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The reason behind Abduweli's visit to Ethiopia's AU HQ.

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Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Professor Gaas ayaa maanta u dhoofay Magaaladda Adis-ababa ee Xarunta Qaramada-Midoobay,kadib markii uu casumaad ka helay Ururka Midoowga Afrika iyo Dawladda Itoobiya oo ka codsan-doono maamulka Puntland inay Ciidamo u diraan Muqdisho iyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya,kuwaasoo ka qeyb-qaata xoreynta magaalooyinka ay gacanta ku hayaan Ururka Alshabaab.


Waxaa la filayaa inuu kulamo la qaato inta uu Xarunta Midowga Afrika ee Adis-ababa joogo Safiiradda Reer Galbeedka,Turkiga iyo Mareykanka.


Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa waxaa safarkiisa ku wehliya Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Axmed Karash iyo Taliyaha Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland General Saciid-Dheere.


Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa inta uusan ka dhoofin magaaladda Garoowe u xaqiiijiyay qaar ka mid ah Golihiisa Wasiiradda in Puntland ay ka cudur-daaran-doonto inay Ciidamo ay u dirto Koonfurta Soomaaliya ilaa ay ka xoreynayaan Degmadda Laascaanood oo Calooshood u shaqeystayaal u dhashay SSC u gacan-galiyeen 2007-dii magaaladda Maamulka Somaliland.

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Makes sense XX all over the place. Somalia Unity makes the Separatist panic. Good opportunity to build United Somalia Forces.

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I guess we will wait and see LA ablaze with thick cloud from Puntland warplanes.At an average rate of one bomb every 30sec, the firepower of the mighty Puntland forces will rain on LAsancanod.Stay tuned when the president lands back from Ehtiopia! On a serious note, It would be rash to predict some kind of confrontation between two of the most stable regions, but I think it would also be just as foolish for Puntland to start some war with Somaliland.

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D/p Sol changed..and am getting old


The only people talking about war are some internet tough guys and some SL online newspapers. A war no matter how brief is not good for either side.

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All eyes on Puntland. If they fail, the separatist enemies will always laugh at them and accuse them of being cowards and weak in the art of warfare. But if they succeed in uniting the SSC under Puntland banner, attacks the separatist enemy and roots them out from every SSC area then all somalis will show respect for Puntland.

The separatist enemy will be stuck within Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco. Not to forget the people from Awdal will also stand up and pick up weapons to drive out the enemies of unity from Borama and every other town dominated by people of Awdal.


So there is a lot of blessing for Puntland to choose the path of War after uniting the divided SSC. Economical blessing and political blessing. The Somali Nation will forgive the mistakes of Puntland in the past and applaud them as the defenders of UNITY.


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