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Xaaji Xunjuf

Its official the SFG forces back Barre hiiraale's Militia Hiiraaonline.

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Dagaalkii Kismaayo oo Qaboobay iyo Abaabullo Dagaal oo ka socda gudaha Magaaladaas oo weli la isku hor-fadhiyo



Sabti, Juun 29, 2013 (HOL) — Dagaalladii maanta ka socday Kismaayo ayaa qaboobay maqrinimadii caawa, iyadoo ciidamadii dagaalku u dhexeeyay ay weli isku horfadhiyaan xaafado ka tirsan magaaladaas, waxaana si xowli ah uga socda barakac ay dadku sameynayaan.


Iyadoo dagaalkii maanta uu ahaa mid xooggan ayaa wararka aan ka helayno Kismaayo waxay sheegayaan inay ku dhinteen 20-ruux oo u badan shacabkii lagu dul-dagaalamay, kuwaasoo qaarkood ay dhaawacyo soo gaaray markii dambe ugu geeriyooday isbitaalka guud ee magaaladaas.


“Xaaladdu waa daggan tahay, waxaase socda abaabullo ay wadaan kooxihii ku dagaalamay magaalada, rasaas ayaa mararka qaarkood dhacaysa, iyadoo magaaladu ay u muuqato in labada dhinac ay u qaybsan tahay,” ayuu HOL u sheegay mid ka mid ah dadka ku nool Kismaayo.


Goobjoogahan ayaa sheegay in dadka dhintay iyo kuwa dhaawacmay ay inta badan yihiin dadkii shacabka ah ee ka barakacayay magaalada, iyadoo qaar ka mid ah waddooyinka magaalada ay yaallaan maydadka kooxihii dagaalku u dhexeeyay iyo dad shacab ah oo ay dishay rasaasta iyo madaafiicda loo adeegsanayay dagaalkii maanta.


“Abaabullo ciidan ayaa socda, waxaana baqdin weyn laga qabaa inuu dhaco dagaal ka culus kuwii labadii maalmood ee lasoo dhaafay socday, dadkuna si aad ah ayay uga barakacayaan magaalada,” ayuu goobjooguhu hadalkiisa ku daray.


Ciidamada maamulka Sheekh Axmed Madoobe ayaa la sheegay inay saldhig weyn ay ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya ka qabsadeen gellinkii dambe ee maanta, kaasoo ku yaalla warshadda hilibka ee Kismaayo.


“Qayb ayay ka yihiin ciidamada dowladda dagaalka, waxayna la safan yihiin xoogagga daacadda u ah Col. Barre Hiiraale, Cabdi Baalleey iyo Iftin Baasto, ciidamada AMISOM ee magaalada ku suganna wax tallaabo ah oo ay weli qaadeen ma jirto,” ayuu goobjoogahan hadalkiisa ku daray.


Dadkii ku dhintay dagaalladii maanta ayaa waxaa ka mid ahayd hooyo iyo saddex caruur ah oo ay dhashay, kuwaasoo doonayay inay magaalada ka qaxaan, waxaana madfac uu kula dhacay bartamaha magaalada Kismaayo.


Dhanka kale, dhaqaatiirta isbitaalka Kismaayo ayaa waxay ka cabanayaan dawo la’aan iyo qalab la’aan, iyadoo isbitaalka ay dhaawacyadii soo gaaray ugu geeriyoonayaan dad badan oo shacab ah, kuwaasoo rasaas iyo hubka waaweyn ay ku dhaceen iyagoo guryahooda ku sugan, qaarkood ay isaga barkacayeen magaalada.


Inkastoo dowladda Soomaaliya ay ku baaqday maanta in dagaalka la joojiyo ayaa haddana waxaa ka socda magaalada hub urursi xooggan oo dhinacyadii dagaalamay u dhexeeya, iyadoo baqdin weyn laga qabo dagaallo kale oo dhaca.

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I dont know what they will do but they cant afford to lose it ,they want to be in control, the Kenyans and the Raskambooni Militia wont let them.But Somalia might even cut all diplomatic ties with Nairobi the problem is the Kenyans are not neutral in this conflict. We shall see in the next coming weeks what kind of direction it will take. So far Ahmed madoobe legitimacy as President has been badly damaged, with the constant clashes. Because the other 2 claim to be President to.

