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Puntland Govt Opens Visa Office Issuing Foreign Visas To Europe and Asia. PICS + AUDIO

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Guddoomiye Abshir Axmed Yuusuf (Sallacalee)





Magaaladda Boosaaso Oo Laga Furay Xafiis Qaabilsan la Talinta Khilaafaadka dhanka Ganacsiga iyo Fisooyinka [Wareysi+Sawirro]


Guddoomiye Abshir Axmed Yuusuf (Sallacalee)


Boosaaso[RBC Radio] Magaaladda Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari ayaa laga furay Xafiis ka shaqeyn doona xalinta khilaafaadka ka dhex dhaca ganacsiga sida Shirkadaha arrimaha la xiriira ee dhanka ganacsiga iyo soo saarista Fiisooyinka


Waxaana sidoo kale uu qaban doonaa in bulshada reer Puntland uu u fududeeyo in u soo saaro Fiisayaasha dalalka Turkiga, Shiinaha,Pakistan,Malaysiya.


Guddoomiyaha Xafiiska la talinta khilaafaadka ganacsiga Abshir Axmed Yuusuf (Sallacalee) oo RBC Radio ugu waray magaaladda Boosaaso ayaa ka warbixyey arrimaha uu qabanayo Xafiiskoodu.


Wuxuu sheegay in Xafiiskoodu uu wax badan ka qaban doono dhibaatooyinka iyo khilaafaadka maamul ee ganacsiga ka dhex dhasha isla markaana ay siin doonaan tallooyin wax ku ool ah.


…”””Xafiiskan wuxuu wax ka qabanayaa una furanyahay kala talinta iyo khilaafaadka dhibaatooyinka maamulka gaanacsiga iyo kuwa sida gaarga ah loo leeyahay haddii khilaaf dhexyimaado……”””ayuu yiri Abshir Axmed Yuusuf.


Mudane Abshir Axmed Yuusuf ayaa xusay in sidoo kale tallooyin iyo la talin siin doonaan qofka doonaya in uu ganacsi bilaabo watana lacagtiisa balse aan garaneyn goobta uu ku jihayn lahaa ganacsigiisa,wuxuuna intaas ku daray in Xafiiskoodu uusan khusayn ama shaqo ku lahayn arrimo Siyaasadeed.


…..””” Qofkii raba inuu ganacsi ama uu lacag haysto una garan waayo wuxuu ka qabto lacagta inaan si fudud u siino la talin sida ugu haboon ee u ku qabsan karo,Xafiiskan ma khuseeyo wax Siyaasad ah ma hoos yimaado…””ayuu yiri.




Guddoomiye Abshir Axmed Yuusuf (Sallacalee) ayaa sidoo kale RBC Radio u sheegay in Xafiiskoodu u qaban doona bulshada reer Puntland in afar wadan oo Caalamka kamid ah Fiisayaashooda usoo saari doonaan,taasina ay tahay fursad loo baahanyahay iney ka faa’ideystaa.


Fiisayaasha Xafiiskoodu soo saari ayuu ka sheegay iney yihiin wadamada ,Shiinaha,Pakistan iyo Malayshiya,waxayna yihiin Fiisayaasha ay qeybaha Caafimaadka,Ganacsiga iyo Waxbarashada.


…””Xafiiskan wuxuu sidoo kale soo saaraa qeybaha Fiisooyinka dalal farabadan oo kamid ah afar wadan oo kala ah Turkiga,Shiinaha,Pakistan iyo Malayshiya, afartaas wadan Fiisooyinka ay soo saaraan waxa weeye qeybta Caafimaadka,Ganacsiga iyo Waxbarashada,……”””ayuu yiri Mr Abshir.


RBC Radio oo weydiisay Guddoomiye Abshir Axmed Yuusuf (Sallacalee) sababa xiligaan ku dhaliyey in Xafiiskan ka furan Boosaaso iyo baahiyaha keenay ayuu kaga Jawaabay…..!!!!!


JAWAAB……””” Wallaahay waxa nagu dhaliyey khaasatan magaaladda Boosaaso waa magaalo aad u weyn oo ah magaalo madaxda ganacsiga Puntland sidaa darted waxaan aragnay markii aan dalka khaasatan anigu aan imi waxan arkay waxyaalo badan oo fursado ah oo dalka dhexyaala oo ah qeybta Ganacsiga,waxaana garows anahay in Shirkadaha isu keeno si ay si mideysan wax u wada qabsadaan iskuna darsan karaan Ganacsigooda….”””ayuu yiri Abshir.


Guddoomiyaha Xafiiska la talinta khilaafaadka ganacsiga Abshir Axmed Yuusuf (Sallacalee) ayaa gabagabadii tallooyin usoo Jeediyey dhalinyarada Tahriibta galeysa iyo kuwa waxbartay,wuxuuna kuwa Tahriiba kula taliyey in dalkooda joogaan isagoona arrimahaas u sababeeyey shaqo la’aan dalka ka jirta.


Halkan ka Dhageyso Waraysiga ay Raxanreeb la Yeelatay Guddoomiye Abshir Axmed Yuusuf Guji Halkan


NB: Waxaa Wareysiga qaaday Cismaan Turaabi

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I thought it was the state that issued visas yaa ditoore osman;)


But hey if the state doesnt have the resources do its job why stop the middle on the ground setting up an office and" issuing legal visas" to foreginers.

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Khadafi, the Garowe Visa office deals with visas to dubai-saudi-ethiopia-yemen. Bosaso Visa Office deals with visas to malaysia, china, pakistan and Turkey. Federalism is still alive, who said it isn't except your warped interpretation of federalism which is along the lines of a centralized federalism which is not what Puntland nor the constitution supports. We support a de-centralized Federalism and for your information Puntland constitution says we will take care of our own affairs as an Indepedent state untill federated states are born and re-negiotation with the federal govt is taken place.

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Khadafi;962841 wrote:
I thought it was the state that issued visas yaa ditoore osman;)


But hey if the state doesnt have the resources do its job why stop the middle on the ground setting up an office and" issuing legal visas" to foreginers.

Kadafi, this isn't about the government of Puntland issuing anything to anyone, but rather an independent travel agent that helps clients apply for foreign country visas.

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Lol kadafi maybe it's your lack of political skills or your just being a troll. When does a travel agent issue visas please let me know. They issued fares last time I checked. Puntland Govt prints the Somalia Passport and Issues visas to a number of countries some of those include the nations I listed.

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Tilamok let me remind you that I have my Puntland Driver License and at this stage it is only recognized in Puntland but we will be pushing for it to be recognized around the world as an international drivers license like our high school certificates are recognized as entry points for a number of universities like turkey, sudan, kenya, ethiopia, and yemen.


Your need to get it in your head that Puntland is an Indepedent State with it's own government, parliament, ministries, judicial system, central bank, army, navy, airforce,police, intelligence, flag, anthem. It has an ethiopian consulate active and yemen consulate opening soon. It now has liason offices to issue visas to a number of european and asian countries. Let's not forget that our leader meets world leaders such as libya prime minister, ethiopian pm, kenya president, yemen president. High level ministers around the world in particularly italy, uk, gulf states, india, australia, america. This goes vice versa and they come to puntland to meet with us.


Whats your problem sir?. Puntland is indepedent nation waa madaxbanan yahay dasturkeena bay ku qoran tahay wuxuna wafaqsan yahay dasturka somaliya. We are indepedent untill the completion of federalism in Somalia.

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