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Xaaji Xunjuf

Garowe clan enclave leader Faroole, the Turks are ignoring us , but give all attention to Mogadishu.

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Madaxweyne Faroole: Turkigu Xamar buu ku Mashquulay.


Garoowe (RBC RADIO) Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr Cabdiraxmaan faroole ayaa sheegay in Dowlada Turkiga oo laga dhawrayay in Soomaliya oo idil ay wada sinto ay ku ekaatay oo qura sida uu hadalka u dhigay Magaalada Muqdisho oo ay Mashaariico badan ka fuluneyso ayna jiraan balanqaadyo badan oo ay usameeyeen Puntland balse aysan Fulin balantii ay qaadeen isagoo sheegay in aysan uga xumayn waalalaha Koonfureed waxa turkigu u qabanayo hadiiba wax laga faa’iidato sida uu Madaweynuhu yiri Mar uu ka hadlayay maanta Furitaanka Idaacada Cusub ee (Puntland RADIO).


Mudane faroole Taa badalkeed wuxuu u mahadcelshay Dowlada talyaaniga oo uu sheegay in ay Buuxisay oo ay isku darsatay Teedii iyo tii Turkiga aadna ay uga mahadcelinayaan wax yaabihii ay Puntland u qabteen laakiin wuxuu Madaxweynuhu celshay in turkigu ay cududooda isugu geeyeen Magaalada Muqdisho loona baahnaa in ay fuliyaan balanqaadyadii ay Sameeyeen Walow taasi hada laga maarmay sida uu Mdaxweynuhu yiri.


Madaxweyne C/raxmaan ayaa sidoo kale soo hadalqaaday Saxaafada wuxuuna sheegay in Puntland ay ka jiraan 7 idaacadood iyo Tvyo gaar loo leeyahay oo Xarumo ku leh Deegaanada Puntland wuxuu kaloo Madaxweynuhu carabka ku dhuftay in ay jiraan Websiteyo sita Magacyada Tuulooyinka kuwaasi oo faafiya waxa aan wanaagsanayn dhibaatadana ka shaqeeya inkastoo ay jiraan buu yiri kuwo wanaagsan oo iyagana Websiteyada ka mid ah mana uusan Toos u Carabaabin Madaxweynuhu Cida uu Dhaliilsanyahay.


Si kastaba Kasoo qaybgalka Xafladan oo ay goob joog ka ahaayeen Wasiiro badan waxay raxan-reeb la wadaageen soo dhaweynta Idaacadan Cusub wax badan ka faa’iidi Doonaan ayna Gudbin doonto Xaqiiqda rasmiga ah ee Puntland ka jirta Sida ay hadalka u dhigeen.

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I think the President is right, The Turkish government has focused and concentrated only in Mogadishu and forgot the rest of the Somali regions that desperately need attention; some even more so than Mogadishu. Xamar at least receives attention from different sources but there are region that get nothing at all.


When Faroole says this he speaks for Puntland (of course he represent Puntland) and the rest of the Somali regions.


The Turkish need to give attention to all the regions of Somalia like Bay, Gedo, Bari, Galgadud, Awdal, Mudug and the rest of the 18 regions. The Turkish need to be reminded of this issue and I commend President Faroole for doing it.

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^^ You managed to squeeze your enclave into a topic about development projects in Mogadishu and Puntland, bravo. :D

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You can't have it both ways. Give the Government of Somalia access to your autonomous states or shut the hell up.


No one in the international community deals with state governments. They deal with national governments. If you refuse the government, you will be refused help.


You can't go acting like your own country within a country and then start crying when Turkey ignores you for Muqdisho. At the moment, unfortunately, people have made Somalia only to be Muqdisho. So Turkey and the others will treat Somalia as exclusively Muqdisho.


I hope the Turks and the others continue only giving all the attention to Muqdisho. :cool:

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Oodweyne;940901 wrote:


Saaxiib, you never disappoint me when it comes you given the gallery your "cheap shot" of things. But I suppose an illustrious member of those who their clannish name is the "certified indigent" of Somali race, could always be expected to know the definition of "cheapness" and it's adjacent line of thought.


Hence I won't hold against you that such a cheapness in thinking and in articulation must be the first thing that comes to your mind the moment you see something that disagrees with you in a visceral sense. ..

