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Dr Osman Investigations - Why Puntland Is The Power Of Somalia

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Before I start to investigate the topic at hand, let me say I know alot of people will find the title of this topic a bit provocative but I urge those who do please understand why I say that because I have been reading into Somali politics a fair bit lately especially from the 1960's till now and have found a consistent power at hand that hasn't changed at all.


For example, In the 1960s the SYL party was formed by the Puntland folks, sure they're may have been all somalis clan in it as members but the formation of the party, its founder, its charter and the core essence of it was all done by a Puntlander by the name of Yasin Sharmarke. The other clans appear to be in it so the party got a national look only. Heck I even think it's nominated leader Abdillahi Issa was simply chosen to enhance the party to look like a national one with Puntland strings working in the background. If you go and study the revolution era also you will find the same consistent pattern. For example when Siyad came he came during a time of turmoil among Puntlanders when Sharmarke Senior was assasinated in Las anod. Thru that chaos he managed to take the leadership by FORCE not through vote or even his tribal background.


After close observations of the revolution era I noticed the Puntlanders then built the first Rebel group which all of a sudden all Somalis followed on with and which led to the destruction of the state. Then came Aideed who again a trible who isn't considered 'soo jireen' used that vaccum of power and chaos among the traditional rulers and manipulated it for his own well being and as a way to remain in power. That's why he used threw the SAHAL boogeyman card among the HAG to keep them focussed on something else and at the same time united. It appears he was trying his best to get rid of any remnants of soo jireenka because he allied with non soo jireen clans among SAHAL like the gedo and even the big foot clan and the SNM in the north. Basically trying to run away from the traditional rulers and minimizing them as much as possible. During this era from 1991 too 2000 we saw anarchy, chaos, rape, looting, and attempts to reconcilation all collapse due mainly to the fact the traditional power base clans like Puntland were never supportive of it. Then came abdiqasim who was the first govt attempted and recognized as a transitional govt even though Puntlanders boycotted his GOVT, we saw nothing of tangible effects come from his rule that we can thank for today except 4.5.


Then came Abdillahi yusuf the man who set the train we are on now, in 98 he declared Puntland a federal entity and declared federalism for Somalia with absolutely no backing from the international community, it was a policy similar to the somalilanders secession in the wilderness at that time. But in a short 4 year period 1998-2002 federalism was accepted at Embagathi Kenya in the famous 2002 conference as Somali political framework. Abdillahi yusuf then was elected as president and he kick started the federal roadmap that we were on since 2004 till 2012.


Basically in this period of transition, a long transition we we were in the making to become a federal nation, we developed a federal constitution, ended the transition, and recently regional govts are forming around the nation. The garowe 1 and 2 conferences where this current government was built for the first time became officially recognized as Somali govtin 2012. I saw from my studies when-ever a govt was tried to be formed without Puntlander support, it never came to being and quickly disappeared but with Abdillahi Yusuf Federal GOVT, It's still here going hard.


In all honesty from my investigation I have found all the regional governments in Somalia need Puntland approval or their existence becomes non-existance. For example Jubaland would never of existed if Puntland didn't accept it. South West region will never be a 6 state solution because it goes against Puntland policy for 3 states there. Mogadishu govt would never have been recognized if it wasn't build in Garowe 1 and 2 and not using the constitution developed in Garowe, if they did try to follow their own way like they have done in the past we would've have seen chaos and no govt all over again for mogadishu and the international community pull out immediately.


I noticed also how the central regions cannot be built without caalin, qaybdiid, ximan iyo xeeb, geedi, baadiyow and all the HAGS basically always coming to garowe and seeking advice and assistance and APPROVAL or why else would they keep coming, they know the truth nothing will happen in Somalia without Puntlanders, they tried doing things without Puntlanders since 91 and they know the end result of such a policy which is no GOVT.


Another interesting observation I made also was the fact how Puntland refusal of Khatumo basically means they can't go beyond conference mode for so many years now, it's one conference after another, international community refusing them, etc. I think this proves again the fact Puntland decides the fate of Somalis for good or for bad. Another interesting observation is Somaliland who is limited to begging for recognition, begging for 20 years with no end result insight. They tried to ally with HAG with no result, they tried to ally with SSC folks yet no results, they even tried to bring some no named sultan from gedo to hargeisa to recognize them but always ending with the same result no recognition. This proves to me that Puntland refusing Somaliland recognition is why no international community will ever recognize them because they see Somaliland as under Puntland or else they would've of recognized them a longgggggg time ago, they dont want to make the Puntlanders angry basically. So I really think it is in Somaliland interest to do what the HAGS in hamar did and get approval from Garowe, its a fact of life if you want a solution, no point chasing sool, sultan of gedo, district councils in the west, its jug jug halkada jog, its time wasting and denying reality.


I really do believe after my close investigations and Faysal Ali Waraabe video on Puntland, he is right Puntland is a final say on Somali people and is responsible for the mess Somalia is in. I don't know but all I've seen from Somali politics history and today is, if you want to do something in Somalia, you need to go garowe no matter what clan you are or else you will never succeed in the nation and just remain in the wilderness like khatumo-somaliland or fighting like shabab.







