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Colonel Barre Hiiraale's Navy Attacked Kismayo, Daqane of SOL reports

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Sulleiman The Great;943737 wrote:
this government needs to distance itself from this jubaland thing, focus on more important issue and let the situation play out. Focus more on economic recovery and infrastructural rehabilitation. I think the president is doing well by letting this jubaland thing playout.

Jubbaland is an important part of Somalia with a major port there , so the President and his government will focus what happens there , still large parts of that territory is in the hands of Alshabaab and there are some elements who want to create a one sided tribal state there, at the expense of the others. So the government has the right to intervene since its responsible for those regions. Its the governments task to create capable security forces for those regions.

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Mario B;943677 wrote:
On the contrary, if [ and that is a big if] the two militia slug it out, then it will allow the government to come in and set up a temporary administration clean of warlords. The Kenyan government will be forced to close rank with SFG in order to insure it doesn't get itself in a quagmire.



Goverment should act and intervene between this militias.

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Maamulka Kismaayo: Markii Barre Hiiraale uu magaalada imanayey waxaa la socday labo askari oo kaliya"


Maamulka KMG ah ee ka taliya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxba kama jiraan ku tilmaamay warar beryihii dambe soo baxay, isla markaasna warbaahinta ay si aad ah u hadeysay oo sheegayey in Col. Barre Aadan Shire (Barre Hiiraale) uu ciidan xoogan la galay gudaha magaalada Kismaayo, waxayna maamulka warkaasi ku sheegeen kuwo been abuur ah.


Taliyaha amniga magaalada Kismaayo Maxamuud Qaalib oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay gudaha Kismaayo ayaa beeniyay in Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale uu ciidan hubeysan la galay gudaha magaalada Kismaayo, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in Barre Hiiraale uu si nabddoon u joogo magaalada, isla markaasna aysan jirin wax ciidan ah oo uu magaalada gudaheeda la soo galay.


Taliyaha wuxuu beeniyay wararka sheegaya in magaalada Kismaayo ay isku horfadhiyaan ciidan uu hogaaminayo Barre Hiiraale iyo ciidanka amniga maamulka ku meel gaarka ah ee magaalada Kismaayo, wuxuuna xusay in Barre Hiiraale uusan wadan ciidan hubeysan markii uu gudaha u galay magaalada Kismaayo.


Taliyaha amniga Kismaayo Mr. Qaalib ayaa sheegay in Barre Hiiraale ay wehlinayeen markii uu gudaha u galayey magaalada Kismaayo 2-askari oo ilaaladiisa gaarka ah sida uu tilmaamay, wuxuuna meesha ka saaray in magaalada ay ku sugan yihiin ciidan ka amar qaata Barre Hiiraale.


Hadalka ka soo yeeray taliyaha amniga magaalada Kismaayo Maxamuud Qaalib ayaa waxa uu ku soo aadayaa iyadoo dhawaan ay soo baxeen warar sheegaya in Barre Aadan shire Barre Hiiraale uu magaalada Kismaayo la galay gaadiid dagaal iyo ciidan xoogan, kuwaas oo xaalad cabsi ah ku abuuray dadweynaha magaalada Kismaayo.

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^^ But reer bari are all the same and at fight again as usual, from faroole to irrelevent oday dhaqameed sac & hal bey isku sidkayaan, dad kala sinjiya bey isku sandulleynayaan:

dhag ku sii(akhri oo dhegeyso)

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^^ lol, run iney kaa tahaa fiicnaan lahayd!. Is is some thing to do with the clashes of galgaduud?. Still holding grudges?,

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Tho I don't know this oday and how he represents Puntland, but I do know what you are claiming here isn't what this oday said in the clip you posted. If you're gonna quote someone; do it correctly and without misleading. I listened to the clip and in no where is he advocating for war. Irony is that you're here accusing odaga of clannish war; something you are doing here oo odaygaan uusan oran. I noticed you've been distancing yourself from your spiritual leaders like Godane and Ali Dheere these days but I didn't realize you went to the other extreme; Xaad and Diiriye speaker.


Go back and listen to the clip and tell us if he said the bold line below or not.



"Maanta xaaladdu waxaa weeye Ruug-caddaagii soo rogaal celi, Barre Hiiraalle in uu Kismaayo tago waxaa soo abaabulay odayaasha [*****] Axmed Diiriye iyo Xaad shacabka Jubbaland
waxaan leennahay dagaal isaga saara Barre Hiiraale
" ayuu yiri Daahir dhangad oo ah Afhayeenka Odayaasha Dhaqanka Puntland.


Mise waa tii Faroolaa yiri Shareecada Islaamka wax walba laguma sheegin :D :D :D :D

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Maadeey is an interesting version of usc , a religiously oriented usc --we drove the secular wing of usc, we shall have no problem dealing with the indhacadde type :D :D


Barre is a citizen of Jubbaland and has every right to be in Kismayo as a citizen. Obviously Barre is not an average person, he was one of the leaders of this region and his presence raises questions and concerns. But with context, Barre of today is not Barre of yesterday .

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Warlord xiin stop beating the drums of war there is only one issue in here which is that this jubbaland process is illegitimate, somalis wont fall for your little tricks which is creating a H vs D block inorder to unify beesha and become a obstacle to the government. Warlord xiin you have been dowladiid since the 60s when are you gonna quit this business?

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xiin galab wanaagsan, im not angry xiin just stating facts on the ground let the government sort this business you'll get what you deserve as long as it fills the criterias in the constitution.

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^^The constitution you have already corrupted?


This is serious Oba...tell unuka things will go south if we don't respect dawlidnimada yar ee 8 bilood jirta

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