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Qoslaaye is accused once again of working with Alshabab. Mooshin MPs are injured

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Tooshka wareega: Xildhibaanadii mooshinka M/weynaha waday oo qaarkood dhawaacyo halis ah soo gaaray

Last update 24-05-14

Tooshka wareega ee bogga caalamiga ah ee Allidamaale wuxuu sidoo kale diirada saarayaa weerarka maanta lagu qaaday Xaruunta Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya.


Waxaa is weeydiin mudan su'aalaha soo socda?:


Maxeey tahay sababta uu Xassan Bunga Bunga u hubeeyo qaybo ka mid ah Al Shabaab ayadoo weeraro halista ah ay ku qaadayaan Hubka uu siiyo.


Maxeey tahay sababta uu Xassan Bunga Bunga cafiska ugu fidiyay Taliyihii hore ee Ciidan ku sheega Asluubta oo ay Maxkamada Sare ku xukuntay xabsi daa'inka, kadib markii lagu cadeeyey wada shaqaaynta aadka halista u ah uu la lahaa Al Shabaab?


Maxeey tahay sababta siyaasadeed ka dambaysa weerarkaan ay Al-Shabaab maanta ku qaadeen Xaruunta Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya?


Maxaa wada kulan siiyeey ka maqnaashada ay Xamar ka wada maqan yihin Madaxweeyne Xassan Bunga Bunga, Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Jawaari iyo ku Xigeenkiisa Koowaad Jeylaani Iikar? Bad adba!


Hada ka hor ma dhacday in Madaxweeynaha, Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Ku Xigeenkiisa Koowaad ay Xamar ka wada maqnaadaan? Sharci ku sheega Dowlada Xamar ma dhigayaa in Madaxweeynaha Xamar, Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Ku Xigeenkiisa Koowaad ay mar qura Xamar ka wada maqan yihin?


Hadaba suurta gal ma tahay in Xassan Bunga Bunga uu hoos ka amray weeraarka ay Al Shabaab ku qaaday Xaruunta Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah maadaama sida la wada ogyahay ay Xildhibaano badan ku hawlan yihin mooshin ay doonayo in Xassan Bunga iyo Kooxdiisa Damul Jadiid ay afka ciida u daraan?


Maxey uga Jawaabayaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed xildhibaandii sheegay in maanta lagu balamiyay in aysan ka baaqan xarunta Baarlamaanka, kuwaas oo sheegay in la doonayay in lagu laayo meesha, ayadoo lagu dhawaacay xildhibaano badan oo ka mid ah kuwii waday mooshinka Madaxweyne Xasan.

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the plot thickens niyoow. I told you this qoslaye person was a cancer to the somali race. some people are saying he is working with Godane and orchestrated an attack against the MPs who were trying to oust him and he left the country. loool.



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alshabab loves qoslaaye because he is what they want, a weak leader who is corrupt and will never take the fight to them. they want someone who is unable to do anything while they destroy our country piece by piece. qoslaye fits very nicely into Gadane's vision.


like I said, until qoslaye leaves, Alshabab and Godane will never be defeated because he is another one of their enablers.

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It's good that the International Community has finally seen Qoslaye for what he is, and then we can make the necessary arrangements so that by 2016, a new President who is at least halfway-competent can take over the country.


I hope that the events over the past couple months, especially the attempted impeachment of Qoslaye, and the attack on Villa Somalia, could shake some sense into him and force him to improve. Maybe he'll get a LITTLE better. But maybe I'm being optimistic.


It's times like these that I miss Sheikh Shariif. As strange as that sounds.

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Allah ha u Nazariisto intii ku geeriyootay difaaca ummadda.


This attack was targeted to the institutions of the nation. In my observation, after this attack there are both good that indicate accountability and awful reality that can't disappear easily.


First , it shows for the first time that Somali leaders are accountable for their actions or inactions. The resignation of the security minister shows that people are demanding action and they have been heard. A government that listens the concern of it's citizens is a move for the right direction.


Second, the threat of the terrorists will be with us for a long time. No one can stop a brainwashed youth who want to blow up their own citizens. A sophisticated and advanced countries like Israel couldn't stop the Palestinian suicide bombers for a long time. If somebody want to die it is difficult to stop.


Having said that , there is a big difference between a lone bomber and a dozen armed men with military gear storming the parliament.


How can we stop these groups?. Well it is difficult, but we could do few things to minimize the damage and stop future threats.


1- The Federal government must stop acting like the government of Mogadishu.

While there are mayors and a governor for the local administration of the city, the national security of the capital and the country is not job of the civilian administration. Mungaab may be a general, but , we know he is neither a military man or intelligence officer, his main concern should be administrative, policing and local governance. This is not the pacifying of a city but the symbol of the country, so Somalis from different walk of life must used to pacify. It should not be under the leadership of the governor but the federal security agencies.


2- The local military members are probably infested with some disgruntled soldiers or even sympathizers of Al-shabaab. It is not too late to recruit the army from the whole country. Why not ask each member of parliament to bring or recruit 100 soldiers from his region. A truly national and well paid army could much better than the tribal militia masquerading as national army.


