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Khatumo, Awdal and Makhir re-ignite an even bolder “United Somali Party” (USP):

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The Sage   

But let's be real, these people holding parties no less represent the sentiments in Awdal, Maakhir etc than the anti-Castro Cubans in Florida, or those westernized Persians that denigrate Iran

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I think their is a big difference between qurba joog and the local people. Xaaji waa runtii dadka unionistka ahi Hargeisaiyo,

burco , laascaanood iyo borame way joogaan.

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LOL @ we are the 99%.


Good dear Lord. What a shitty situation Somalis are in.


The Somalis of today will not see a prosperous Somali nation. You know how the Europeans and the Japanese/Koreans of three generations ago had to work hard and create their nations into what is it today? The grand parents and the great grand parents who died building those skyscrapers, who created those effective government institutions, who paved their roads, who did the urban planning, who created their countries from the ground up? Well that won't be this generation. Our children will be the ones who will be the "great grand parents". It is their grand children who will grow up to see Somalia as a prosperous modern nation.


And even I think I am being far to naive and delusional. Maybe 10 generations from now, Somalia will have the same living conditions as Canada today.


Sad. Somalis are animals. Politics, violence, qabyalaad, clan federalism, famine, corruption, nonsense. I truly feel sorry for my ethnic group. We are no different than barn animals. From Zeylac to Ras Caseyr to Ras Kambooni, its the same bullshit. No hope. Just hopeless animals who will live in hopelessness and destitution for many generations to come.

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I pity the folks who are delutional enough to say Awdal needs liberation from Somaliland. The same Awdal which is the heart and soul of Somaliland lol. Car taga Awdal oo kudhaha hadka halkaa degan xoriyad baad u baahantihiin:cool:

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LANDER;938364 wrote:
This is cute, the disgruntled folks are coming back into the fold of Somaliland politics. Is it 1958-1960 all over again? The USP was the second most popular party in Somaliland and enjoyed wide support in Far eastern and Western provinces. But make no mistake it was very much a Somaliland party. It did what was best for its people, that is ALL its people not just those who voted for them. It essentially went along with popular sentiment of the majority in Somaliland. When it was time to work with the SNL they did that, when most Somalilanders deicded they wanted to unite with Italian Somalia they supported that as well. They were real patriots who did what they felt was best for the people of their country and acted on what their people voted them in office to do. Now this splinter group who spreads discord at the heart of Somaliland and even among their own tribal circles wants to monopolize the name of USP for themselves. It is very ironic walahi, because many Somaliland politicians from these regions have called on them to do this and have even historically site the USP in their speeches. Let's see if these folks live up to the name they wish to appropriate for themselves, or if they continue on their path to create political instability in otherwise relatively stable areas.

It is a good change of direction now that they are joining the nation's democratic system instead of holding endless parties in coffee shops in Western capitals. Welcome back guys:)

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Maah maah baa ah " Doqoni intay gudokale maydhaysey ayaa keedii uray" maanta kuwan reer meeshan wax ku qoray baa taagan. Shalayto muqdisho 50 oo masaakiina ayaa ku dhintay, maalin walba a waa sidaa. Hadii kastuumo, awdal, Iyo maakhir idin rabaan dee kaxaysta oo Canada isaga dhiga lol. Somaliland inta u dhalatay uun baa leh daacadna u ah, wax somalia kusoo noqonayaan maaha waxba wakhtiga hayskaga qaadina qoraal bilaa macne ah.


Alshabab is creating to so havoc by slaughtering every generation in your country yet you mad about a functions country, you such a hateful ***. May somalia be in this situation you are in the next 100 yrs, I don't care as long as you rot in your deserted land.

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^ Waar Alle ka cabso reer Muqdisho waa dad walaaleheena oo dhibi haysato. Alle dhibtaa ha ka dulqaadee waa inaynu u ducaynaa. Kuwa riyoonaya waa qaar reer waqooyi ah sida ka halkan sheekadan madadaalada badan kusoo qoray. Waa kuwa ku tunta makhaayadaha bunka lagu cabo ee ku yaal wadamada reer galbeedka. Kuwaasi waxa ay u baahan yihii in loo soo shubo frappuccino kale oo sheekada lala wado:cool:

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^ I beg your pardon indr, but i hate those who question about my existence in the most cruel ignorant way. Venom spat everywhere and god has his plan!

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A khadar i used to be biggest Somaliweyn supporter but that was decades ago , waxan ogaaday in aan anugu aha muwaadinka ugu wanaagsan , but the Koonfurians are not after wadanimo iyo dal jecel. Waxan ogahay in aanay dacaad u ahayn, calankay lulayaan in anay u dacaad ahayn baan ogahay. The one in the video iyaguna waxad mooda inu cudurki koonfuriansku ku dhacay oo waxaan dareemey inay mar walba raban inay docdoceyaan beelaha dhexe eh SL. Oo anay ka dacaad ahayn Mogadishu baanu jecelnahay A khadar oday weyn baan ahay dadka waan ogahay waxay u socdaan iyo meeshay ka socdaan. The hope for the Somali race in the horn is if they in the future the next decades if they forge closer economic and trade integration similar like the EU Djibouti Somalia and Somaliland and if Somali galbeed and NFD secede from Ethiopia and Kenya join the league of Somali nations.

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;) Maantaad ugu darnayd oo tiri anagaa somali daacad ka ah dadka kale maaha.. Awoowe, beesha dhexe hadafkeedu waa mid qabiil oo ay raga siyaasada inay ku soo baxaan rabaan ay shacabka buufis iyo xanuun ka buuxyee.

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" this event representating Khatumo, Awdal and Makhir communities of Toronto and Ottawa, Canada." I could not get past that- The plain truth is people in those regions dont have the time or luxury to bother with whatever you are parading.


Disapora folks who have nostalgia feelings towards "Somalia" will always do their continuous fundraising, partying and flag waving to keep their own dreams alive whether about clan pride, unity or otherwise- the reality on the ground marches to its own beat and in accordance to their NEEDS. The same goes for Disapora Somaliland and Puntiland folks too.


I have been to caynabo, LA, Badan, Eerigaabo, Yagori and lots of villages around that area- as an International election observer and two further occasions for a literature campaign to build libraries and most recently as a research consultant; All I saw and heard were villagers going about their business and daily life. Their attitude is wiixi waxaan na siiya ayaan raaceyna.


As for Awdal- if you could not keep Samatar or offer him anything for all his Somali-weyn believes- then you have even less to offer people who are the furthest away- at least Makhir meelaya, then sool and sanaag and work your way slowly to Awdal- what exactly do you think they are going to do now? carry their land and jump over the rest for what reward and purpose other than the rantings of dirac wearing women signing in the Diaspora,and self interest men who want to make a business out of them?! Go and visit them- see how they live- give them the money, otherwise it is just hot air and feel good rhetoric's- which are not worth the sand they walk on.

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