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Rgearding the looted houses- the hour is closing in and Dr Culusow needs make a final say about it!

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As you know all Somalia is today moving forward. We actually today have a recognised Government (not provincial)

Even tough we dont have peace (in a sense of no war) becouse of the Al-shabaab ragtags hit and run attacks, We could say that Somalia is today moving forward to newer frontier becouse of the these main major factors


a) The political establishment in the World is today supporting the reconstruction of Somalia

b) We have well defined political charter that clearly de-fused inter clan-rivavlry

c) The Somali people after 20+ years are finally fed up with war and its horrible destruction

d) The Somalia diaspora that sends more capital (aid) then the NGO has finally realised that peace is in every clans intrest


The major and greatest obstucle to inter-clan harmony is : Culusow have to make make a national commision that truly gives a solution looted property in Mogadishu. Some would say why talk about looted properties when the starved nation is just rising from civil war?


My answer that for 60 years Siyaad bare created a very centric society. Every Somali, weather a hergeysaawi too Raas-Kombooni invested his die-hard money in Mogadishu. Somalia was Mogadishu and Mogadishu was Somalia. simply as that.

The Civil war caused a change of demography, many fled from their homes with nothing then their clothes.


Ones flight is also ones benefit. Some individuals (I dont like term groups) took advantage of that civil war and ockupied well known houses. This has created a great mistrust. Why would ´those who once fled the city even again have the trust

re-invest it when the likes of Axmed Diirye or ther HAG speaks like Joseph Goebells in the radio?




Axmed Diiriye ma ku aaminkartaa minkaaga in uu maalhaayo?

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War ya ilaahi yaqaan the country doesn't even have a well functioning judiciary i doubt there is even a existing yet marka mowlana khadafi how would you adress the matter?

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You know what also created great mistrust? Treating the Xamar inhabitants and their kinsmen as second class citizens for two decades in their own ancestral home.


As the Jewish Defense League likes to say: "Never again".

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oba hiloowlow;940624 wrote:
War ya ilaahi yaqaan the country doesn't even have a well functioning judiciary i doubt there is even a existing yet marka mowlana khadafi how would you adress the matter?

Xabibbi Oba! Now one said that the countrey had an effecient judiacary ( the khariji extremist ) attacks on the national courts building showed that. Peace is fragile but its getting firmer.


But far from that Oba what we need to today is trust and harmony amongst Somali clans. How on earth could we have that when the afhayeen the speaker of the so called seditous "HAG" Diiriye is according to some sourses living in a looted houses. Mogadishu was Somalia in pre-1991 Somalia. How are going to restore that and truly find end to the mistrust? The presidet as I said before should make himself above or "aloop" the Goebellls like people as Diiriye and other so called HAG-afhayeen.

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Well the judicial reform conference held in mogadishu was a sign from the federal government that they are serious dealing with these matters,patience is a virtue. As for diiriye i believe your giving the man too much cred he's afterall just a self appointed clan leader with no support from the tribe you see this man and his allies are nothing in a stabile and peaceful somalia so they want to remain in this status quo.

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Khadafi;940620 wrote:
As you know all Somalia is today moving forward. We actually today have a recognised Government (not



Axmed Diiriye ma ku aaminkartaa minkaaga in uu maalhaayo?

I sure dont trust that nazi eyes of diriye! The resemblense is striking! One Law that the parliament needs to enact is banning of sedition and inciting hatred. If xaaji Maxamed Dheere was in priosned why not Diiriye

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^^we actually had to bribe an occupying HAG in early 2000's to reclaim the family home I grew up in Hodan district.


kaalay, Ma anaa mooday mise, Ahmed Dirriye diif baa ka socdo.

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Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?? Waar, heshiiya marka hore, then we can take up the issue of looted properties! The clans hate each other's guts yet some expect the 'opposing' clan to give back something without reconciliation. What universe do you live in?


All Somalis who had any disposable income invested in Xamar. The former Somalia was a one-city state....


Yet you only have certain corners blathering on and on about looted properties. Stop with the smoke screens to distract from the more immediate problems of the day. The number one problem in the South is lack of reconciliation - not Al Shabaab, in my opinion. Everything else is secondary.


If you can't understand that simple issue, then get ready to continue living the next 6 generations in the diaspora.

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