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Somaliland 300K Terrorist Infested Enclave Captures Taleh

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DEG DEG:Ciidamo ka tirsan Soomaaliland oo la wareegay Taleex


Posted on April 15, 2014Raad Raaca, RBC, Wararka



Garoowe[RBC Radio]Degmada Taleex ee gobolka Sool,waxaa saakay la wareegay ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka Soomaaliland,kuwaaso fariisimo ka sameystay hareeraha magaalada,sida waxaa sheegay dadka deegaanka.


Waxaa la sheegay inuusan jirin wax iska hor imaad ah,xilligaana si buuxda ay degmada ugu gacan gashay Soomaaliland.


Degmada Taleex,waxaa ay fariisin u ahaayd maamulka Khaatumo,waana degmada ka tirsan Puntland iyadoona ku taalla gobollada ay ku muransanyihiin Puntland iyo Soomaaliland.


Ma jirto war inta dheer oo wali laga hayo xaaladda degmada Taleex ee taarikhiga ah.


Dhinaca kale waxaa xilligaan magaalada Garoowe shir jaraa’id ku qabtay madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland C/xakiim Cumar Camey,waxaana ku waheliya shirka golayaasha dowladda.


Wali ma uusan soo dhammaan shirka jaraa’id ee ay dowladda uga hadlayso xaaladda Taleex,waxaana wararka an helayno ay sheegayan in heegan buuxa la galiyey ciidamada Puntland.


Arrintan ayaa waxaa ay dhalin karta dagaallo toos ah oo dhexmara dowladda Puntland iyo Soomaaliland,waxaana xusid mudan in xilli hore madaxweynaha maamulka Soomaaliland uu booqosho ku tagay magaalada Laasqoray.


Waxii ku soo kordha warkan kala soco Raxanreeb Online,Insha allah

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After seeing the achievement of Khatuume state and the Danger of Talex conference - Hargeysa admin aggressively attacked .



Puntland is done for Abdi cawar campaigning slogan liberating SSC region ended in Nightmare.




Dhinaca kale waxaa xilligaan magaalada Garoowe shir jaraa’id ku qabtay madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland C/xakiim Cumar Camey,waxaana ku waheliya shirka golayaasha dowladda.


Wali ma uusan soo dhammaan shirka jaraa’id ee ay dowladda uga hadlayso xaaladda Taleex,waxaana wararka an helayno ay sheegayan in heegan buuxa la galiyey ciidamada Puntland.




Puntland admin are too weak --- They will issue statement we under Siege by Terrorist ..



Puntland Needs to Go under SFG and for its own Survival before is too late ........... Next stop will be Garowe and Bosaso .


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Mali, Puntland minister of finance was drinking tea at the VIP lounge in Hargeisa Airport, that sends the wrong signals. When in the world do you see two regions that are hostile to each other having tea at their frickin airport. Their must be some sort of under the table agreement here because that's just not right.


Puntland can easily squash somaliland my friend, a jilib would be sufficient but there seems to be other plans at work here. I honestly think that somaliland was told if they join the federation they can control the northern areas of somalia. I really have that suspicion.Because when your being negiotated between foreign power like ethiopia, one side wont get the cake their needs to be something there to satisfy both parties at conflict and I really think that is what happened that the SNM accepted federation on the condition of the northern borders and Puntland accepted that on the provision that somaliland will still be under somalia and our influence at a federal level. What i mean our influence sxb the HAG listen to us whether u like it or not before SNM. You can see the inaugration of abdiweli how many hags were there. We will control u federally with HAG mouthpiece with sahal heart kkkkk

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Mali, Puntland minister of finance was drinking tea at the VIP lounge in Hargeisa Airport, that sends the wrong signals. When in the world do you see two regions that are hostile to each other having tea at their frickin airport. Their must be some sort of under the table agreement here because that's just not right.


