
Professor Ghaandi proposes that Somali Capital moved to another city.

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Dilkii Saado kadib waxaa Baarlam. ka doodayaa in caasimada Xamar laga raro



Wasiirkii hore ee difaaca ee DFMG ahna mudane ka tirsan Xildhibaanada Soomaaliya Prof. Mohamed Abdi Xaji-Mohamed (Prof. Gaandi) ayaa daboolka ka qaaday isagoo u waramaya Idaacadaha Soomaalida ee dibada in kadib dilkii AUN Xildhibaanada Saado Cali Warsame ay Mudanyaasha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, kuwa aan u dhalan Beelaha Hawiye bilaabeen in ay wax iska weydiiyaan kana doodaan Mustaqbalkooda iyo caasimad Soomaaliyeed oo dhamaan umada Soomaaliyeed xor iyo nabad galyo utahay kunoolasheeda (Capital Cityn of Somalia)

Xidhibaan Prof. Gaandi ayaa tilmaamay in Soomaaliya ay u bahaantahay goob dagan oo xasiloon oo lagooye caasimada Soomaaliya si howl wadeenada dowlada Federaalka iyo Baarlamaankaba ugu adeegaan umada Soomaaliyeed nabad galyo, xasilooni iyo xornimo.

Prof. Gaandi ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in dilkii wuxushnimada haa ee loogeystay AUN Saado Cali u ahaa mid Siyaasadeed, isla markaana cadeyn u ah oo qofwalba ku baraarugo in magaalad Xamar ay tahay meesha aduunka ugu halista badan oo lagu dilay in ka badan 8-Xildhibaan iyo wasiiro dowladeed, sidaas daraadeedn laga maarmaan ay tahay in caasimada Soomaaliya loo raaro gobolada kale ee ka xasilooni iyo nabadgalyada badan, maadaama awalba ay horey carareen umdii caasimada ka dhigatay.

Prof. Gaandi ayaa sidoo kale shegeay in Gobolada kale ee Soomaaliya ay iminka ku nool yihiin qabaa’ilo kala duwan oo Soomaaliyeed, xasiloonidooda iyo nabadgalyadoodana ay aad u wanaagsantahay, umadana aysan kala xigin oo qolo walba nabadgalyada qeybteeda ka qaadaneyso, halka Muqdisho ay hal reer oo kaliya ku nool yihiin, nabadana ay iyagu col la yihiin.

Mohamed Abdi Xaji-Mohamed (Prof. Gaandi) ayaa asagoo ka jawaabay su’aasha ah in asaga iyo Danjire Cumar Cambdirashiid Cali Sharma’arke ay la heshiiyeen Madaxweyne Xasan Bunga Bunga ayaa sheegay in asaga xagiisa aysan wax heshiis ah jirin, isla markaana usan wax jago iyo xil ah ka dooneyniin dowlada Federaalka.

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niyoow the debate has started at parliament. it is gaining steam. the killing of saado ali sealed mogadishu's faith as a city full of lawless, heartless thugs killing innocent people. mogadishu has become a city with no future for anyone other than terrorists marauding around as government workers. you will be killed if you disagree with qoslaye, indhocade, xaad, axmed diriye and other suspects. the killers will just kill you and escape in front everyone and no body will chase the killers like Reer Garoowe did when terrorist gunned a well known sheikh. people of garowe rose to the occassion and caught the killer even after he was spraying bullets at the chasers. they taught terrorist a lesson that he or she will not run away. nobody in mogadishu will ever do that because the goverment, the police, the shopkeepers, the street person are all either informers for alshabab or are working with alshabab killing people.

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The time for this debate has . It should happened long time ago. " jiritaanka ummadda iyo caasimada midkee muhiimsan". The Somali people should not wait another twenty years to have a functioning state, because the Capital is unsafe. How many more have to be refugees., how many have to die in the shark infested oceans.


In the real world peacebuilding and statebuilding starts from the save areas controlled by the government, then slowly it spreads to the area controlled by insurgents or others. At minimum the government must have peaceful base to operate. Since 2000, when the Carta government was established, successive governments have been relocating to Mogadishu knowing the insecurity. a


We all have been brainwashed to accept that paying Mogadishu is the key for the Somali State. Well, for how long?


Moving to smaller town will definitely eliminate v, the threat of terrorism, or substantially reduce it.

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Nimanyohow, waa is naqaanaa oo Somali politics are dog eat dog game of tribal monkey-like chest beating, fuelled by reer hebel are trying to steal our prime resources, in this case, everything that comes with being the largest and most powerful residents of the capital town.


People whose interests lie in having the capital in their backyard would spin the relocation of the capital as a thefty from their tribesmen.


And I do believe that many who are pushing this agenda aren't driven by 'the nation's interest ' but Stealing the limelight from reer hebel.


Solution in my humble opinion is work honestly hard in getting solutions that bring back the peace.



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So Mooge, where do you want the new capital to be . 1. Garowe. 2 Qardho.3. Bandar Beyla. 4. Your Garage. 5. Socotra.6. Bosaso.7. The International Space Centre. 8. SOL politics Section. 9 . Oppia. 10. Alula. Waa ku qabso kuma qadi weeyasidee .

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Move the capital to Baidoa make Maay Maay second language I welcome that ........



Puntland is too dangerous Alshabaab have carried out successful missions killing Intellectuals sheikhs - Generals - Government workers and etc





Mogadishu will be more stable And Rich it's time to move the capital To neutral ground .........


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LOL i laugh at people thinking change of the capital will make a difference. Moving the capital won't solve anything. Al Shabab is at war with the government and Mogadishu is the seat of the government. If the capital were to be moved, the violence will move to the new capital.

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Cadale. I think it's now fair to assume there are other players that do not want peace in Mogadishu, players with deep pockets. It is also clear that general public cannot be rallied to support the Government. Unlike other regions including Somaliland and Puntland, the public in Xamar seems powerless. And there are no traditional leaders that can be trusted to rally the public.


Somalistart. Baydhabo is neutral? hehe, I guess neutral means anywhere certain tribes don't inhibit

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Che personally i want the capital to be changed. walle qaraxyada iyo dilalka naga yaraan lahayd. :lol:

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Cadale, only city that has the backing of local population, culumo and elites can replace Xamar.


For Xamar to be the Capital, the President should hold reconciliation for local tribes and get firm support from them. He would need the support of culumo and traditional leaders (not Xaad and Diiriye types) for credibility sake,


And the biggest asset or obstacle would be the business community, some of whom are very shady.

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Somalistart. Baydhabo is neutral? hehe, I guess neutral means anywhere certain tribes don’t inhibit




We'll Baidoa could use some economic bail out plus it's land lock ....


If X scared in Jowhare and Y don't feel safe in Qardho ? What other option do we have .....


Kismaayo is under siege by Alshabaab and oday Barre .......



Che what city do you suggest ?




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