3- In my opinion most of these bombs are built and assembled in the Al-shabaab controlled safe havens. It is very important to dislodge and take back these districts from them as soon as possible. THese kind of large number of young men participating in these kind of deadly mission is an indication that they must have been prepared and indoctrinated specifically for these kind of mission. We know Al-shabaab controlled areas lack internet, television or other media to know what is going on. They have probably kept together for months just to poison their mind, and then throw them for the last minute in to their death. The leadership keeps them in dark and discards them like insects in a fire. You can't start the offensive against these districts and then stop another six months, it must be continued.


4- If some of them are assembled in Mogadishu, then random, unannounced checkpoints must be introduced daily. Of course you must project an image of save city for investors and others to attract , but that constant, emergency like mentality must be present in the minds of the security and intelligence officers. No more partying or wedding. I heard that the security minister just got married few days ago to his second wife. Well, how can he go to honeymoon when the country is bleeding. THere are certain districts in Mogadishu where al-shabaab operates openly. this must stop. The sympathizers must be pressured and followed. How come Dahir Aweys still talking. He should have been put to death for the mayhem and destruction he caused for many innocents. Life in prison or 10 years would have been a gift for him, instead he is coloring his bear in comfortable suit.


6- The movements of the army within the city limits must be controlled. All of the terrorists use military uniform when they attack government places. I don't how it could implemented, but the movements of military personnel must be coordinated or known before hand.


7- The spy network of Al-shabaab, especially those who assassinate are roaming the city. I have seen few captured members in the media. They seem to be well dressed and local boys. These guys may seem ruthless in their targeted killing , but they are not willing to die. Confession and information gathering from them is easy. Every case must be investigated thoroughly.


8- If all these and many other measures do not weaken Al-shabaab or produce tangible results, then the strategy must change, including relocating the capital to a safer place where the security forces could be build and parliament can operate openly. Xadhig jiid ma soconayo.



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Oh, by the way guy, please stop these nonsense about Qoslaaye sending Al-shabaab to kill the members. Conspiracies must have logic.

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Galbeedi, do you think more needs to be done to punish the sub-clans who are known for leaning towards Al Shabab? Should the Federal Government (under a New President) put incredible pressure on these clans, including--but not limited to--imprisoning the clan elders, executing those who are known to give material support to Al Shabab, and giving incentives for them to support the Federal Government?


If the current Government refrained from executing Hassan Dahir Aweys simply because of his sub-clan protecting him, then why didn't the President grow some balls and execute Dahir Aweys anyways? Send a message to the rest of Al Shabab sympathizers that this behavior won't be tolerated in Somalia. What was his sub-clan gonna do, other than complain and criticize the Government? This President should've been able to call their bluff.


But there seriously needs to be an Establishment of a competent Somali Intelligence Agency, and a Somali Secret Service which takes the fight to these terrorists, punishes those who support Al Shabaab, and gives incentives for certain clans to support the Federal Government.


I would favor a National Conscription Policy where the Army and Navy of Somalia recruit a man from each and every household in Somalia.


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Qoslaaye lives in a city where businesses are paying taxes to both gov't and Shabaab. That is the reality on the ground.


These so called leadership haven't got the trust and cooperation of the people, and unless they earn it, they will achieve nothing.


They need to worry about the hunger, lack of shelter, clothing and wellbeing of the children of the capital and the rest. Show it in action and deed, then people will be cooperative.


Until then, shimbirayohow heesa!

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Dr kenny, everybody knows that certain clans are supporting Al-shabaab. Those who feel marginalized must be given incentives and brought to the fold. At the same time, no mercy should be shown for those who participated for crimes against the people. Aweys was with Al-shabaab until the power struggle between him and Godane. At least he should have been brought to military court to answer those crimes. If certain clan decides to drail the nation it must face the power of the state. This is not dictatorship where a clan may claim to be targeted by another clan in the government. Using the power legitimately will justify eliminating the treat.


Those who associate must be dealt harshly. The next President must be both tough and creative. The army should be part of the job creation among the youth. The Youth will come from all over the place. Have you ever heard anyone talking about mixing the regional forces and militias with national army.? How about the Puntland army? all those armies should be mixed in order to create a national army.


I asked a member of parliament about addressing the national army issue. He said most of them do not want an army in Mogadishu. They afraid that it might be dominated by a certain clans. The Army is the most important institution for peace and security, and they are not asking their share


Every clan or sub clan want to be in the Parliament. Why they don't demand the same way to be part of the national army?, why delegate the power to use violence to certain tribes?.


Dhagaxtuur, you probably know better than us but, if those districts are paying the taxes to Al-shabaab, then the government must tell the nation about these harsh realities. Are you saying Al-shabaab is offering something for the public fot these taxes?.


Last week I was talking to a businessman from Puntland, not like the "ditore Osman" type, but a logical man who is not also emotional like most of us. We discussed about the choice of the next President and how it was imperative that he must not be a HAG or those who failed. He emphatically said that the next leader should be HAG. I asked him why?, He answered " if we elect somebody else the spoilers may just grab their "Cimaamad" and become al-shabaab again". in his logic, he says in order to eliminate the Shabaab threat and spoilers, we need one more leader of HAG in order to bring the country back.


I totally disagree. Hag, must crush the Terrorist sympathizers among them before another leader comes. Every Somali knows that this is the last time for anyone to vote for a Hag leader.



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So basically, they do not believe the government will prevail. THat is a sad situation. They probably sense the incompetence of the government.

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