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Mass exodus from Eastleigh to Xamar

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[DISCLAIMER: For whetever I write herein I can not be held accountable. I do not intend to sour the positive sentiments, hopes and dreams of anyone, nor is it my intention to appear apocalytic in my personal analyses of issues. The views represented herein are mine and mine alone. No offence intented.]


Ahlan wa sahlan akhyaarta,


Lol, Northerner. nuune waa khabaar daar when it comes to what I'm up to. On political prospects, Sxb wax lagu degdega ma aha bahashu, weli siyaasadda Somalida ma daggana. There's alot to it that doesn't meet the eyes in the first glance. That is given the eyes concerned are that of Paragon and none else's. Waxaabad mooddaa siyaasaddii Somalia iyo tii Kenya in ay si ba'an oo khatarteedu badan tahay isugu labanyihiin. Mararka qaar waxaan dib u u xusuustaa ereyaddii AUN Qalinle ee ahaa 'taloow yaa na kala guri'. It's gotten that bad since the day Kenya went into Somalia and even beyond that. And the traggic think is that lay folks haven't got a clue just hit them in Eastleigh, Garissa, Kismaayo and Mogadisho. Intaa aan kaga haro before aan afkayga eedin. Si gaar ahaaneed ayaan kuugu warami doonnaa hadduu Eebe nafta nagu daayo.


'Mass exodus from Eastleigh to Xamar'


Honestly, all depends on one's definition of the words 'exodus' and 'mass'. Frankly in personal view, the word 'exodus' conjures up mass movements of rather biblical proportions. Now conjoin the word 'mass' unto it and what we truly have an image or sight that defies the human intellect to meaninfully comprehend. Well, that is according to me and me alone.


Very well. There is a visible flight of people whose destination is either Xamar or Xeryaha qaxoontiga. The number of these people is quite sizeable - sizeable because flights are often over booked. I know this because it happened to me in person. I took my older brother to the airport with an African airlines flight to Xamar only to be told the plane has already taken off, and actually there were 80 overbookings including his. I was vexed and made some noise. An agent calmly told me 'idinku waabad fiican tihiin sxb waayo flight-dada qaar there were over 150 overbookings'. Mind you, that was 3 weeks ago. Then I had neighbours in the block.Now the family to the left has gone and the one to the right is going, the floor beneath me seems to be emptying and the landlord seems to have started begging tenants to stay. Lol. The rent was 30k and now we are huggling over whether it would 15 or 16 - he, the landlord, is ofcourse all kinds of uncustomary noises. Well, suits him.


The point I am trying to make here is that Eastleigh is emptying and there is noticeable migration out of it and not into it. Every day you'll loaded lorries, cars, carts and family members carrying household belongings on their shoulder. What is quite popular in Eastleigh are auctions, auctions and more auctions. Majority of the people leaving are, however, those who had an peculiar documentation called 'Alien' primarilly issued by the UNHCR. There are also Somalis with legal Kenya documents that are leaving but their numbers isn't large as the 'alien' group. Having said so, the make up of the people leaving Eastleigh for Somalia seems to be uncunningly specific in clan identity. There are others are rumoured to be leaving for Kampala with the plan of coming back when the dust settles in Nairobi. In Garissa, there were rumours that non-indegenous Somalis were not so welcomed as before.


Above all that the political rhetorics in somalia over Juba state creations vs Villa Somalia vs Kenya vs Kampala vs God knows who else seems indicative of driving the dynamics of on-goings of all these. I will refrain from theorising who is doing what and to who or even share my views of what is trully causing all this fuss but you're welcome to have a go at it. Do please do. :)


I just hope to Allaah that my worst fears are proven to be unjustified 'cos Somalis here and Somalia cannot afford to through a bitter cold-war like one I suspect some evil hearted folks are planning for the poor folk.


Solers unless the signs change, I think we'll need to brace ourselves for major political sh!t to hit the fan. Strength is needed to weather through it.

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Thank you Paragon for the long waited post of yours, rageedi wallaahi.


lool@khabaar daar hehe


WARYAADA, akhriya Paragon's post



Ps: One reason that some are going back to the refugee camps are the UN announced that for those wishing to go back will receive some assistance, so folks are milking that system while not bothering with flights that are overbooked.

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Islii Soomaali kama dhamaaneyso; those who think inay Soomaali ka wada guuri doonto oo ganacsigooda maguuraanka ah (sida guryaha, hoteelada dhisan iyo wixii la mid ah) wada fufujinsan doono been ayee isku sheegayaan.


Yes, Islii waa laga tagoyaa. Yes, waa laga qaxoyaa maadaama Soomaalidii noqdeen laba 'victim' ah: Kan la qaxinooyo iyo kan booliiska iyo militariga kaleba qandaraas ku qaateen inay qabqabtaan.


Marka dadka wey baxoyaan, qaarkoodna baxeen but I don't think xataa inay gaareyso %15 dadka baxay so far. Dadka badanaa baxooyana waa dadkii soo galay circa 2007 oo Xabashadii kasoo cararay.


