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Dawladda Xasan Culusow oo markale Adhax wareentay Midnimada Soomaaliya.

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War doqonnimada jooji...anigoo burcad ah oo reer garoowe ah, waxaan kamid ahay Soomaaliyada aad hor fadhidid Ankara oo aad magdhow aad ka baryeesid. Marka jooji ninyahow sida nacasnimada ah aad u hadlaysid oo naga gudoon air-controllada aan dhankiina u soo wadno!:D


Somalia is I, and I am Somalia. :D

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^^ Somalia ma ta aad xaabashida u so kaxaysatey oo aad ku dumisay caasimadeedi naga daa dee hadaba Somalia inad uurka ka necebtahay waanu ognahay gaar ahaan reer Muqdisho , wa hada kuwa hogaaminaya dawlada federaalka. Adigu ma tihid kuwa lala hadlayo adiga waxan waxba laga ma weydinayo adigu waxad ka masuul tahay budhcad badeednimada iyo waxyalaha kale eeh aad ku takhasustay eeh aan kheyrka lahayn:D

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War anoo burcad ah baa ku leeyahay, Somalia sedex bey idinku qabtaa, weligeedna xabad dhalaaq ah ka ma heleysaan ee bal isku dirka aad naf ka dayanaysid iska yaree!


Reer Muqdisho iyo anaga Soomaalinimo, walaaltinimo, iyo wadaninimo ayaa naga dhaxaysa, si kasta oo aan siyaasada iskaga hor imaadno, weligeen Somalia midnimadeeda heshiis baan ku nahay...diid ama ha diidin.


Marka topic-gaan aad mar walba dhan ula carareysid sidii qof waalan naga daa....meeshaan waxa kaliya oo looga hadlayey waxay ahayd hadiyada air-controllada oo Mudane Madaxweyne Axmad Shiekh Maxamuud uu ku maslaxayo habraha waalwaalan ee waqooyiga. ee ma ahayn cantarabaqashkaan aad lasoo shir tagtay oo ah isku dirka ummad Soomaaliyeed.


Xaaji, step up your game homie!:D

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Tillamook;967820 wrote:

War anoo burcad ah baa ku leeyahay, Somalia sedex bey idinku qabtaa, weligeedna xabad dhalaaq ah ka ma heleysaan ee bal isku dirka aad naf ka dayanaysid iska yaree!


Reer Muqdisho iyo anaga Soomaalinimo, walaaltinimo, iyo wadaninimo ayaa naga dhaxaysa, si kasta oo aan siyaasada iskaga hor imaadno, weligeen Somalia midnimadeeda heshiis baan ku nahay...diid ama ha diidin.


Marka topic-gaan aad mar walba dhan ula carareysid sidii qof waalan naga daa....meeshaan waxa kaliya oo looga hadlayey waxay ahayd hadiyada air-controllada oo Mudane Madaxweyne Axmad Shiekh Maxamuud uu ku maslaxayo habraha waalwaalan ee waqooyiga. ee ma ahayn cantarabaqashkaan aad lasoo shir tagtay oo ah isku dirka ummad Soomaaliyeed.


Xaaji, step up your game homie!


^^ Somaliya iyada ba la qabaye eh sidee wax u qabi karta Uganda burundi Kenya xabashi marba nin ba guursada oo ka mariya. waliba Somalia waxa kiirieyey kooxda budhcad badeedka iyaga qolka u balaqay inay wadama jaarka oo dhani u so tumasho tagaan.


Reer Muqdisho hada waxba ha isku dhedjin waadigi shalay xabashi u so raacay deken dekan ka dhigay dhulkoodi iyo dadkoodi baa'biyey, waadigi ka so mashxaradayey garowe iyo galkacyo. Wadanimo halkay jirta walaaltinimo halkay jirta


XIta madaxweynaha Somalia magacisa garan maysid hadana waxad leedahay waan tageersanahay waaliday ka mid tahay:D iyo khiaaliyga aad iska dha dhicinaysid.

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Ramadan Kariim saaxiib.


Walahi warkaan aad baan ugu farxay waayo waxaan ogaadey in Silanyo diyaar u yahay inuu magdhow intuu qaato dadkiisa dhinac uu ka raaco. Marka waxaan leeyahay hayadaha dawllada oo Xamar jooga ha loo raro Hargaysa sida loogu maslaxo reer Somaliland.