Horta I hope inay tacsidii kuu soo dhamaatay, oo asaaydii iska soo riday since 'great' aunt Maggie Thatcher died, an icon to those folks in Waqooyiga who caabudo anything Ingiriiska or Ingiriiska-related.


Teeda kale, Eebbe ayaa mahad leh isirnimadeeda inaynan shaki ku jirin, unlike kuwa marna ismoodo boon Carbeed, marna meel kale sheegto. Alxamdulillaah, waaku ku faraxsanahay Soomaalinimadeena oo kumanaan sano ahayn, dhiigeenana ku jirtay. Xalaal baa la igu soo koriye, not 'ina'adeer iga dhiib/ina'abti bal wax iska baar' shaxaad ku nool.


Dad xalaal ku noolaa waligood qarniyo waaka dhashay, sheekh ka dhashay oo sheekh sii dhalay waliba. Waana kuwii Quraanka ku baray markaa Koonfurta imaateen oo aad ku heyseen the blasphemous 'diinta aabahaa...' iyo 'nabigaa wa....' Rabiyaa mahad ku leh taasna.

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Oodweyne, saxiib you're wrong. I must stop you. MMA Somalinimadiisu shaki kuma jirto, doodna ma gasho. Waa Soomali asal ah. Af Soomaliga siduu ugu hadlo malayn maysid. Iska daaye, he is even a teacher. Xaal bixi. Nasab dhiman inaad ku sheegto waa gef weyn. Siyaasadiisa iyo shakhsiyadiisa ayuun baa ah raqiis e, lakiin isirkiisu waa Somali. Fadlan taa ha iloobin. Heer uu abtirsado ayaad geysee. Ka qalee nooh. Hadaanuu adiga ku dawarsan, dawarsigiisa waxa kaa galay ayaa ah faduul. I hope you take this advice. Ummada Ilaahay ha kaa nabad gasho.

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Ace of Spadez, inaad dhax-dhaxaadiye tahey iyo in kale wallaahi kala garan maayo, hadalka aad qortey maandhoow mugdi baa iiga jiree ii macnee, waxaagu waa marin habaabin, dadbaa moodayo inaad MMA u maciineyso laakin waa Dhaasiim iyo Anfaal intey isku jiraan camal.


Siyaasadiisa iyo
ayuun baa ah raqiis e

Ma sidan baad leedahey dab-damis ayaan ahey, sxb.

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Nuune saxiib MMA wuxuu yahay waa la yaqaan doqona loo sheegi maayo, lakiin inuu Soomali asal ah yahay waa xaqiiq. Inay arintu isir tagto ma aha. Taasina Oodweyne wuu ku khaldanyahay.

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It makes sense to pay attention to the capital since it's the only region that is totally at the hands of the federal government, and the stability and the economic growth there will expand the influence of the government which in turn will make it easier in the future for Turkey to invest elsewhere. Turkey is a traditionalist, they prefer to deal with a government that resembles them. I'm sure they have an interest in making the Mogadishu the center of power not a week entity in the middle of wrangling federal states.

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Homunculus;940945 wrote:
It makes sense to pay attention to the capital since it's the only region that is totally at the hands of the federal government, and the stability and the economic growth there will expand the influence of the government which in turn will make it easier in the future for Turkey to invest elsewhere. Turkey is a traditionalist, they prefer to deal with a government that resembles them. I'm sure they have an interest in making the Mogadishu the center of power not a week entity in the middle of wrangling federal states.


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Spade, got you sxb, imikaad qumaati iigu cadeysay mugdigii yaraa, Oodka waa uu iska kaftan badanyahey, laakin MMA ayaa kaftanka Qawdhaniteska moola-moolaati u fahmey camal halkaasna waxaa ku dhashey rigoore tundheer ah asset.php?fid=14&uid=3017&d=1313069411

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Nuune, MMA wuu iska dhacdhac badanyahay ma ogi waxaa u sabab ah lakiin nin tuur leh isagaa yaqaan siduu u seexdo. Dadka qaarkiisna mamaba mudna in loo jawaabo. lol Anigu Oodweyne ayaanban ku haystaa maxaaba kugu watay ee aad ula jeex jeexaysaa. lol Gardaro cad weeye. LOOOOL

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