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security force capture militias pls Car used to kill Saado Ali and MP Xeyd

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security force capture alshabaab militias with arms explosive device and Toyota Hilux SURF vehicle used to kill Saado Cali Warsame - xildhibaan Xeyd, maareeyaha hey’adda duulista iyo saadaasha hawada oo isna lagu dhaawacay gaarigan iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada qalabka sida.


This was a big break the vehicle was used to kill many Gov workers and MP's -Police in Mogadishu have spotted the vehicle followed to it a resident , special Task force was dispatch and raided the houses found bombs suicide jackets militias etc significant step and moral and confident boost to the Security forces congrats .


Rag is Qarxin rabay oo ay Ciidamada Nabad Sugidda Hoygooda ka soo qabteen (VIDEO)


November 14, 2014 – Howlgal ay xalay ciidanka hey’adda nabadsugidda iyo sirdoonka Qaranka ka sameeyeen Muqdisho ayeey kusoo qabteen maleeshiyaad, gaadiid loo adeegsan jiray dilalka inta badan ka dhaca magaalada, jaakadaha qaraxa, hub iyo rasaas farabadan.


Howlgalkani oo ka dhacay degmada Dharkeynleey ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxaa fuliyay ciidamo si gaar ah u tababaran oo ka tirsan hey’adda nabadsugidda iyo sirdoonka qaranka, kadib markii ay hey’addu heshay xog ku saabsan in guri ku yaala degmada Dharkeeynleey ay degganyihiin koox maleeshiyaad ah oo ka tirsan Shabaab kuwaasoo shalay dilay sarkaal ka tirsanaa ciidanka Asluubta.




Ciidamada ayaa xalay u dhacay gurigaasi waxeyna ku soo qabteen tiro maleeshiyaad ah, gaari Toyota Hilux SURF ah oo in muddo ah lagu raad joogay kaasoo hore u fuliyay dilalka dad isugu jiray shacab iyo mas’uuliyiin, hub, rasaas iyo walxaha qarxa.


Dadka lagu dilay gaarigan waxaa ka mid ah Allaha u naxariistee xildhibaan Xeyd, Saado Cali Warsame, maareeyaha hey’adda duulista iyo saadaasha hawada oo isna lagu dhaawacay gaarigan iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada qalabka sida.


Ragga gurigan lagu soo qabtay ayaa la rumeeysanyahay ineey qeyb ka yihiin gacan ku dhiiglayaashii fulin jiray dilalkaasi, sidoo kale waxyaabaha gurigaasi laga helay waxaa ka mid ahaa jaakadaha qaraxa, dekumintiyo iyo boorsooyinka haweenka oo lagu xiray qaraxyo.


Maleeshiyaadkan ay ciidamadu soo qabteen ayaa la xaqiijiyay ineey yihiin kuwa dilalka iyo qaraxyada ka geeysan jiray magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasoo hore u galaaftay nolosha dad badan oo abriyo ah.




Xafiiska Muqdisho

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More great news this week security capture Alshabaab militias responsible for the lastest wave of assassination in the Nation capital


Great job security force are demonstrating they can protect and secure the Nation no more relying on Amsiom or foreign forces


Dowladda oo sheegtay in ay gacanta ku soo dhigtay Ragii shalay Dilalka ka gaystay Muqdisho (VIDEO)


November 13, 2014 – Howlgal ciidanka nabadsugida qaranka Soomaaliya ka sameeyeen magaalada Muqdsiho ayaa lagu soo qab qabtay gaadiid la aamin sanyahay in ay ka danbeeyeen falalkii amni darida ahaa ee ka dhacay maalmihii lasoo dhaafay magaalada Muqdisho.


Afhayeenka Wasaarada amniga Qaranka Maxm’d yuusuf Cismaan ayaa sheegay in dabagal dheer kadib la soo ogaaday meesha ay ragani ka soo kici jireen.



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It is a good news. looking the video, there are two main points. One, Al-shabaab is using money for their operations. They could easily find mules to carry their logistical needs. Also, the so called Zadd service or money transfer through telephone is their life line. They don't have to meet physically their cell members or the mules. They send the money unanimously. This Zaad thing should be have banned not today but yesterday. Where does Al-shbaab getting this huge money to rent big villas in Mogadishu. If I were the intelligence community, I would have followed the money trail.


The second point is these weapons , explosive jackets, and sophisticated belts are not assembled in Mogadishu. This are not stuff that non state actors could acquire easily. They are full package delivered by foreign intelligence, probably from the gulf countries or others. The government should concentrate on finding these connections. Last week a shipment of weapons were discovered at Mogadishu port. The shipment originated from China and so far no word of the company that purchased.

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Your are right sophisticated explosive device and suicide belts are import from foreign intelligence , Thank Allah Nabadsugida are getting more professional and are receiving great cooperation by the public. Alshabaab seem to have large some of money i don't no how they are generating the revenue considering they lost key economic regions and ports .......





Today they are targeting Arms dealers in Mogadishu success sweep great to see strong security institution progressing.



waxa ay maanta ku bartilmaameedsanadeen goobaha sida sharci darrada ah hubka loogu iibiyo ee ku yaala magaalada Muqdisho.






Ciidamada nabadsugidda iyo kuwa booliska ayaa maanta howlgal ay kusoo qabteen sarkaal ka tirsan Al-Shabaab ka sameeyeen deegaanka Lafoole ee duleedka magaalada Muqdisho.



Sarkaalkan oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Muxumed Yuusuf ayaa waxa uuku hubeysnaa xilligi la qabanayay labo bam gacmeed, labo qori oo noca AK47, labo qori nuuca Jabshaha loo yaqaan iyo afar rasaas oo qorigaasi loo isticmaalo.


Taliyaha hogaanka howlaha ciidanka booliiska sareeyo guuto Axmed Xasan Maalin ayaa sheegay in howlgalkan ay iska kaashadeen hay’adaha ammaanka, isla markaana ay horjoogahan horgeyn doonaan sharciga.

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