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Thank you Dooktore Osman and welcome back what can I Say amazing just amazing your detailed view of the local politics is second to non. You are a shining light of honesty, integrity and super awesome kkk. As allways I agree with you Sir :-) Please do continue preaching to these heathens of nonpuntlandic politics . Sir that you accept it is Puntland which is responsible for the mess our people is in s hows you forward thinking , Hawdian Nabadoon.:-)

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You have s point somehow but they ARE the problem.


Puntlanders are known to think they better thsn all. South Somalia just needs to realise this now before its to late for them

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Layskuma hayo taariikhda reer puntland inay meel fiican kasoo gashay soomaaliya halgankii gobanomada burburkiina ilaahay dad badan ku badbaadiyay nabadgelyana laga helay.


laydinkama maarmo,taas macnaheedu maahan inaad suuro lasoo fariisato marka marxalad colaad lagu jiro iyo faan, shaqo xoog leh oo puntland ka balaaran baa taal awoowe



Dhanka kale

Allaha u naxariistee maxaa taariikhda adeer c/laahi loo qurxiyay?

Soo maahan ninkii ugu horeeyay oo xabadda dami weyday riday, ayadoo la nabad qabo?

Soo maahayn madaxweynihii ugu horeeyay oo aqbalay inuu tadhase ama gebre villa soomaliya la seexdo?

Soo maahan ninkii nuur cadde u tanaasulay? Hadana yemen ku dhintay?


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Nothng superior. Just that you shoke hands with Iblis himself, the only tribe to do that in Somalia. Heck You not even true Somalis!

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Beesha Lugooyo oo Qabsatay shir baladhan.




Baryahanba wuxu shir balaadhani u sodaa Beeshayada Lug-gooyo,kaasi oo ay iskugu yimaadeen qaybaha Bulshada oo ay ku jiraan nooc waliba:Dhalinyaro,Waayeel,Culimada Beesha,Aqoonyahan,Dumarka,dhagar qabayaasha,dhiigyacabyada,khaayimiinta,Tuugta.Dilaaliinta,Beenaaleyaasha,Xaaraan-quutayaasha,Nacam-layaasha,Kabaqaadyada,Dhuun-raacayada,basaasiiinya,Abu-marqaanada,,Afmiinhshaarada,Geel-jiraha,adhijirta,Saaqidiinta,Sakhraamada,Jaadlayaasha.Dibjirada,Darbijiifta iyo dhamaanta Bulshada Beeshayada Lug-gooyo qaybaheeda ka hadhsan intaa oo soo sheegay.


Shirku oo ka dhacay Magaalada ma-korto ee Gobolka ma-gudbe waxa lagu furay heeso qaraami ah,.iyo muusig.Mar kaliya ayay dadkii isla heleen jiibta iyo jaanta.Cabaar markii lagu raaxaytay heesaha iyo muusiga,ayuu hadalka bilaabay Suldaanka guud ee beeshayada Lug-gooyo Suldaan Habaar,Suldaan Ceebddoon,Suldaan Dhuuni-qaaate,kaasi oo ku bilaabay hadalkiisa amaanta Beeshayada Luggoyo,iyo cayda Beelaha kale, isaga oo aad ugu dheeraaday Taarikhda ay Beeshu ku lahayd- halgankii lagu burburiyay nolosha ee lagu horseeday qaajada,haraadka,xanuunka,gunnimada,isla markaana lagaga guuray Gobnimada,kaasi oo lagu gaadhay nolosha manta lagu jiro ee lagu cuno raashinka dhacay,laguna cabo sharaabka dhacay ee dadku aanay haysan dawo iyo daryeel midna.


Intaa ka dibna waxa hadalka la wareegay Borqorka guud ee Beesha,Boqor Hunguri,Boqor, Dhaqanbiis,,Boqor Ibaanlaawe,kaasi oo isna ka hadllay Taarikhdii ay Beeshu ku lahayd dhinaca Mirqaanka iyo balwada.Waxaanu ka sheekeeyay sheekooyin badan oo ka mid yihiin qaar u sheeegay in la odhanjiray”,kabaha Xaajiga ayaa Uraya”.Taasi oo u sheegay ila isticmaali jiray marka Ninka lacagtu ka dhamaado mid kale oo cusubina meesha joogo.Sacabka ayaa aad loogu tumay,Boqor Hungurina aad ayuu qoslay.




Gababadii,waxa laysla gartay in Beesha Luggooyo ay aad uga tashato aayaheeda iyo Sidii ay Beeshu u heli lahayd sadbursi aanay haysan Beelaha kale,iyo sidii ay Beeshu wax kasta kalideed u helihayd,taasi oo ah mod Beesha xaq u leedahay oo aanay cidna ka baryi doonin.

Shirka oo socon doona middo 5 bilood ah ayay Beeshayada Luggooyo soo saari doontaa go’aaamo rasmi ah.kuwaasi oo ka turjumidoona rabitaanka Beesha luggooyo.

Axmed Aadan Xussen

Luton Uk




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I just want to clarify that I did not intend to offend anyone. when I read the article, it amused me , so I thought to share with SOL readers, then I thought which category will it fit better, and I placed it here. It doesn't have any bearing or refer in no way with the honourable community Dr. Osman is praising.


I hope you understand.

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Hahahaha @ Beesha loog,gooyo walee dhib badana finally a funny comical piece that takes the piss on beesha loog,gooyo :-). B

Note : Beesha loog,gooyo waa belaha oo dhaan mid farta ku fiig maha kkkkkk

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