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Madoobe Nuunow oo loo doortay Madaxweynaha Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya

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Allaha u naxariisto intii dhimatay

Fedaral ha laysku laayo baydhaba gudaheeda!!



Baydhabo (RBC) War hadda naga soo gaaray magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in dagaal uu ka qarxay meel bartamaha magaalada Baydhabo ku taalla.


Dagaalkan ayaa ka bilawday sida la sheegay muran dhexmaray saraakiil iyo ciidamo ka kala tirsan booliska iyo kuwa militariga kuwaasoo sida la sheegay kala taabacsan dhinacyada maamulada iska horjeeda kala sheeganaya ee ku sugan Baydhabo.

Dagaalka ayaa xoogiisa ka dhacay saldhiga booliska ee loo yaqaano saldhiga Bari, halkaasoo rasaastaay ka qaraxday.


Illaa hadda waxaa la xaqiijiyey geerida afar ruux oo uu ku jiri taliye ku xigeenkii booliska ee gobolka Baay kaasoo magaciisa lagu soo gaabiyey Col Kurtun.


Waxaa la soo sheegayaa tiro dad dhaawac ah kuwaasoo weli aan la xaqiijin waxa ay kala yihiin.


Rasaasta ayaa joogsatay qadar ka dib markii ay ciidamada AMISOM goobta yimaadeen.


Dagaalkan ka dhacay magaalada Baydhabo ayaa yimid iyadoo maanta gelinkii hore ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa dawlada ee ku sugan Baydhabo ay joojiyeen bannaanbax lagu taageerayey Madoobe Nuunow Maxamed oo Isniintii loo doortay madaxweynaha maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya.




RBC Radio


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Spinning shaqaaqda meesha ka dhacday. Dad sugi la' Baydhabo dagaalo ka dhacaan. Xaasidnimo heerkaas gaarsiisantahay. Well, keep habaarkiina.


Shaqaaqdaan waxee u dhaxeysay ciidamo booliis iyo kuwa militariga oo wada deegaanka ah. Nothing to do with maamulka Koonfur Galbeed.


Ciidamada booliiska kontarool u taalay meel garoonka Baydhabo u dhow ayee canshuur ma ku amreen inay bixiyaan gawaari qalab waday oo ciidamada milatariga la socday. Ismaandhaafid kadib ayee xabadaha isku fureen. Dad tababaran oo asluub leh ma'ahee.

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this incident is not big deal. even 20 can die and still won't change. madoobe will hav real power in bay, bakool and even shabelaha hose. he is here to stay. but what will he power over, is the real question. what will he control in gedo, lower jubba and middle juba?


if the RRA people can organize and build state, it is good welcome for somalis everywhere. we need peace and development niyoow. but incorporating all of gedo, lower jubba and middle jubba, it is not realistic politically speaking. the FGS and international community will not recognize it. that is the difficulty niyoow. how is madoobe going to pull this off? it is very difficult task.

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Certainly we all want peace and prosperity for all including the South West Region. Somalis only hear and know those who are loud. Even in Benadir, there are more people from Dir and D&m than some of the Hag communities from Indhacae clan. In Gedo , other than Garbahrey district, there are large number of people from D*m and the Bearded Community in Celwaaq, Baardheere and others.


I never objected any community running Jubada Hoose, including the Long Foot , but you must be accepted by the other Somalis who live in the region. The Rascaambooni militia never ruled juba since the collapse of the Somali State. If you never ruled in the nineties, after 2000 or the last twenty years, what made you legitimate in 2013? of course Kenya.


In Iraq, all concerned communities agreed that no army from Saudi Arabia, Iran or Syria should be allowed to stabilize, because of all of these neighbors have ulterior motives. But, in Somalia, there are rules or historical sensitivity to respect nor there is any honor to protect.


Now, we hear the IGAD envoy to Somalia Mr. Mohamed Afey opposes the south West government. This is the guy who orchestrated and the designed both the formation of the Raascaamooni tribal militia and the invasion and occupation of Kismaayo by Kenya. Well Ahmed Madoobe may have friends in higher places, but the South west have the support of the majority of Somalis.


Finally Dr. Osman , you are from Boosaaso and you had more delegates in the Juba conference than the indigenous communities from the land. Other than been member of the Sahal what connection is beteen Afmadow and Boosaaso. I hear some of you talk about some Hag elders challenging the inclusion of Lowe Shabeelle. well they are probably less than 10% of the population. They are Somalis and they can join if they wish.



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Some ten years ago A Somali scholar was discussing the population and the demography of southern Somalia. I do not remember who conducted the census, but they concluded that the people who live between The lower Shabeelle , Jubbas and the inter river area of the south have more people than all other Somalis combined. when I asked him how did they come up with this conclusion? he said there are 400 villages between them. go figure.


If you look Lower Shabeele, they have more densely populated districts than any one . Afgooye, Marka, Qoryooley, Baraawe, Janaale, Sablaale, Wanlaweyn, Buulo mareerto are all major disticts.

Between Afgooye and Marko you have smaller villages lke # 50, shalambood and manymore.


when the real elections come in force the future will belong to the good Somalis.

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^^ niyoow do you know anything about history? The land you call Kismayo was populated by Puntlanders for 300 years. Puntladers wanted to expand to Kenya and were pushing the gaalo madoow people and were dying of thurst and hunger even as recently as in the early 1930s. Niyoow, don't try to invent history today as if siyad barre or Somali goverment brought us to Jubba.


