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Mass exodus from Eastleigh to Xamar

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Daqane;904881 wrote:
loool ngonge respectfully but your hot air is reaching gale force wind levels, on the other thread the issue was IF there is an exodus and there is, all the other things you have been asking waa iska shimbiryahoow heesa, indeed if their is any argument [
on that thread
is what the exodus will mean to the kenyan economy, adhigu maxaad iga rabtaa hadba, did you think that I got excited at the news or that I believe that it will be hunky dory and a smooth ride for the returnees? I came here to mogadishu with a job in hand, a residence and a fat pay check at the end of the month and even I find it hard, and i recognize how much harder it will be for daadka iis tuureya in mog lakiin taasi miyaan kulaa muurmay?

Sit down warya those who can do, go and cut a ticket and those who cant post on SOL smoking shiisha in emirates
please this is a pretty thread lets continue this convo on the other one haaye odheys??

Here, we are on the "other thread" now. I have plenty of hot air to throw your way. :D


So, tell me, did you return to help the motherland or was it the fat cheque that attracted you there? :D



I don't smoke shiisha anymore. Keep up with the trends, saaxib. I am now a Vaper. :P

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Vaper waa viper sii xuun loo yiri somaha?


loool I think there is an ayat on the deleterious effect of doubting your muslim brothers intentions too much.

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Apophis;904905 wrote:
Less realism and more deluded idealism.


Ps: What makes you think NEP wants to join with the nutcases (like Daqane) in Mo town?

Granted that dream is far, far off and NEP doesn't want to join Somalia in its current state; BUT the people do want to join the kin across the border if they can offer a better alternative than what's on offer today. We never wanted Kenya in the first place and today Kenya is simply lesser of the two evils. If Dhaqane is a nut case then so are you wax yahow reer Somaliaga xun ah :S

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Daqane;904911 wrote:
Vaper waa viper sii xuun loo yiri somaha?


loool I think there is an ayat on the deleterious effect of doubting your muslim brothers intentions too much.

Vaper is one that smokes one of these:





I am not doubting you, I am asking you. Wax fahan.

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Those things are bloody annoying. Whenever I go to my local barbers waiting for Saleh to become free, Hassan and Ahmed are always there spewing the smoke all over. At this point I instinctively duck and turn to avoid the vile smoke only to realise it's a bloody vaper. Hassan and Ahmed then start laughing. Every bloody time.

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NGONGE;904884 wrote:
Asalaaala! (as the Kenayans would say).


Ma ila nabiga iyo hijradiisa ba meeshan la keenay? War khaaf allah dee. This is nonsense.

:) What do have against The Prophet (saw) ? I didn't say anything when Maaddeey brought in Huud (AS) in to the topic. I even thought about Noah's son when you accused Norf of not getting in the Arc..:)

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Haatu;904892 wrote:
Wadani, go on and talk about things you have no knowledge of. We've been suffering for the very fact that we wanted to join Somalia and now ignoramuses like you spew such rubbish.


PS: lol at isir naceyb. Since when did duriyada become an isir of it's own. Tollow luuqadee bey ku hadlaan isirkan cusub?

Waryaahe, kaagan yaree aan wali labaantan jirsan, dhiidhiibso baan ku idhi adeer. I have never met a Somalilander who doesn't want to join Somalia because they hate southerners. They all say wat u said in ur previous post, that somaliwayn would be wonderful if it was in fact realistically attainable at the present time. They are all realists just like u, but yet ur kinsfolk spew venom and hatred at them for not wanting to destroy what they worked so hard to attain. If Somalia get it's act together and is ready for a fair and equitable division of power with Somaliland, then our union will return and I pray that it does.

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Adeerow, waad inoo gaftey oo been baad naga faafisey. Intaad na raali gelin laheyd ayaad sheeko cusub iyo qabiil baas dhex gashey. Maandhoow, waad fogaatey ee is qabo!



In other words, what are you on about cuz?

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Haatu, i'm the furthest thing from a tribalist. I love all Somalias equally. What I have a hard time understanding is y ppl, especially those from your qabiil, are so anti somalialnd, when their own ppl in the kilinka and NEP province practically have the same atitude about joining somala as somalilanders do. Also, these same ppl never question the soomalinimo of djiboutians even though reer dbjibouti would never entertain the thought of joining Somalia. It doesn't add up bro.

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reer Jabuuti are insignificant. Reer NFD and Og.niya are in no position to talk about their own futures. If they would, they wouldn't join Somalia in its current state. But, if they were already in Somalia, they would follow the P/land model and administer themselves till the Koonfur gets its act together. This is where you guys erred. No one would've blamed you then, but you lived/still live in perpetual delusion.

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Hey, I don't hate S/land and their autonomy. I hate their succession because it damages Somaliweyn. If only they had said it was temporary.


Adaa mudan.

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But it being temporary is implied...don't u see? It all depends on the behaviour of and developments in Somalia.

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War I'm farsighted when it comes to this. I know that S/land and rest of the Somali's ineynan kala maarmeyn. But your average Oba or Abwaan can't see this.

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