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Puntland 2014 Election thread. Updates views.

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Faroole has no chance to win this. People say it's two horse race but I believe if he comes third in the first round he would be lucky. if you look at it, you can't see where the votes will come for him. Bari the largest region has 21 MPs . This business community are fuming with anger for his mismanagement with the economy. The civil service including the army has not been paid for months while he campaigns lavishly with their hard earned cash. There are no checks and balances, no transparency, Faroole has the absolute say of how to spend the state's coffers. This community would not entertain with themselves voting in Faroole again. He can forget about the half of Nugaal's 9 votes. Here the community are divided on hardline supporters and damn right opposition. Reer Mudug have 10 votes and Faroole is not liked here nor respected. He has neglected this region for years and pay back is in order for him. Reer Sanaag have 12 votes to dispense and voting for Faroole is not on the agenda. Simply put there's nothing substantial he has done for this region and that Makhir University project was one intended to secure votes from them but I think they would not be fooled like that. Reer Sool are undecided this year and there's even doubt if they will take part. Even if they did would they vote for Faroole?

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Qaar ka mid ah Musharaxiinta Puntland oo ku baaqay in musharaxiinta ay dhistaan dalad mideysa




Annaga oo ah xubno ka mid ah murashaxiinta u tartamaya hoggaanka sare ee Puntland, ayaa maanta oo ay

taariikhdu tahay 6/ 11/ 2013, waxaan kulan hor-dhac ah ku yeelaney magaalada Nairobi (Kenya).


Waxaan kuqaadaa-dhigney duruufaha adag ee ku xeeran doorashada madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland ee dhicidoonta 8/ 1/

2014, iyo habsami u socodka looga baahan yahay.


Labadaas arimood oo ah kuwo aanan isu dheelli-tirneyn ayaau muuqatey dhamaan murashaxiintayada kulantey.


Sidaa darteed waxaanu isla-garanay in ay lagama maarmaantahay in la helo qaab doorasho oo ku dhisan wadatashi dhammaan inta ay khuseyso sida Issimadda, Dowladda,musharixiinta, Iyo bulshada rayidka ah, taas oo suurta-gelin karta doorasho hufan oo caddaalad ku dhisan.


Dooddheer iyo falanqeyn badan dabadeed, waxaanu isla-gaarney qodobadan hoos ku xusan:


1. Murashaxiintu markii ay dhamaantood gudihii dalka tagaan, in ay dhistaan dallad mideysa si iyaga oo wadajir ah

ay u raadiyaan doorasho hufan oo is-beddel keenta.


2. Waxaan taageero buuxda siineynaa bayaankii Gaalkacyo ee ku taariikheysnaa 29/ 10/ 2013, kaas oo ay soo

saareen qaar kamid ah murashaxiinta Puntland.


Qodobadiisii lixda ahaa ayaanu u aragnaa in ay saldhig u yihiin doorasho hufan oo dad-weynaha Puntland ay ku kalsoonaan karaan.


3. Issimada Puntland waxaanu ugu baaqeynaa in ay gutaan xilka taariikhiga ah ee ka saaran wadajirka iyo

nabadgelyada Puntland.


Sidaas awgeed, murashaxiinta bayaankan saxiixay, waxay ku baaqayaaan qabsoomidda shirkii Isimmada ee uu gogoshiisa dhigay Qardho ku-simaha Boqorka, welina aan la laabin, si ay u turxaanbixiyaan mad-madowga soo kala dhex-galey beelaha walaalaha ah ee wada dhistay dowladda Puntland (1998).


4. Waxaan u mahad-celineynaa beesha caalamka dadaalka ay la garab-taagan tahay in doorashada Puntland ay u dhacdo si hufan, loona sii adkayn lahaa nabadgelyada Puntland, gaar ahaan caasimada Garoowe. Murashaxiinta bayaankan saxiixay, waxay ka codsanayaan Bulshada caalamka inay sii xoojiyaan la socoshada, ayna goob-jooge ka noqdaan hannaanka doorashada, si doorashadu ay u noqoto mid loo dhan yahay loona siman yahay.


5. Murashaxiinta bayaankan saxiixay, waxay soo jeedinayaan in doorashadu ku dhacdo wakhtigeeda oo ah 8/01/2014. Isla markaasna u dhacdo si nabad ah.


6. Qeybaha bulshada Puntland ee kala duwan, dhamaantood waxaanu ugu baaqeynaa in ay adkeeyaan nabadgelyada. Islamarkaas ay ka shaqeeyaan sidii doorashadu ay inoogu dhici lahayd qaab hufan, wanaag iyo hiraalna ku kordhisa aayaha wanaagsan ee shacabkayagu uu tiigsanayo.


Murashaxiinta bayaankan soo saarey waa:


1. Xaaji Maxamad Yaasiin Ismaaciil


2. Mr. Maxamad Cabdi-Nuur Xirsi


3. Prof. Cabdi-weli Maxamad Cali-Gaas


4. Dr. Cali Xaaji Warsame


5. Dr. Saadiq Maxamad (Enow)


Wa-billaahi Tawfiiq.

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Samafal;984002 wrote:
Faroole has no chance to win this. People say it's two horse race but I believe if he comes third in the first round he would be lucky. if you look at it, you can't see where the votes will come for him. Bari the largest region has 21 MPs . This business community are fuming with anger for his mismanagement with the economy. The civil service including the army has not been paid for months while he campaigns lavishly with their hard earned cash. There are no checks and balances, no transparency, Faroole has the absolute say of how to spend the state's coffers. This community would not entertain with themselves voting in Faroole again. He can forget about the half of Nugaal's 9 votes. Here the community are divided on hardline supporters and damn right opposition. Reer Mudug have 10 votes and Faroole is not liked here nor respected. He has neglected this region for years and pay back is in order for him. Reer Sanaag have 12 votes to dispense and voting for Faroole is not on the agenda. Simply put there's nothing substantial he has done for this region and that Makhir University project was one intended to secure votes from them but I think they would not be fooled like that. Reer Sool are undecided this year and there's even doubt if they will take part. Even if they did would they vote for Faroole?

Ha ha ha, Samafal nin wanaagsan baad u egtahay, laakiin, I am willing to wager all that you've said against a little bit of Mudane faroole's money, that is, of course, if you're a betting man? :D


Saaxiib, Mudane Faroole isn't going anywhere and all the mps who will reelect him will be laughing all the way to the bank when he is sworn in for a second five year term.

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Tillamook you might a have point there. But you forgetting that they the MPs will be selected by the Issims who most of them are not fan of Faroole. I also like to believe that the MPs do not entirely vote for money alone. If you look at the history of Puntland elections, the winners were always the favorites and in line with the main stream believes of who would be winning them. For example, Abdullahi Yusuf was clear favourite due to the fact that many people thought he was the strongman to clamp down on the freelance militias. Adde Muse in my opinion did not have any money to buy any votes and he was simply voted in to water down the grievances of his community and it was right after he accepted a peace treaty with A.Yusuf. So the momentum was there for him. Faroole, in my opinion was the best of the lot in terms of experience, qualification and people management. But there was a rumor that he was corrupt man who loved money. If you look at the candidates who was competing against him he was the one who had the experience so I would like to believe that the MPs gave him the benefit of the doubt. It's time for him now to go and a new blood with new thinking and new priorities to come in. Odaygaan seems to be stuck in the past and simply run out of ideas.

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