130 Somalis Perish of Thirst In Trying to Migrate to Kenya

The tragedy was an outcome of a decision of part of the Puntlander tribe of Somalia, living in the Kismayu area, to settle in Kenya.

May 24, 1933 - Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES.


Read it here niyoow

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Mooge, I never denied the presence of Puntlanders in Juba, especially the city of Kismaayo, but you can not have more participation than the Dir, D%m and others. I remember Ina C/rashiid was one of the five super delegates. Where are the Olol diinle community, Camel Lovers and others. Also those who live there can only be legitimate participants. I have seen people who never lived or have any historical ties leave from Canada and join the process as a delegate, just they happen to be Sahal.

by the way the Raascaambooni Militia is not a puntlader.

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Olol diinle was a great sultan of shabelles all the way to Qalaafe. the shabelle is where the HAG are saying they own it now. puntlanders were in kismayo for 300 years. we pushed the gaalo madoow out of the land and made it Somali area. in the jubaland state, we are part of it just like other clans. it is a collection of poeple niyoow. the majority rules and that is why madoobe is the president because he represents the largest clan numerically in the area. that is facts niyoow. nothign more.



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this incident is not big deal. even 20 can die and still won't change. madoobe will hav real power in bay, bakool and even shabelaha hose. he is here to stay. but what will he power over, is the real question. what will he control in gedo, lower jubba and middle juba?


if the RRA people can organize and build state, it is good welcome for somalis everywhere. we need peace and development niyoow. but incorporating all of gedo, lower jubba and middle jubba, it is not realistic politically speaking. the FGS and international community will not recognize it. that is the difficulty niyoow. how is madoobe going to pull this off? it is very difficult task.


i disagree, there is a bigger chance of them ruling middle jubba than lower shabelle. cidaan RRA they are funny sheeko aan soconeyn ay la yimideen

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Nothing is funny here. If the Digil community in shbeele, the Watermaal and others agree with them, how can a small Hag community can deny this. Which village you want to carve . We discussed this bore, but it is difficult to carve some districst from Mogadishu and join them Lower an middle Shabeele. Taasi weeye taa soconayn. You have to make decision, Either vit will be the Capital of Somalia or A Hag province.


All Dir politicians and Suldans are in Baidoa. the yhave agreed. Both the Hag and Sahal community must forget these so called two Hag and Two Sahal federal states.


Saaiib la idinka yeeli mayoin aad magic dawladeed iyo mid Kenyaati a ax ku booaan.

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Galbeedi, actually the HAG not only claim to be the capital of somalia but function as a regional admin(xaq daro wayn), they also get president and capital city and all the instutituions that come along with it. Hadu qof wax gar daro ku cunayo I would be looking at qoslaye folks.


I really don't think it's fair they get both the capital and political representives and posts like other clans. I wouldn't mind seeing HAG keep the capital but stay out of the political posts or at the very least share the capital like they do in south africa dividing it into 3 capital cities one for each function of government such as executive, legislative, and judicial.


Anyways what I do know is it surely not fair someone using your name somalia for clan purposes. They have taken all the aid, investment, capital city, institutions, political posts and they wonder why Somalia is messed up? heck they even want kismayo port and airport now. Niyahow somalia dadka xaq darada wado wala yaqan ee internet lagama baranayo. I can guarantee you if somali wayn and the whole world didn't come together in mogadishu it would be like baraxlay, cadaado, dhusomareeb aan heeshin karin oo is cunayo weliba. Have u seen one HAG mamul you can be proud of that doesn't include somali wayn and beesha calamka? no you don't and you never will. When halimo soofe said waxay nasab ku ahayeen sahal ku dhex jirkisa hikmad ayaa ku jirtay hadalkas. I am waiting to see how the two HAG mamuls shape up when they are left to their own devices, wallahi waxan huba inay iyagu is cunaya, mark my words.


Anyways honestly what we need to see in Somalia is the playing field evened out for any hope of national reconciliation or what will happen is the same pull out the international community did in 93 and back to square one.

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Caadifadda badan aan iska yarayno

Meel hadii dad ku dhinto danbi dhaaf baa alle loo weydiyaa siday doonaanba haku dhinteen ,shaqaaqo waxaan u aqaan dhagax tuur iyo xoogaa muraayado jajabay,

Ma sheegin hadii sidii saciid saxaaf (ciraaq) madaxa ciidda laga ceshanayo,



Nuunow haduu guri qurux badan dhisi karo horay buu u dhisi lahaa ama loo arki lahaa looma baahna inu indho cadeeyo,calamo badan baa loo heesay too late

Baydhabo kaliya maamul dadku isku raacsan yahay ha u sameeyo oon dhiig ku daadan asagoo talada dawladiisa qaadanaya



Galbeedi !

Tribal war is over, now they call border conflict and extremism

Somalis becoming more Modernize day after day and they don’t want make more baby cost or expenses is too high,


take your laptop with you, go back home, learn the changes of your country free advice




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Galbeedi, what you don't seem to understand is that the 6th state and 3state are M clan projects they dont have a single deegan in the region the current guddomiye of the region from the largest subclan of the digir endorsed lower shabelle making a state with banaadir and middle shabelle and said that the region was always part of the greater banaadir and has never been under Baay or Bakool.

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