seen the news about Shabeelle river, and we are still arguing about our own enclaves. If we do not get change for the better in the coming years, May Allah help us.













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The residents of villa xamar should learn the principle that charity starts at home and help the desperate refugees living in squalor right next to their gated and guarded fortresses.

The nomadic people of Awdal and some other communities in Somaliland are no doubt suffering may Allah help them, but unlike in Mogadishu and the south, whatever help the victims of this natural calamity get from others is usually delivered to them without diversions.

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Galbeedi why is the administration in the Somali zone of Ethiopia not helping the drough victims of your community when the Federal government of Ethiopia sent the aid needed to help all the communities in need? It seems the Ogs are demonic in their practice of tribalism.

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Galbeedi Very good points, our shacab are gob but our curse

is the administration. Few days ago I was watching one of

the ministers saying we will build reservoirs, dams etc after

6 years in charge and less than 1 year left for their admin,

talk about leaving it too late.

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“Shame” macnaheedu soo ceeb ma’ahayn mise anaa wareersan

In lays caawiyo waa waajib ceebna meel kamasoo gasho haba yaraatee.


Abaaraha cudurada khilaafka waa miisaan lagu ogaanayo imaanka muslinka intuu le’egyahay alxamdulilah calaa kuli xaal,waan in lagu qancaa qadarta ilaahay iyo wixii alle keeno.


Federaalka soomaaliya sharci ahaan waa masuulka noo matala caalamka isu tagey, markii laga tago bitibitida faraha badan ilaa saylac ilaa labada raas, ama qorax kasoo bax iyo qorax u dhac. waxaan ka hadlayaa waa sharuucda caalamka u dagsan boob ka hadli maayo


Madaxweyne farxaan haduu ku dhawaaqo xaalad deg deg ah abaaraha biyo la’aanta waa hadal isku day leh oo masuul looga baahanaa tabartu meeshay doonto haku geyso, balse haduu ka baqo in faysal waraabe telefeshinka ugasoo jawaabo waa daciifnimo meeshii ugu hoosaysay.



Reer waqooyi galbeed waa masuuliyiinta ugu muhiimsan fedaraalka soomaaliya lamana ogola in magacooda lasoo qaado doog iyo abaar, sababtu maxay tahay? Maxaa dhacaya haddii lasoo hadal qaado?

Ma cuno qabtayn iyo safaaradohoo la kala qaataa xigta?


I have no idea whatsoever someone please!


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Laba mid yeel, tag dalkii oo u sheeg dadkeena sida ay u bedelaan sida ay u nool yihiin. Fikradaa SOL ku soo bandhigideeddu waa biyo col dhaanshay! Hadaanad dalkii tegi karin dad sidaa yeela siminaaro u fur oo fikradaa ha la tijaabiyo.

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