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My Recommendations to Somaliland

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magicbird;988460 wrote:
O you who have believed, indeed,
, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful. [5:90]


Al Khamri - arabic > literally means ''The covering'' , or ''The veil'' , and in reference to wine a person's mental facillties are blurred, covered or veiled. So all intoxicants are included in this eg cigarettes, shisha and khat.


And what you said about fast food and other things, yes, under Israaf it'd be haram to eat too much fast food.


And yes khat is an intoxicant.

Well said. Most people think that only alcohol is haram and not the other drugs that interfere with the normal brain functions and used for recreational purposes.

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If a scholar issues a fatwa and he is correct then he is rewarded twice. If a scholar issues a fatwa and he is incorrect then he is rewarded once for his effort. Most Somali scholars are of the opinion that khaat is Xaram for a variety of reasons. The sentiments echoed on this forum are merely opinions of major Somali scholars. If there are other opinions you may present them but you can't disagree because it doesn't make sense or it's reasoning is sub-par. If that were the case then we would start washing the bottom of our feet rather than the top when making Wudu (as the beloved Sahabi Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) said so)


Lastly we live in a society today where people want to be identified as doing something Makrooh but not quite Xaram. Why would one put himself in a situation where he's doing something hateful but not impermissible. A great example is the one who doesn't pray, he debates that the action is not Kufr but rather Fisq. Do you really want to be between فسق وكفر rather than be an obedient servant. The fact that some scholars may differ in an opinion should put the fear of Allah in our hearts rather than give us an easy way out.

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guleed_ali;988504 wrote:
If a scholar issues a fatwa and he is correct then he is rewarded twice. If a scholar issues a fatwa and he is incorrect then he is rewarded once for his effort. Most Somali scholars are of the opinion that khaat is Xaram for a variety of reasons. The sentiments echoed on this forum are merely opinions of major Somali scholars. If there are other opinions you may present them but you can't disagree because it doesn't make sense or it's reasoning is sub-par.
If that were the case then we would start washing the bottom of our feet rather than the top when making Wudu (as the beloved Sahabi Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) said so)


Lastly we live in a society today where people want to be identified as doing something Makrooh but not quite Xaram. Why would one put himself in a situation where he's doing something hateful but not impermissible. A great example is the one who doesn't pray, he debates that the action is not Kufr but rather Fisq. Do you really want to be between فسق وكفر rather than be an obedient servant. The fact that some scholars may differ in an opinion should put the fear of Allah in our hearts rather than give us an easy way out.

That's a false analogy you've made there, because the ruling to wipe over the feet/socks is pulled directly from the Sunnah of the Prophet while the ruling on Khat is not. The ruling on khat is based on ijtihaad using qiyaas, which is perfectly fine if indeed khat is a narcotic. But no one has proven that to me yet. As for scholars who did not go as far as to deem it xaraam they include Shaikh Muqbil AUN of Damaaj and if i'm not mistaken the great Imaam Ash-shawkani AUN who was also from Yemen and both considered to be of the Salafi tradition.


As for your last point I agree, it's better to leave anything in which there is doubt just to be safe.

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Wadani;988507 wrote:
That's a false analogy you've made there, because the ruling to wipe over the feet/socks is pulled directly from the Sunnah of the Prophet while the ruling on Khat is not. The ruling on khat is based on ijtihaad using qiyaas, which is perfectly fine if indeed khat is a narcotic. But no one has proven that to me yet. As for scholars who did not go as far as to deem it xaraam they include Shaikh Muqbil AUN of Damaaj and if i'm not mistaken the great Imaam Ash-shawkani AUN who was also from Yemen and both considered to be of the Salafi tradition.


As for your last point I agree, it's better to leave anything in which there is doubt just to be safe.


Keyword is (AUN) like you said earlier these issues should be handled by contemporary living scholars. If you're aware of the concept of Qiyas and well versed in Usool Al Fiqh (Principles of Fiqh) then you should know that there need not be a "scientific" reasoning behind the ruling, it could be an element in the entire ruling but the ruling is not based solely on it. The research that discovered cigarettes causes cancer also caused a lot of scholars to change their opinion on cigarettes. Science is not the only evidence used in rulings but of course it is an important one.


P.S: The wudu example is just a general example I wasn't comparing it to the khaat issue.


Here is a lecture by Sheikh Mustafa Haruun (Hafithullah) that breaks down what khaat really is. It is a sharci/scientific based lecture. I hope it explains it more.



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I did miss this debate last night. I do not use Khat and I will welcome if they ban in the Diaspora especially in the west. on the otherside I have completely different idea on the home front. An English lawyer in the 18 century said " give six words he said and I will convict him" when it comes to make something Haraam without the clear guidance of the Quraan it is difficult. THe prophet Scw, said "moderation is the best of affairs. The Qat issue back home must be handled in a gradual way while the goal is it's elimination.


!- Start to classify as a bad substance that undermines the well being and the economy of the people.

2- Control it;s movements and sales by taxing and licensing. Certain people should only be selling and like the Kacaanku did seveties by designating Siinay as the place to sell Qat.From cities to regions every local government must make money on this. THen you will move next stage. like discouraging it's use.

3- Those who chew it will be denied holding certain government offices like : parliament, ministries and management positions.

