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Xaaji Xunjuf

Xaglatoosiye reaffirms Somaliland's Unique history from the dervishes to the SNM

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Haatu idinku bantu iyo dad yar oo iska dhako waweyn baad la liic liicaysan, laakin wa run oo booskeena ilaahay baa idinku idin qoray .. oo anaga noo ma qorin. Dadku kala karti badan oo kala awood badan,, anagu hadanu kiiniyada u badnayn lahayn meesha ama cad weyn baanu kaa soo qadaan lahayn ama waanu dagaalami lahayn waxba uma dhexeyso , laakin idnku beerka jecliya xaydha jecliya. Xamar na indhahaad ku yuubaysan oo waxad is leedihin ambu messiah halka ka so baxa oo idin bad baadiya. Anaguse cududayada baanu maalna, ilaahay na dadka wa kala fadiray wana run taasi laftigeedu. 20 sanadood anagu kheyr iyo nabad banu ku jirnay, iyo horurmar tagteed ha ahaato eh geeli wa no dhalay mar anu ka fiicanahay anigu garan mayo ilaahay halogu xamdi naqo. Mar hadaan buurihi hargeisa iyo kuwi golis dhex mushaaxayo calankina ii tagaanyahay wa kheyr weye , we cant get any better.

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Classified;984327 wrote:
Xaaji ma goobu noqday?

Kolley haddaan qolyahaas dhibka badan haddaad tahay wuu kaa gobsan yahay :D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;984331 wrote:
Haatu idinku bantu iyo dad yar oo iska dhako waweyn baad la liic liicaysan, laakin wa run oo booskeena ilaahay baa idinku idin qoray .. oo anaga noo ma qorin. Dadku kala karti badan oo kala awood badan,, anagu hadanu kiiniyada u badnayn lahayn meesha ama cad weyn baanu kaa soo qadaan lahayn ama waanu dagaalami lahayn waxba uma dhexeyso , laakin idnku beerka jecliya xaydha jecliya. Xamar na indhahaad ku yuubaysan oo waxad is leedihin ambay messiah halka ka so baxa oo idin bad badiya. Anaguse cududayada baanu maalna, ilaahay na dadka wa kala fariday wana run taasi laftigeedu. 20 sanadood anagu kheyr iyo nabad banu ku jirnay geeli wa no dhalay mar anu ka fiicanahay anigu garan mayo ilaahay halogu xamdi naqo , mar hadaan buurihi hargeisa iyo kuwi golis dhex mushaaxayo calankina ii tagaanyahay wa kheyr weye , we cant get any better.

If this, if that, waa iska sheeko. Alxamdulilah for 50 yrs dhib weyn maanan arag oo guryaheena kamaanan qixin geelleenana waa maalanayney dawladda la aqoonsanyahay oo xaqeena na siisa waana ka mid nahay marka ma anagaa dhib qabna?

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Haatu;984332 wrote:
Kolley haddaan qolyahaas dhibka badan haddaad tahay wuu kaa gobsan yahay

Waad isku xaartay. Xaajina wuxu ku yidhay Kikuyo iyo jiniyo jaan baad la walaal tahay, adiguna Xaaji baad sharaftay oo gob gobi dhashay ka dhigtay. Qoodha iyo xeerada, hadalku wa kaa xidhanyahay ee iskagaa bax Threadkan. All you have left to say is what your uncle Xine Xiraay said in Buuhoodle, "Gun baan noqday, gambana waan xidhaan Xaaji Xunjuf qoladisu ha ii fulayn ee". :D

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Haatu;984335 wrote:
If this, if that, waa iska sheeko. Alxamdulilah for 50 yrs dhib weyn maanan arag oo guryaheena kamaanan qixin geelleenana waa maalanayney dawladda la aqoonsanyahay oo xaqeena na siisa waana ka mid nahay marka ma anagaa dhib qabna?

