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Che -Guevara

Rape flourishes in Mogadishu's IDP camps

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Amazing how you all jump on the deny-deny-deny-bandwagon. Rape exists and is quite prevalent at that too in these camps. It's disgusting how none of the so-called 'politicians' are doing anything about it. The guy who tried to deny it by making lame excuses should be fired. If he can't stop he should at least acknowledge it.

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Waranle_Warrior;905924 wrote:
Rape is hideous crime and cruel act but I don't think its common or prevalent within the Somali society. Only if you classify taking young brides and marrying as many as four wives as rape, even with that you cannot boost the number of rape cases in Somalia.

I think you naivete is blinding your reality..or do you think Somali are superior hence immune to some of the calamities this sick world has offer? Our society (somalis) have been stripped naked even more after the war & now all kinds evil-doers within our clan & quarters have been exposed for what they are & for the outsiders (psycho/sociopaths) to feast on the vulnerable as well.


Che-Sad indeed & has been going on for the past several years. I think when those women say "they are somalis" in regards to those that they go seek help from (i.e. hospital staff, police, etc)-the interceptors..they won't be believed as many of those interceptors don't think it exists culturally, or something had to precipitate the evil doing (i.e. lack of doors, single women-headed families, lower caste, etc) or even a mere walk at night (for wateva reasons...those narrow minded might refer to it as MEANDERING ....WAREEG/WAREEGO...)by a women will lead to such consequences .


N'ways sad all the way thru..& definitely dents our society's integrity whether we like to accept it or not.

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^ of course they're Somali! have you lost you're mind? laakin we must also be wry of the agenda of the journalists here.


who could ever forget the khat-addled thugs who mass raped in mosques in the early 1990s.....

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AB..walaalo not I nor the victims said they "aren't somalis". markaad af soomali uu turjuntid.."they are somalis" could be translated as ..."waad iska ogtahay..yacni waa dad soomaliyeed.." underlying that we dismiss the act because our slanted garate ?

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Raula....There's gotta be a way to empower women, I think Somali women in diaspora can play big role. Breaking down the cultural taboo is important. One way to do is recruit sensible religious and civic leaders that could spearhead change.

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Haweenka ku jira Xeryaha Barakacyaasha Muqdisho oo ka cabanaya Kufsi ay u geystaan Ciidamada Dowladda Soomaaliya


Talaado, Jannaayo 08, 2013 (HOL) — Iyadoo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud uu dhawaan sheegay in askarigii kufsi lagu helo uu xukunkiisu noqonayo dil toogasho; ayaa haddana haweenka ku jira xeryaha barakacayaasha ee Muqdisho ku yaalla waxay ka cabanayaan kufsi ay u geystaan ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya iyo dad xiran dharka ciidamada.


Nuuro Xirsi oo 27-jir ah waxay sheegtay in 29-kii bishii December ee lasoo dhaafay ay xilli habeen ah kufsadeen toddoba askari oo hubeysan, kuwaas oo ay sheegtay inay ugu soo dhaceen guri cooshado ka sameysan oo ku yaalla xero ku taalla Tarabuunka oo ka tisran degmada Hodan.


“Waxay ahayd 1:00 habeennimo, caruurteydu way jiifeen markii ay toddoba nin oo hubeysan ay guriga iigu soo dhaceen dabadeedna ay si xun ii kufsadeen,” ayay Nuuro u sheegtay Telefishinka Al-Jazeera oo ay wareysi siisay.


“Askartu qaarkood waxay ku hubeysnaayeen qoryaha AK-47. Dharbaaxo ayay igu dhufteen waxayna igu amreen inaan guriga dibadda uga baxo, kaddibna way i kursadeen. Wax walba oo ay awoodi kareen ayay igu sameeyeen. Lama aanan dagaalami Karin ama iskama difaaci Karin. Sideen ula dagaalami karaan toddoba qof oo hubeysan,” ayay hadalkeeda raacisay.


Haweeneydan dhibanaha ah waxay sheegtay inaysan jirin cid caawisay intii la kufsanayay. “Dadku way ka baqaan inay guryahooda kasoo baxa xilliga habeenkii ah si ay u arkaan waxa dhacaya. Qof walba waa baqayay, waayo waxay doonayaan inay noolaadaan.”


“Markii ay iga tageen raggii i kufsanayay, waan iska ooyay Waaberigii ayaan isbitaal aaday waxaana la iga soo siiyay dawooyin, umana aanan sheegin wax walba oo igu dhacay. Waayo waa Soomaali mana doonayo inay dadku i ogaadaan,” ayay hadalkeeda raacisay.


