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SECURITY COUNCIL: Press Statement on Somalia

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Aragaane, wallee qolyihiinna siyaasadda dawladda taageersan in waqti badani idinkaga dhumi Kismaayo

Time is what we have , Jubba is huge region , it is one of the multicultural regions in Somalia if the FG gets hold of it the rest of south regions will be walk in the Park in-terms state building ...............



Milita leader and SNA Soldier will not be allowed to be Governor and Vic President

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Xildhibaanno Somali ah oo ku Qabtay Magaalada Nairobi kulan looga hadlay Mushkiladaha ka taagan Jubba



Jimco, June 14, 2013- Xildhibaano ka tirsan baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa kusoo bandhigay Nairobi warbixin ku saabsan wadciga dhabta ah ee ka jira gobollada Jubbooyinka iyo waxa dastuurka Soomaaliya uu ka qabo maamul u samaynta gobolladaas.


Xildhibaanada kulanka soo qabanqaabiyay oo kala ahaa Xildhibaan Maxamuud Guure, Xildhibaan C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil, Xildhibaan Carab Ciise, Xildhibaan C/laahi Goodax Barre iyo Xildhibaan C/laahi Jaamac .


Waxayna mudanayaashani isugu yeereen inta badan safiirrada iyo diblamaasiyiinta wadamada caalamka u fadhiya dalkani Kenya iyagoo halkaas ku soo bandhigay warbixin ay ku faahfaahinayaan sida dastuurka iyo sharcigu uu dhigayo in loo maro qaabka maamul u samaynta gobollada Jubbooyinka.


Warbixinta oo ay akhriyeen Xildhibaan C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil iyo Xildhibaan Maxamuud Guure ayaa lagu sheegay in qaabkii loo maray shirkii lagu soo doortay Sheekh Axmed Madoobe inuusan ahayn qaab waafaqsan dastuurka federaaliga ah ee dalka u degsan.


“Maqabo dastuurku in qabaa’il isu tagaan ee wuxuu qabaa in gobol iyo wax ka badani ay isu yimaadaan si ay u buuxiyaan shuruudaha laga doonayo maamul goboleed” ayaa lagu yiri warbixinta.




Warbixinta ayaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in kadib markii ay gudigii dawlada ee ku sugnaa Kismaayo ay sameeyeen xog aruurin ballaaran ay ku ******** in dadweynaha gobolladaas ay kasoo horjeedaan maamuladii looga dhawaaqay Kismaayo ayna doonayaan in dawlada Soomaaliya ay hormuud ka noqoto tillaabooyinka maamulka loogu samaynayo Jubbooyinka.


Xildhibaanadan ayaa sidoo kale beesha caalamka iyo urur goboleedka IGAD uga mahad celiyay go’aanadii ay qaateen ee lagu meelmariyay in dawlada Soomaaliya looga dambeeyo marka loo samaynayo maamulada gobollada dalka.


Dawlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa hormuud ka noqonaysa isu keenida, maamul u samaynta iyo dib u heshiisiin ballaaran oo ka dhacda dalka ayaa lagu yiri warbixintii maanta.


Xildhibaanadii kulanka manta soo qabanqaabiyay ayaa sheegay in shirka ay kasoo qaybgaleen diblamaasiyiin kakala socota in ka badan 22 dal oo ay kamid yihiin inta badan wadamada reer galbeedka ee daneeya arrimaha Soomaaliya gaar ahaanna Maraykanka iyo Talyaaniga.


Wasiirkii hore ee qorshaynta iyo xiriirka caalamigaa ee Soomaaliya C/laahi Goodax barre oo gabagabadii kulankaas la hadlay Hiiraan Online ayaa sheegay in kulankoodii uu ku soo dhammaaday si guul ah, ayna garawshiiyo ka heleen safiirada kakala socday caalamka ee shirkaas kasoo qaybgalay, kuwaasoo qiray inay dawlada Soomaaliya ay tahay mida iska leh masuuliyada iyo isu keenida bulshooyinka Soomaaliyeed ee doonaya inay maamul goboleedyo ka samaysmaan dalka.

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I don't have no power other then being cyber warrior and at work for 10 hrs sitting front laptop .....its just that i support the FG Policy and the needs of the people in those regions ...


Warbixinta ayaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in kadib markii ay gudigii dawlada ee ku sugnaa Kismaayo ay sameeyeen xog aruurin ballaaran ay ku ******** in dadweynaha gobolladaas ay kasoo horjeedaan maamuladii looga dhawaaqay Kismaayo ayna doonayaan in dawlada Soomaaliya ay hormuud ka noqoto tillaabooyinka maamulka loogu samaynayo Jubbooyinka.

