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Mogadishu on fire as security continue to disarm HAG heavyweights

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Mogadishu's warlords are like Mexico's drug barons. Both of these groups profit from the misery and insecurity of the people in the societies they have infested like rats carrying plague. No among of negotiations, appeals, or reasoning will persuade them to choose law and order over anarchy and mayhem. The only way the evil activities of these warlords can be stopped is to uproot them violently from the society. Mogadishu should be cleansed of their influence.

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doctor, You may not know daaci personally but i do. Daaci is not a mooryaan he's a hero he defended his Wadajir district from Al shabaab without amisom and he defeated them dozen of times and im talking about 2009-2011 never ever did Al shabaab manage to capture his district. He lost his leg from a explosion and still he did his job protecting the people of the district. He takes care of more than 200 agoon kids all from his own pocket. it's unfortunate it's first time in 9 years there was fightings in the district and the sad thing it's government troops attacking its citizens. Amisom indiscrimintely shelled the the civilians. alot of movements going on the civilians are really angry xaalada wey kacsantahay the youth are coming from all the way from kaaraan to take part of the fightings. Daaci is currently outside wadajir and preparing for a offensive and he got a huge support from reer wadajir and kaaraan no kidding.

As you know the man on a personal level it is likely you have seen some good aspects of his personality. But the activities of this warlord and what he stands are a clear obstacle to peace and order in the region and so he should be eliminated.

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Wasaarada Amniga oo sheegtay in magaalada Baydhabo laga bilaabay howl galada hub ka dhigista

by A M | Sunday, Aug 17, 2014 | 2042 views





Wasaarada Amniga Qaranka ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in magaalada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Baay laga bilabay howl galka hub ka dhigista ee dhowaan ay ansixiyeen Golaha Wasiirada.


Gudoomiye kuxigeenka dhinaca amniga iyo siyaasada magaalada Baydhabo C/qaadir Sheekh Cali ayaa sheegay inuu bilowday howl galka lagu uruurinayo hubka sharci darada, isagoo uga digay dadka si sharci darada hubka ugu dhex sida magaalada Baydhabo.


Wasiir kuxigeenka Amniga Qaranka Ibraahim Isaaq Yarow oo ku sugan magaalada Baydhabo ayaa soo saaray awaamiir ku aadan dhinaca amniga, isagoo ciidamada dowladda faray inay qaadaan howl galo hub ka dhigis ah.

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It is about time these vile warlords are getting their arses handed to them and It would be good if their confiscated arms are getting destroyed because you never know if they are going to end up in the wrong hands again. Some of our men and women in uniform are in desperate situations since the government does not pay them accordingly and I would not be surprised if some of their loot trickles back into the arms black market again.

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Ciidamada Nabad Sugida oo Howlgal ay ka fuliyeen Muqdisho kusoo qabtay Hogaamiye Maxamed Gafaaje iyo hub uu lahaa





Ciidamada Nabad Sugida Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa howlgal ay ka fuliyeen Magaalada Muqdisho waxa ay kusoo qabteen Hogaamiye katirsanaa Kooxaha Burcad badeeda Soomaalida iyo hub uu lahaa.

Sida aan Wararka ku heleyno Ciidamada Nabad Sugida ayaa Howlgal waxa ay ka fuliyeen Guri kuyaala Xaafada Laba Dhagax ee Gobolka Banaadir waxa ayna howlgalkaasi kusoo qabteen Maxamed Cabdi Gafaaje oo ahaa Hogaamiye sare oo katirsanaa Kooxaha Burcad badeeda.


Ciidamada Nabad Sugia ayaa guriga Hogaamiyahan katirsanaa Burcad Badeeda Soomaalida waxa ay kasoo qabteen hub badan oo nuuca yar yar iyo hub kale oo la sheegay in uu heestay Ninkan Burcad badeeda katirsanaa.


Maxamed Cabdi Gafaaje iyo qaar kamid ah ilaaladiisa ayaa lagu xiray xarun ay Ciidamada Nabad Sugida ku leeyihiin Magaalada Muqdisho , mana jirin wax iska hor imaad ah oo dhax maray Ciidamada Nabad Sugida iyo ilaalada Hogaamiyahan katirsan Kooxda Burcad badeeda.


Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa maalmahan Magaalada Muqwdisho waxa ay ka waday howlgalo gaar ah o hubka looga dhigayo Hogaamiyaal iyo Siyaasiyiin hubeesan oo kusugan qeybo kamid ah Magaalada Muqdisho.


Xafiiska Shabakada

Muqdisho Somalia



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Howlgallo dad iyo hub lagu soo qabtay oo laga sameeyay Suuqa Bakaaraha “DAAWO”

Published on August 19, 2014 by Mohamed White-ka · No Comments · 1,280 views

Ciidamada ammaanka ee dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa gacanta ku soo dhigay hub iyo ku dhawaad 30 qof oo la tuhunsanyahay inay ka tirsanyihiin kooxda Al-Shabaab




Howlgalkaan ay ciidamadu ka sameeyeen gudaha suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha gaar ahaan goobo ay ciidamadu ku tuhmayeen in ay ku dhuumaaleysanayan maeleshiyaad ka tirsan Al-Shabaab ayaa lagu guuleystay in lagu soo qabto hub iyo dhalinyaro kale oo maleeshiyaadkaasi lala xiriirinayo, kuwaasi oo saxaafadda loo soo bandhigay.




Guddoomiyaha degmada Howlwadaag Axmed Nuur Siyaad ayaa sheegay in goobaha maanta howlgallada laga sameeyay ay ahaayeen goobo cayiman oo ay ciidamadu ka warhayeen inay ku dhuumaaleysanayaan maleeshiyaad ka tirsan Al-Shabaab, waxaana uu intaa ku daray in dhalinyarada lagu soo qabtay ay ku socoto baaritaanno ku aadan ka mid ahaanshiyaha kooxda Al-Shabaab.




“Baaritaannada ku socda dhalinyarada waxaa lagu kala saarayaa kuwa ka tirsan Shabaab iyo kuwa aan ka tirsaneyn, marka ay soo gabo gabowdana waa la sii deyn doonaa dadka lagu waayo kiisaska loo haysto” ayuu guddoomiyaha Degmada Howlwadaag hadalkiisa ku daray.


Hay’adaha amniga ayaa maalmihii ugu dambeeyay waxa ay wadeen howlgallo lagu baacsanayo haraadiga maleeshiyada Al-Shabaab, iyagoo ku guuleystay inay gacanta ku dhigaan hub iyo kooxo nabad diid ah.




We'll done sweep the city Ban Guns and Alshabaab / mooryaans

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Malister, The government should be on the offensives instead of reacting to the al-shabaab actions. This will disrupt their plans, and they will be spending their time hiding.


This the first time for two years that Al shabaab is feeling the heat. Please keep the pressure

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