Dawladu wa tee wa Kiiniya anigu awal ba waan iidin sheegey kiiniyadina imaansada Somalidan wada hirdamaysa iskaga dhex baxa , kiiniya economic power house ka dhex muuqda oo u dagalaama xuquuqdina

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Haatu;984335 wrote:
If this, if that, waa iska sheeko. Alxamdulilah for 50 yrs dhib weyn maanan arag oo guryaheena kamaanan qixin geelleenana waa maalanayney dawladda la aqoonsanyahay oo xaqeena na siisa waana ka mid nahay mare

anagaa dhib qabna?

Haatu sxb, ignore these folks , walahi I as a will tell you that these triangle inhabitants have no history to brag except that they were British stooges fighting against Somali-nationalists!,..... So let them distort and make up their imaginary history which is full of lie just like their isaaqland or lalaland which only exists in their vivid imagination!,.....:cool:


In the end, triangle-inhabitants will end up once again beneath our feet and serve us as second class citizens just as destiny has ordained!

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Oodweyne;984343 wrote:


Saaxiib, now that you proadly wear your "shoe-shining-labouring-uniform" for the passing ruling clique of Kenya at any given day, why are you so determine for us, in Somaliland, not to woo and won-over some of our "reluctant compatroits" in the east to our side of the "political fence" in the Somali peninsula?


It isn't as if we will ask them, politically, to do the "menial day-labourer's kind" of work, particularly of the kind your lot do for the Kikuyes currently in NFD, and were even more enthusiastic to have done it for the then Mr. Danial Arab Moi's tribal cliques in his heyday of power in Kenya,..

We shine no one's shoes. Kenya is now a decetralized country and we rule our own turf in case the memo hasn't reached you. We get all the international recognition and support you in the i*d*** enclave can only dream of.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;984340 wrote:
Dawladu wa tee wa Kiiniya anigu awal ba waan iidin sheegey kiiniyadina imaansada Somalidan wada hirdamaysa iskaga dhex baxa , kiiniya economic power house ka dhex muuqda oo u dagalaama xuquuqdina

And the memo clearly hasn't reached you as well. War Somalia waxan ka tala baxney 1969 markuu adeerka Cigaal ina gatay and sealed our fate for a meager sum.

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Classified;984337 wrote:
Waad isku xaartay. Xaajina wuxu ku yidhay Kikuyo iyo jiniyo jaan baad la walaal tahay, adiguna Xaaji baad sharaftay oo gob gobi dhashay ka dhigtay. Qoodha iyo xeerada, hadalku wa kaa xidhanyahay ee iskagaa bax Threadkan. All you have left to say is what your uncle Xine Xiraay said in Buuhoodle, "Gun baan noqday, gambana waan xidhaan Xaaji Xunjuf qoladisu ha ii fulayn ee".

XX ana aqaana sida loola hadlee ii daa. And it wasn't Xinne Xiirey who said that!

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Dalmar1;984352 wrote:
Haatu sxb, ignore these folks , walahi I as an HGSacad will tell you that these triangle inhabitants have no history to brag except that they were British stooges fighting against Somali-nationalists!,..... So let them distort and make up their imaginary history which is full of lie just like their isaaqland or lalaland which only exists in their vivid imagination!,.....:cool:


In the end, triangle-inhabitants will end up once again beneath our feet and serve us as second class citizens just as destiny has ordained!

Are you saying their history begun with the British and revolves around the British?

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The so called Somaliweyn bandwagon is only used against Somaliland , Haatu and his likes dont care much about the so called greater Somali initiative they love their Kenyan national identity. And do not want to go against their Kikuyu bosses , they even went as far as using Kenyan boots against Somalia in order for Tolka to climb the clanish Somali ladder.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;984358 wrote:
The so called Somaliweyn bandwagon is only used against Somaliland , Haatu and his likes dont care much about the so called greater Somali initiative they love their Kenyan national identity. And do not want to go against their Kikuyu bosses , they even went as far as using Kenyan boots against Somalia in order for Tolka to climb the clanish Somali ladder.

You seem confused. We used kikuyu soldiers and money for our tol agenda. Didn't I tell you before saddexda calan danahayaga ayaan ku fushaa?

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It's a shame that after 20+ years serving the habashis as a proxy stooge while Somalia was in turmoil, that they will once again assume their dutiful role as the second class citizens once Somalia under D-block and H-block is revived and resumes it's rightfully place in the horn-region and world community!!!

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