4- Change the work week and hours of work to make it difficult for people to chew.If government offices start working from 8 to 5pm while you have one hour for lunch and prayer it could minimize the need to chew in the afternoon. Eventually it will become like Alcohol were to who drink excessively could be bared from holding jobs. Here in the west, there are companies who test their employees for not only drug use but alcohol use. Most responsible middle class Canadians do not drink that much.Waxa la gaadhi doonaa Qaatka oo Ay Cunaan Dadka Dibjirka ah, Baabuurlayda, dadka bilaa camalka iyo mushtanaca liita xaga nolosha. Haddadan waxaad arkaysaa in dadka ganacsatada ahi ay cunaan kaliya jimcaha. dadka xawaaladha ka shaqeeyi ma cunaan, culimada badankoodu ma cunto dhalinta soo koraysa iyo kuwa jaamacadaha dhigta ma cunaan. markaa walllaalayaal, dddodan weli la isma gaadhin xagjirka shabaabka ah iyo kuwii keenay iyaga sida Salafiyiinta doodooda lama gaadhin . Diina u daba fadhiisan mayno.

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I did miss this debate last night. I do not use Khat and I will welcome if they ban in the Diaspora especially in the west. on the otherside I have completely different idea on the home front. An English lawyer in the 18 century said " give six words he said and I will convict him" when it comes to make something Haraam without the clear guidance of the Quraan it is difficult. THe prophet Scw, said "moderation is the best of affairs. The Qat issue back home must be handled in a gradual way while the goal is it's elimination.


!- Start to classify as a bad substance that undermines the well being and the economy of the people.

2- Control it;s movements and sales by taxing and licensing. Certain people should only be selling and like the Kacaanku did seveties by designating Siinay as the place to sell Qat.From cities to regions every local government must make money on this. THen you will move next stage. like discouraging it's use.

3- Those who chew it will be denied holding certain government offices like : parliament, ministries and management positions.

4- Change the work week and hours of work to make it difficult for people to chew.If government offices start working from 8 to 5pm while you have one hour for lunch and prayer it could minimize the need to chew in the afternoon. Eventually it will become like Alcohol were to who drink excessively could be bared from holding jobs. Here in the west, there are companies who test their employees for not only drug use but alcohol use. Most responsible middle class Canadians do not drink that much.Waxa la gaadhi doonaa Qaatka oo Ay Cunaan Dadka Dibjirka ah, Baabuurlayda, dadka bilaa camalka iyo mushtanaca liita xaga nolosha. Haddadan waxaad arkaysaa in dadka ganacsatada ahi ay cunaan kaliya jimcaha. dadka xawaaladha ka shaqeeyi ma cunaan, culimada badankoodu ma cunto dhalinta soo koraysa iyo kuwa jaamacadaha dhigta ma cunaan. markaa walllaalayaal, dddodan weli la isma gaadhin xagjirka shabaabka ah iyo kuwii keenay iyaga sida Salafiyiinta doodooda lama gaadhin . Diina u daba fadhiisan mayno.

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Wadani;988493 wrote:


And you might be wondering why I'm picking on the word Akhi in particular. It's because a lot of religious Somalis use this term a lot instead of the Somali terms or the term brother if they are speaking in English. They do this with quite a few Arabic words that have Somali equivalents.



one of the greatest African leaders of all time and my personal hero Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire embarked on a campaign called ''Authenticité'' in 1967. the plan was simple......get rid of all lingering vestiges of colonialism and continuing influences of western culture. in it's place to create a single national identity.

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Wadani;988493 wrote:
Bal culimada suaashaas soo waydii insha'allah.


P.S. Erayga akhi waa kalmad carabi ah oo aan macno diini ah xambaarsanayn, kamana fadli badna erayada Soomaaliyeed sida walaal iyo aboowe. Waan ogahay in aanad sidaa uga jeedin balse waa muhiim in aynu adeegsanno afkeena hooyo oo aynaan ka doorbidin afqalaad. Khayr baan kuu rajaynayaa saaxiib.


And you might be wondering why I'm picking on the word Akhi in particular. It's because a lot of religious Somalis use this term a lot instead of the Somali terms or the term brother if they are speaking in English. They do this with quite a few Arabic words that have Somali equivalents.

I usually just laugh at those people waxad muudeysa iney imika soo muslimeey . Hadaad afcarab taqaneed waa caadi lkn mid hal erey garaneyneen baa

Isku bexenaya abu Hebel oo wax weyn iska iska dhega . Qosol iyo sheko ciyaal. Fukiiya ya carm. Waxey ee xasusata kuwan yidha Abu Hebel baan gursaney wayo af carabi buu yaqana cnt take them serious. Waxa lagu yidha awliyaaa baan ahey markas bey iska amusayan kkkkkk. On qaat - Its is something Ethiopians, Kenyans , Somalis, Yemenis consume which has negative impact on health but the farmers in that region gets higher earning from this crop and will continue producing wether we like or not .

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You guys seem so against the word akhi, it's just a word, no colonisation involved. Anyways Arabic is the language of the Quran, Imam Shafici went as far as saying its fard to learn it, but Imam Hanafi said its not fard, which I follow in them terms. Arabic is a great and rich language, which our ancestors have loved, Somalis are basically considered Arabs. Somalis have filled universities in the Arab world for the past millenia that we had our own dorm rooms.

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