Don't take my thrashing of Xunjuf too serious!:D

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Tillamook;967801 wrote:

looool look who is talking a mad habar who has lost all hopes of international recognition and all dignity if they had any. Saxib runta aan kuu sheego. Somaliland is dead. the world never knew it and does not even care. Ahmed Silanyo and the mad habro know it, and the rest of Somalia knows. No secession will ever happen and we all know that. These conferences are designed with one objective to highlight to the world that SOMALILAND is going nowhere and that they will be placated with a few concessions and the unity of MOTHER SOMALIA is sacrosanct, which will further demoralize the already frustrated habro, which will ultimate be a positive for us, true Somalis. So my dear troglodyte from the habro enclave keep dreaming for la-la land will never be.


If you say so Saxib




Uganda ka xorow Saxib marka hore. What has recognition done for you? And what has the lack of it not done for us



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Xaaji Xunjuf;967825 wrote:
^^ Somaliya iyada ba la qabaye eh sidee wax u qabi karta Uganda burundi Kenya xabashi marba nin ba guursada oo ka mariya. waliba Somalia waxa kiirieyey kooxda budhcad badeedka iyaga qolka u balaqay inay wadama jaarka oo dhani u so tumasho tagaan.


Reer Muqdisho hada waxba ha isku dhedjin waadigi shalay xabashi u so raacay deken dekan ka dhigay dhulkoodi iyo dadkoodi baa'biyey, waadigi ka so mashxaradayey garowe iyo galkacyo. Wadanimo halkay jirta walaaltinimo halkay jirta


XIta madaxweynaha Somalia magacisa garan maysid hadana waxad leedahay waan tageersanahay waaliday ka mid tahay:D iyo khiaaliyga aad iska dha dhicinaysid.

Jaw, naw! Waar dee habartii maxaa daaray?


Xaaji Habaar, the Amisom forces are their on a UN mandate to help stabilize war torn Somalia, so all that nonsense you've just spewed is just that...NONSENSE!


You keep talking about the supposed beef between reer Muqdisho and the pirates as some sort of hell on earth. As I said to you many times before, if only you could get it through your thick skull, that we are merely jostling for political power. Nothing more and nothing less. Just because the pirates oppose the political policies of the reer Muqdisho or vice versa, that does not mean we will pout our mouths and say we want to secede. We Fight when we fight, and we make peace when we have to. That's the way it's been for ages between these two groups.


Now, as for the secessionist troglodytes of the north, who have never seen conflict in their lives and who up to this day still hold a grudge about a few bombs being dropped on their heads some 20 odd years ago, I wish I could say the same.


Now, go crawl back under that rock, for I'm sure the light of truth hurts your eyes!:D

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GAROODI;967834 wrote:
If you say so Saxib


Uganda ka xorow Saxib marka hore


Adna caqlixumada Soomaliya baa lakala goynayaa ka xorow saxib marka horta :D

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Tillamook;967829 wrote:

Ramadan Kariim saaxiib.


Walahi warkaan aad baan ugu farxay waayo waxaan ogaadey in Silanyo diyaar u yahay inuu magdhow intuu qaato dadkiisa dhinac uu ka raaco. Marka waxaan leeyahay hayadaha dawllada oo Xamar jooga ha loo raro Hargaysa sida loogu maslaxo reer Somaliland.



Don't take my thrashing of Xunjuf too serious!



I am glad to hear that saxiib. I thing this is a positive step for the Somali people. It shows political maturity, that Somalis can compromise and the start of consensus building. Hope this continues in all directions.


Xaaji Xunjuf waa caadi ina ku tuftid, markaas ayee odayga ugu baxdaa. :D

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Carafaat;967838 wrote:


I am glad to hear that saxiib. I thing this is a positive step for the Somali people. It shows political maturity, that Somalis can compromise and the start of consensus building. Hope this continues in all directions.


Xaaji Xunjuf waa caadi ina ku tuftid, markaas ayee odayga ugu baxdaa.

Insha Allah it will continue. Ultimately, it is all about politics. The political elites of Somaliland always wanted a fair share of what belongs them, unlike the days of the dictatorship. Insha Allah, everything that is rightfully theirs, AND ONLY THEIRS, will be given to them and they will rejoin the rank and file of the Somali people.


As for Xaajiga, odeygu hal cillad buu leeyahay...mar walba aad la doodid wuxuu kula aadayaa Siberia iyo wax aan loo joogin:D

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What kinda negotiating team did Somalia send to Istanbul? they gave some they didn't have too, airspace control , and got nothing in return. they could've at least demanded free passage.

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