Nuuro waxay sheegtay inay tagtay saldhig booliis balse aan waxba laga qaban dhibaatadii loo geystay. “Muqdisho dadka waa la dilaa aniguna ma aanan dhiman. Kufsigana wax weyn looma arko, xirtaa cidna looma xiro. Dadka ku nool kaamamka barakacayaasha ma ahan kuwo la xiiseeyo, ma aqbalayo wax walba oo aan ku iraahdo, xitaa haddii aan warbaahinta ka hadlo la ima maqlayo.”


Fartuun Cabdisalaam Aadan oo ka mid ah aasaasayaashii ururka gabahaha walaalaha Soomaaliyeed oo la aasaasay sannadkii 2010 ayaa u sheegay Al-jazeera inaan la inkiri karin in kufsigu uu ka dhaco Muqdisho, iyadoo xustay in weli uu meesha ka maqan yahay sharcigii wax looga qaban lahaa arrintan foosha xun.


“Kufsigu weli waa dhibaato taagan, si kasta oo ay ahaataba, toddobaad walba waxaa xafiiskeenna yimaada in ka badan toddoba dhibbane oo lagula kacay kufsi,” ayay tiri Fartuun C/salaam oo intaas ku dartay: “Kaamamku kuma yaallaan guryo, buushashkuna ma lahan albaabbo. Ninka waqtiguu rabo ayuu soo geli karaa wuxuu doono ayuuna ka sameyn karaa,” ayay tiri Faruun C/salaam.


Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaan weli waxba ka qaban dhibaatooyinka kufsiga ah ee lagula kaco haweenka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan kuwa ku jira xeryaha barakacayaasha ee ku yaalla Muqdisho.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Waranle_Warrior;905924 wrote:
Rape is hideous crime and cruel act but I don't think its common or prevalent within the Somali society. Only if you classify taking young brides and marrying as many as four wives as rape, even with that you cannot boost the number of rape cases in Somalia.

That's not true. Rape is rife and ubiquitous in Somalia but it's actually underreported. It was very frightening when I found out how rampant rape is even in a relatively peaceful city like Hargeysa. Young men who are armed with knives and swords roam around the city at night robbing men and gang raping women. They're called ''dabaajiir'' by the locals and largely ignored.

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somalee;906768 wrote:
That's not true. Rape is rife and ubiquitous in Somalia but it's actually underreported. It was very frightening when I found out how rampant rape is even in a relatively peaceful city like Hargeysa. Young men who are armed with knives and swords roam around the city at night robbing men and gang raping women. They're called ''dabaajiir'' by the locals and largely ignored.

what nonsense!

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I do believe that rape is rampant in Somalia and this article is not a surpise, but basically a recycled article. It happens everywhere, but during conflict it is used as a tool of war and oppression.


Why are they using the word flourishing that has a connotation to positve words/emotions?


The question remains, what are Somalis themselves going to do about rape and sexual abuse?

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somalee;906768 wrote:
That's not true. Rape is rife and ubiquitous in Somalia but it's actually underreported. It was very frightening when I found out how rampant rape is even in a relatively peaceful city like Hargeysa. Young men who are armed with knives and swords roam around the city at night robbing men and gang raping women. They're called ''dabaajiir'' by the locals and largely ignored.

I absolutely agree rape is rife and Somalis (as is evident in this very thread) are in complete denial over it. 'It is ugly and something gaalo do'. Well here is the newsflash we have some sick immoral and lawless individuals roaming the streets and they commit this hideous crime. This report is the first one to report this, Xawo Aden has been talking on this case for many years now.



Couple of summers ago in Hargisa a girl from my xaafad was texted by a guy she was shukaansi(ing) and he gave her a location to meet him. The poor ***** went alone and it turn-out it was a gang rape feast he organized and gained money from. The girl was raped by 6 guys. Till this day she can't speak about it. She is stigmatized and verbally abused by her family because of the lost of her innocence.


Wallahi I can pull so many cases and I know that city very well. Go visit the Sexual health center in Hargiesa Main hospital you will meet many victims.

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Alpha Blondy;906776 wrote:
what nonsense!

That's an insult to the countless young women who've been brutally gang raped. It's taboo now to walk around with a young female at night in the areas of Goljano, especially the ''laagta'' part, New Hargeysa and Cabaaye, or you'll risk the gang raping of whoever is with you irrespective of the relationship, and whatever valuable possession you may have with you will be taken. Everybody who has lived in Hargeysa long enough will attest to this.

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