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puntland upraor after Saado is assassinated.

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Garowe(pp) Xildhibaanada Baarlamanka dowladda Puntland ayaa tacsi ka diray allaha u naxariistee geeridii ku timi Xildhibaan Saado Cali Warsame oo ka mid ahayd baarlamaanka DFS.

Xildhibaan Siciid Cabdi Samatar oo la hadlay Puntlandpost ayaa sheegay isagoo wakiil ka ah xildhibaanadda Puntland waxa uu fariin tacsi ah u diray ehelkii iyo dadkii ay ka baxday Saado Cali Warsame oo ahayd Fanaanad si wayn loo yaqaan kana mid ahayd hobaladii Waabari.


Waxa uus heegay Xildhbaan Siciid inay dishay koox doonaya inay cabsi galliyaan shaqadda Baarlamaanku uu dalka u hayo wuxuna sheegay inay dhimatay tobankii danbe ee Ramadaan.


Saado Cali Warsame ayaa ka mid ah Xildhibaanadda dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya kasoo galay Gobaladda Puntland waxayna itii ay noolayd ka hadli jirtay sidii nabadda iyo midnimadda umadda Soomaaliyeed loosoo celin lahaa.


Sidoo kale waxaa fariin tacsi ah halkan ka diraya Mamulka iyo shaqalaha warbaahinta caalamiga ah ee waxayna ILLAAHAY uga baryayaaan inuu Janatul farowso ka waraabiyo.

Xafiiska Garowe

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the killers want to disrupts the work of the parliament to get rid of damjadiidist HAGist qoslaye. that is what the statement is telling you.



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friends from Garowe are telling me all the MPs in the Puntland parliament are upset, shocked and pissed. this is really an inside job assassination.


let us not sugarcoat it and call it what it is. it was a political assassination that had nothing to do with alshabab's agenda.




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Mooge can I ask you a question? Why is it that everytime a public figure like her is shot, it's done in a public crowded place, with at least a dozen witnesses. Yet for some reason, no one steps forward and identify the killers?


Are the people refusing to cooperate with the police? Or are the police just really really bad at their jobs?

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Doctor, these people are known. they are unuka family. they street walkers, the shopkeeper, the killers all know each other. they don't even hide. it is amazing niyoow. they are unuka friends and HAG family. this was brazen murder and not even secret assassination. people could see the killers wide open. it tells you something about who is doing the killing. it is the people in the city, the locals, the local clans. there are no foriegners from other regions anymore. it is all unuka niyoow.



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These killers are literally walking up to the lady in BROAD DAYLIGHT and shooting her multiple times. And this has happened to multiple MP Members, not just her. And NOBODY ever steps forward and reports the murder to the police. No one is ever arrested.


And it explains why Abdiweli Gaas had to bring his own security forces when he visited Mogadishu a few months ago. He knew he couldn't trust the people in Xamar with his life. And it explains why the current Prime Minister had to bring his OWN security detail from his own sub-clan to protect him!


If the people of Mogadishu are the ones behind such actions, then Mogadishu really has no place in Somali politics. If this is the culture of Mogadishu, then there needs to be some serious house-cleaning done before we can ever take that city seriously again

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"I think this post here has united all Puntlanders to start bashing".


Word comingg out is they approached her car on level terms ands started shooting.


Of course the public would dive for cover (what human wouldnt?!)


The security officers do not have efficent skills.


Now, with all your "know-hows", quick question, why dont you come back and put some value into your knowledge?


Just a thought.


Allahu rahma to saado, really it was a shocking, I currently reside in mogadishu and the people are just likr you, they duck for cover. And that is exactly what they did.


May Allan bring justice to her killers, she was a true wadani.

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And I am telling you, everybody is upset today residing in Xamar, she was loved by all.. Samar and imaan to her family and grant her jannah

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Dad jiran qabyaalad la degtay ayaa waxaan camal qabyaalad ku tilmaamo.


Shantii sano u dambeysay inta qof magac ku leh bulshada iyo xildhibaanada ma qabiilnimo ayaa loo dilay iyagana?


Xildhibaanad Qamar, wasiir Caddoow, Jilaa Marshaale, wariyaashii caanka ahaa, xildhibaanadii tirada badnaa.



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Unuka iyo anaka ha noo kala qaybin saaxiib wixii tiisu gasho waa dhiman, inuka iyo anakaba waa la dhiman


Waxaan u malaynayaa inay toosin la’ayihiin qaabka ciidan u dhismo

Dhismaha ciidanka waxaa laga bilaabaa boliskiisii asaga ilaalin lahaa iyo sharcigiisii, shaqo kalana ma qabtaan,aan ka ahyn toosinta ciidanka


Askari haduusan ka baqin inuu koofiyadiisa gacanta ku qaato askari maahan

Booliska sidoo kale daba galka sidoo kale wuxuba waa silsilado kala baqa ciidan dhisan haddaad maqasho aragtidayda ,


Hadiise qabiil lagu keeno harqaanka ugu sokeeyana xidigo ka tasho mushaar la siiyo meeluu

xidigihii la aaday aan la ogayn, dawladnimadaasu waxay noqonaysaa midaan isku filayn oo fowdo ku dhex jirta waligeed, wayna socaynaysaa kalmadda dad aan haybtooda la aqoon.

Haybtooda waa la yaqaan waa ciidan la’aan.


mar kale saado iyo intii ka horaysaba allaha u naxariisto


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Doctor, these people are known. they are unuka family. they street walkers, the shopkeeper, the killers all know each other. they don't even hide. it is amazing niyoow. they are unuka friends and HAG family. this was brazen murder and not even secret assassination. people could see the killers wide open. it tells you something about who is doing the killing. it is the people in the city, the locals, the local clans. there are no foriegners from other regions anymore. it is all unuka niyoow.


stop the lies mooge. Unuka are the most targetted people in Mogadishu by Al shabaab. more than 1500 men consisting of saraakiil,oday dhaqameed,daqaatiir etc has been killed since 2006. It's actually documented let me find it for you.

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stop the lies mooge. Unuka are the most targetted people in Mogadishu by Al shabaab. more than 1500 men consisting of saraakiil,oday dhaqameed,daqaatiir etc has been killed since 2006. It's actually documented let me find it for you.




Everyone loser here stop fadhi kudiri talk.




criminal or alharam same thing all Somalis suffer.

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