“Maqabo dastuurku in qabaa’il isu tagaan ee wuxuu qabaa in gobol iyo wax ka badani ay isu yimaadaan si ay u buuxiyaan shuruudaha laga doonayo maamul goboleed” ayaa lagu yiri warbixinta.

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xiinfaniin;961887 wrote:


Your comprehension is failing you, Dabrow. SC clearly endorsed the provincial constitution as it is. This interim nonsense will only derail Somali government, the sooner they realize this Kismayo thing is hard to reverse and move on, the better their chances in governing the country will be. But again some folks have never had an interest in governance ...

There is no way to spinn this xiin. It's clear as day, security's councils supports this and stands for it. Hassan sheikh will name a temporary governor for the region and hold peace meeting to avoid further bloodshed. That's why all the so called presidents of jubaland are going to xamar hoping they get this temporary admin. As I said these steps are in right directions. All other options risks putting the country back in civil war and reverse the gains against alshabab.

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^^It is funny that you and I are reading the same security council statement and are drawing fundamentally two differently conclusions from it. I however understand the way of the world better than you (I believe) hence my interpretations are closer to the truth :D


To think a year old democratic deliberation participated by vast majority of Jubbaland communities will be discarded simply Hassan Sheekh, as a result of a clear political naivety and bad counsel, wished a centrist approach and one-size-fits-all thinking would be more effective, is beyond dreaming.


You and I will be talking about Kismayo for the next four years , it appears :D

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Dabrow, sxb, there is no need for Hassan to name new governor while we have the elected President Hiiraale of Jubbaland State, just reminding you awoowe.

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Xiin: we are not in agreement because you are in denial. This statement by security council its support what the IGAD outlined, let me remind you.



" IGAD tasked Somali Federal Government to ” timely convene and lead reconciliation conference with the support of IGAD while consulting key stakeholders in the Juba Regions with a view to chart out a roadmap on the establishment of interim administration and formation of a permanent regional administration in accordance with the Provisional Constitution with IGAD playing a supporting role".

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^^We talked IGAD statement and its implication to death. Resorting to it now shows you are unsure the political ramification of today's security council statement.


It is simple Dabrow, president Hassan has two choices: 1) move forward with governing the country and accept the will of Jubba people, or 2) prepare for persistent and effective diplomatic ambushes, security complications, and political scheming that will ultimately deem him irrelevant and reduce him to a governor of Mogadishu. No amount of foreign trips, photo ops or presidential veneer will help him overcome the hardening resolve of Jubbaland state.

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nuune;961912 wrote:
Dabrow, sxb, there is no need for Hassan to name new governor while we have the elected President Hiiraale of Jubbaland State, just reminding you awoowe.

Awoowe this is bigger then personalities, this about avoiding to prolong the Somali civil war. We have legitimate president, pm and parliment now.

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Do you know that it has been established for a fact the Baasto guy who triggered the voilance in Kismayo came with the defense minister from Mogadishu? A fact that is beginning to affect the chances of Mogadishu conference materializing at all.

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ok Dabrow but we can't just discard the man we were supporting yesterday for the presidency of Jubbaland, elected!


I know the government you are talking about were congratulating Ximan & Xeeb today for the new president there and the SFG had no involvement whatsoever, but that is not my point, my point is, why are we changing our stance like odey jirjiroole, I wasn't expecting u to withdraw your support for Abuunaa President Hiiraale of Jubbaland State.

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xiinfaniin;961914 wrote:
^^We talked IGAD statement and its implication to death. Resorting to it now shows you are unsure the political ramification of today's security council statement.


It is simple Dabrow, president Hassan has two choices: 1) move forward with governing the country and accept the will of Jubba people, or 2) prepare for persistent and effective diplomatic ambushes, security complications, and political scheming that will ultimately deem him irrelevant and reduce him to a governor of Mogadishu. No amount of foreign trips, photo ops or presidential veneer will help him overcome the hardening resolve of Jubbaland state.

This is nonsense xiin. We both know this. No amount of threats will stop this goverment to regain control of this country from warlords and exercise real and fair governance.

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^^Dabrow is officially the online spokesperson for Hassan Sheekh. Intaa kaama xasdayo waa intaas oo promotion ku heshaa :D



nuune, sheekadii Barre eeyaa cunay , marka Baasto la karsaday buu quustay

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