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Breaking News: Talks Between Ugandan protected SFG and Kenyan Protected Mamul about to collapse

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Cambuulo iyo bun;974744 wrote:
horta nuune muxuu lasoo boodaa everytime jubbaland is mentioned?

Rumour has it he is originally from Kudhaa in the Laag Badane national park near Kaambooni :D

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Apophis;974736 wrote:
Even laangabs ehlu-naars recognise Jubbaland now. It's long way from “Ahmed who?" And, “Jubbaland will never exist." Lool.

This is why hag got one over: still no agreement and there will be no agreement. Furthermore Ahmed who... Ahmed interim governer general hahahaha. Jubaland doesn't exist what exists is, even if the other side accepts all the other conditions is mamulka Jubinka and gedo that is interim, that has no income and the conference in mugdisho is designed to destroy it thereafter.


Hag outplayed you and a beautiful way indeed.

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Haatu;974749 wrote:
Rumour has it he is originally from Kudhaa in the Laag Badane national park near Kaambooni


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nuune;974737 wrote:
A brother state next to your own, elaborate that please, who is your brother, Puntland, Benadir, Jubbas & Gedo, Bay & Bakool, or they are all your brothers, or one of them is only your brother!


We need some honest answers from you as you said something logic, that is "my brother next to my state"

My brother state consists of from Kenya border to the tip of Bari whatever they may call themselves. It is for this reason that we don't interfer in the internal affairs of Somalia. It is for this reason we welcomed thousands of refugees and because of this reason we opened dialogue with the somali government. Even till this date other then empowering the somali people and contributing to the creation of a positive image of Somalis we have not done any harm to anyone:


In reality two states united in 1960. No jubaland, puntland etc I do not recognise any of these administrations I only recognise Somalia the state.


What I do oppose are four things


1.the never ending insanity that is mugdisho

2. The use and dependence on foreigners

3. The denial of some sections of somali society that two states even united and Therefore should be equal in the eyes of the law and one should accept the end of the 1960 union

4. The theory of d block ism: which led to the first Ethiopian flag on somali soil, the civil war, the Ethiopian invasion, the dependence on Kenya today and a whole assortment of other crimes against the somali people.


And I have a right to my opinion like anyone else if you can disapprove me then Your more then welcome to.

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War dag dag ah: Jubbaland oo Aqbashay in ay qadato Magaca Maamulka KMG ah ee Jubboyinka iyo Gedo iyo qodobo kale.

August 25, 2013 - Written by admin - Edited byadmin





Warar goordhow naga so garay Hotelka uu ka socdo wadahadalka mudada dheer qatay ee u dhexeya Dowlada Somalia iyo Maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe uu hogaamiyo ayaa waxaay sheegayan in qodobo hordhac ah lagu heshiyay.

Qodobada lagu heshiyay ee dhawaan lagu wado in qalinka lagu duugo waxaa ka mid ah .

1- In Magaca Jubbaland la badalo oo lagu badalo Maamulka Jubboyinka iyo Gedo.

2-In Maamulka u noqdo mid KMG ah oo shaqeeya mudo labo sano ah.

3-Hogaaminyah Maamulkan waxaa uu qadanaya Magaca ah Governor.

Waxaa jira qodobo kale balse wali maysan soo gariin warbaahinta Kismaayo24 waxaanu akhristeyaasheena u balan qadayna in aanu u soo gudbin doono hadba Qodobka ku soo siyaada Wadaxaajoodka iyo meesha ay wax marayaan .

Ugu danbeyn galabta ila caawa ayaa lagu wada in uu so baxo Warmurtiyeed labada dhinac ay ku wada saxiixan yihiin hadan dib loga laban qodobada hada la isla mel dhigay.

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Bay and bakool:



Shir Jaraa’id oo maanta ku qabteen gudaha degmada Baydhabo odayasha dhaqanka beelaha Bay iyo bakool yay uga digeen dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee Hogaamiyo Xasan Sheekh maxamuud inay aqoonsato maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe kaasoo wada hadalo la isku mari la’yahay uga socdaan dowladda Soomaaliya iyo maamulkaasi magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia.

Malaaq Cali Cabdicasiis (Malaaq Shiino) ayaa sheegay maamulka ay ka dhisayaan degmada Baydhabo ee koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya inuu yahay midka rasmiga ah ee deeganadaasi leeyihiin isagoona tibaaxay beelaha dagan Jubbooyinka inaysan ku qanacsanayn in Jubbaland laga dhiso deegandaasi.

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Che -Guevara;974747 wrote:
haha couldn't the same be asked about you?

inaar nuune miyaa lagu dhahaa? waa maaya maaha sheekadu ha so dhex gelin :cool: LOL j/k :D..


Haatu;974749 wrote:
Rumour has it he is originally from Kudhaa in the Laag Badane national park near Kaambooni


Koow, show ninku waa ethnic jubbalander? hayaay could've never guessed that i thought he was a pirate Lmaaaaaaao :D

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If hag had any "army" at its disposal, hamar would be secure. Save us the empty threats. You have foreigners guarding key officials, even in their offices; from where will it find the might to cross over to a far end lands when it can't even move freely within the capital?

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Cambuulo iyo bun;974778 wrote:
you dont know shyt son HAG has an militia consisting of 19000 soldiers right now in xalane eager to attack kismayo so my advice to you is dont jinx yourself bruv

The latest news:


In terms of what cambulo said: something made madobe shyt himself. The guy has accepted almost everything the government said:


Change your name, interim period, lost control of airport and port, take part in mugdisho conference, you are not the president etc.


These are not conditions of negotiation these are surrender terms: the man shyt himself for some reason.


Is it because the government gave him an ultimatum surrender and except our will or else we will attack; last chance.


Seriously no self respecting man would sign that unless they were sincerely patriotic but we all know this Og doesn't even hail from Somalia so that's clearly not the case. Could it be they said you have limited time before your visa runs out ???




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Hag are very angry at even having a meeting with madobe. Their argument is why is Hassan Dahir awes in jail and Ahmed madobe allowed to be free???



Shir Jaraa’id oo maanta ku qabtay gudaha magaalada Muqdisho Malaaq Cali Malaaq Showri ayuu uga hadlay arimaha Cakiran ee ka taagan dalka gaar ahaan xariga Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways iyo wada hadalada Addis Ababa uga socda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe. taagan dalka gaar ahaan xariga Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways iyo wada hadalada Addis Ababa uga socda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe.


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