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I hope this is not true but if it is then say goodbye to Somalia. I don't know who is making decisions in the SFG but all I know is that he is incompetent. Opposing the formation of Jubaaland is one thing but taking sides in militia warfare is asking for the renewal of the civil war.

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Homunculus the Kenyan troops arrested a top Colonel of the federal troops a gentlemen who goes by the name of Cabaas. But its only fair the raskambooni are being supported by Kenya and if the other group is supported by Somalia its only fair and balanced dont you think?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;965263 wrote:
Homunculus the Kenyan troops arrested a top Colonel of the federal troops a gentlemen who goes by the name of Cabaas. But its only fair the raskambooni are being supported by Kenya and if the other group is supported by Somalia its only fair and balanced dont you think?

The whole situation is a mess and the only thing the SFG can do is stay neutral in a militia fight (even if it is unfair). If they had a strong control of Somalia as a whole I'd welcome the SFG to exert control on the region, but they are a powerless entity and are at the mercy of international community. They have to show that they are the adults in this conflict and stay as far away as possible and point to the futility of the Kenyan presence. Things were going well but now they had to ruin it by interfering in the open.

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You are right but dont you think sometimes it smart to support the lesser evil in order to gain control of the region for example if hiiraale takes control of Kismayo he will allow the govt in and to take control of the region. You are right the situation is messed since the govt has no real presence in the region. It will be very difficult its good not to take sides in order to get both groups together and come to a solution but than again this is Somalia. This is not a normal country.

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The Zack   

Xaaji Xunjuf;965270 wrote:
You are right but dont you think sometimes
it smart to support the lesser evil i
n order to gain control of the region for example if hiiraale takes control of Kismayo he will allow the govt in and to take control of the region. You are right the situation is messed since the govt has no real presence in the region. It will be very difficult
its good not to take sides
in order to get both groups together and come to a solution but than again this is Somalia. This is not a normal country.

I have no idea what you are trying to say, Yaa Xaaji!


Is everything OK?


Is it good or is it not good for the government to support? You said it is smart to do so, then you said it is not good to do so LOL. SHaah Kabbo waryaa!

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You are missing the bigger picture. The SFG has lost all its legitimacy with non-HAG tribes as it got itself involved in a clan conflict. Now AMISOM and Kenya can completely ignore the SFG saying it is just another Somali faction and other factions don't have to come under it. The pirates and Jubaland can claim rightly that SFG is a biased HAG entity that doesn't represent them . Did the parliament vote to pick sides? NO.

What will the Imam say about this? Just you wait.

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The zack the goverment has no real boots on the ground so it will be only moral support maybe a few militias.i am sure Hiiraale's Militia are not the SFG. For the long run its not good to take sides but it really depends on the situation. Imagine Zack that Barre loses and Madoobe wins and the govt backed Hiiraale, than it will look bad there will be no trust between madoobe and the SFG. Another scenario If they support hiiraale and hiiraale wins than they have a trusted ally in the region but for how long can he stay in power. If they stay neutral than they can mediate but there will be a chance they lose control. All choices the govt takes will have severe repercussions.

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The Zack   

You are using hypothetical scenarios when the issue has already been settled.




Kismayu is fully under control of the Jubaland State. The spoilers bet it SFG, Hiiraale, Baasto and co have all been kicked out. Everything is under control. The last attempt of SFG to break down the peace in Kismayu has failed.

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The SFG has made a fundamental mistake by taking sides. How can they support a warlord for Kismaayo yet complain that Ahmed Madoowe is a warlord?

Win or lose in Kismaayo, how can they be so clearly clannish? How are they any different to the last real government who were clannish?

How will the international community support a government that is this clearly clannish?

The civil war era hasn't finished and this government has the same legitimacy as the qasim government. The government has degraded itself to the position of Ahmed Madoowe and Hiraale. Any hope of them becoming a real government is truly gone now.

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This government has lost all legitimacy. Let's hope the next one fairs better. I'm sure most political pundits are now looking beyond Culusow & Company.

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