Puntland can easily squash somaliland my friend, a jilib would be sufficient but there seems to be other plans at work here. I honestly think that somaliland was told if they join the federation they can control the northern areas of somalia. I really have that suspicion.Because when your being negiotated between foreign power like ethiopia, one side wont get the cake their needs to be something there to satisfy both parties at conflict and I really think that is what happened that the SNM accepted federation on the condition of the northern borders and Puntland accepted that on the provision that somaliland will still be under somalia and our influence at a federal level. What i mean our influence sxb the HAG listen to us whether u like it or not before SNM. You can see the inaugration of abdiweli how many hags were there. We will control u federally with HAG mouthpiece with sahal heart kkkkk


When is Puntland going to answer this dhaandhaansi? Allow hana ceebeeyin.

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CiilSNM after hearing this news



Puntland can easily squash somaliland my friend, a jilib would be sufficient but there seems to be other plans at work here.


loooooooooool ,, you actually reminded me of the Reer Xamar guy who said "Haddis kastuumada taaban lahaay, beerkaa kala bixi laha nooh" ,,, lool

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Somaliland Oo Isku Diyaarisay Duulaan Balaadhan Oo Ay Ku Qabsanayso

Magaalada Buuhoodle Iyo Beesha Siilaanyo Oo La Sheegay In Ay

Qorshahaasi Soo Maleegeen



15-04-2014 (BNN) Iyadoo saaka waabarigii ay duulaan

balaadhan kusoo qaadeen ciidamada Somaliland Magaalada Taleex oo ay la wareegeen Magaaladasi ayaa waxaa soo baxaya warar kale oo sheegaya in duulaanka Somaliland uu ku istaagi doonin qabsashada Magaalada Taleex oo

kaliya,Balse qorshaha Somaliland uu yahay in gacanta lagu dhigo Magaalada Buuhoodle oo dhawaan laga dhisay Madaar balaadhan oo deeganadaasi isku xidhaya dalka Somaliyaintiisa kale. Somaliland ayaa ka walwalsan in Madaarka Buuhoodle keeno taageero balaadhan oo maamulka Khaatumostate uu ka helo qurbajoogta iyo dawlada Somaliya.Isla markaana uu madaarka laga soo dejiyo hub iyo saanad milateri.



Waxaa baryahanba socday shir duceedyo beesha Siilaanyo ee Habar**** oo ay oodwadaag yihiin deegaanadasi Buuhoodle ee Gobolka Cayn iyagoo la sheegay in qurbajoogta Beesha iyo gudo joogta beeshu ka arinsanayeen waxa laga yeelayo Garoonka beesha dhulbahante ka dhisatay Magaalada Buuhoodle.Beesha Habarj**** oo uu kasoo jeedo Madaxwayne


Siilaanyo oo dagaal lagu huubtay la gashay shacabka Buuhoodle ayaa la sheegayaa in ay walwal ka qabaan in Garoonkaasi noqdo mid hub uga soo dego shacabka deegaankaasi oo taageersan midnimada iyo wadajirka Soomaaliya.Halka dadkale oo ka faalooda siyaasada deegaankaasina ay sheegayaan in beesha Siilaanyo marnaba ogolaanaynin in Buuhoodle yeelato garoon diyaaradeed oo kasaara go,doon ay ku jirto magaaladasi iyadoo xiligani

Burco loo dhisayo madaar caalamiya si ay beelaha dhulbahante u hoos joogaan reer Burco. Dagaal lagu qaado buuhoodle ayaa la sheegayaa in uu dhalin doono dagaal horleh oo kaqarxa deegaanada Kalshaale oo horay loogu jabiyay beesha Siilaanyo oo adeegsanaysa taangiyada iyo ciidamada Somaliland,lamana garanayo qorshaha cusub ee Somaliland ay dejisatay ee markani ay isleedahay waad kaga adkaan kartaa ciidamadii deegaanka ee

hore u jabiyay qabaail iyo ciidamada Somaliland oo is huwan.

Cabadiraxman X. X (Suul)


Isha Ku Hay Wixii war kasoo

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<cite>@Dr_Osman said:</cite>

Mali, I honestly think that somaliland was told if they join the federation they can control the northern areas of somalia.





LOOOOOOL too bad when too weak...Puntland NO can do.

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