Within Islii ayaa la iskugu kala guuroyaa because the historical boundaries of Soomaalida Islii degnaan jirtay ayee dadka soo wada dagoyaan oo waxee kasoo cararooyaan guryihii kale ay degnaayeen ku yaalay in the peripheries of historical Islii. Historically Soomaalida waxee degnaan jireen from 6th Street to 12th St. Laakiin maadaama aad iyo aad la iskugu batay dadkii ilaa Segshan Wan (Section 1) ayee gaareen oo dhan ah, dhanka kalena ilaa Segshan Tarii (Secion 3). Maadaama dadka qaarkiis baxay guryihii ku yaalay from 6th St to 12th St ayee u soo guuroyaan, iyagoo kasoo guuraayo xaafadihii awalba amaankooda xumaa, looguna sii daray raaf ba'an. Xaafadaas oo kala ah Jaamka, Ushirika, Kambaniyaasha, Juuja, Juwakaali, Foorka, Sadexda, Segshan Wanka, Segshan Tariiga.


Xaafadaas dadka degan qaraxyada ka dhaco waxaaba ugu sii darnaa raafkii ba'an lagu haaye oo guryahooda iyo meelahooda ganacsiba la iska galaaye. Xaafadaha maanta haawanaayana waa kuwaas oo dadkii degnaa noqday dad ka baxay. Laakiin intee aadeen?


Afar jiho ayee kale aadeen dadka baxooyo, afartaas jiho oo kala ah: Xamar, Dhadhaab/Gaarisa/Dhoobleey/Afmadoow (ilaa iyo meeshee u socdeen lug ku tagaan), Kambaala iyo Bambaasa.


Kuwa Xamar iyo kuwa dhanka Dhadhaab/Gaarisa/... qabtay ayaa badnaa. Diyaarihii wada overbooked yihiin oo sidii bas camal qofkii ku hormaro ticket counterka at the airport raacaaye, kii shalay goostay iyo tii bil kahor goosatay isku wada mid laga dhigay, Soomaalidii ka yaabiyeyna dadkii garoonka Joomo Kenyaata ka shaqeynaaye oo meeshii wada buuq iyo isqabqabsi wada noqotay maadaama kuwa tikidyada jaro maxaa kaa galay u jaraayaan, triple booking in a single flight. So people are getting to the airport at 12 am or 1 am to get a flight that leaves at 6 am. Intaas yaa lagaaga hormarin waaye.


Labada koox kale soo hartay oo Kambaala iyo Bambaasa aadaayo waa dad inay soo noqdaan rabo markii laga baxo marxaladahaan taagan, siiba dadka doorashada soo socoto ayee ka cabsi qabaan.


Hadda guryihii iyo waxyaabihii kale ayaaba raqiisoobooyo. Islii aad iyo aad loo deganaa oo la isdulsaarnaa, ijaarka guryaha aad iyo aad u sareeyeen. Marka haddaaba leer la heloyaa, inkastoo hoteeladii dadka dibadaha ka imaan jiray ku tiirsanaa iyo maqaayadihii fiidka iyo habeenada camirnaan jiray dhaqaalo daro ku dhaxoyso.


Eebba hanoo wada sahlo Soomaalideena meel walba aan joogno.

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This kulan partially helped askartii inay ka yara hakato Islii in the past two days, dadkee iska wada qabqabanaayeena yaraadaan. Si kartinimo u hadleen xildhibaanada kala ah Aaden Barre Ducaale iyo Safiya Cabdinuur.


Granted, they should have done and held this meeting looooooong ago. Better late than never, as they say.

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Miskiinow kuwaas mexey sheegaayiin? Barre Ducaale waa kii asagoo joogomagaladiisa la gubayaaye Yuusuf Xaajina kasii daran. Naga yaakhee.

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Paragon;905521 wrote:
DISCLAIMER: For whetever I write herein I can not be held accountable. I do not intend to sour the positive sentiments, hopes and dreams of anyone, nor is it my intention to appear apocalytic in my personal analyses of issues. The views represented herein are mine and mine alone. No offence intented.


Ahlan wa sahlan akhyaarta,


Lol, Northerner. nuune waa khabaar daar when it comes to what I'm up to. On political prospects, Sxb wax lagu degdega ma aha bahashu, weli siyaasadda Somalida ma daggana. There's alot to it that doesn't meet the eyes in the first glance. That is given the eyes concerned are that of Paragon and none else's. Waxaabad mooddaa siyaasaddii Somalia iyo tii Kenya in ay si ba'an oo khatarteedu badan tahay isugu labanyihiin. Mararka qaar waxaan dib u u xusuustaa ereyaddii AUN Qalinle ee ahaa 'taloow yaa na kala guri'. It's gotten that bad since the day Kenya went into Somalia and even beyond that. And the traggic think is that lay folks haven't got a clue just hit them in Eastleigh, Garissa, Kismaayo and Mogadisho. Intaa aan kaga haro before aan afkayga eedin. Si gaar ahaaneed ayaan kuugu warami doonnaa hadduu Eebe nafta nagu daayo.


'Mass exodus from Eastleigh to Xamar'


Honestly, all depends on one's definition of the words 'exodus' and 'mass'. Frankly in personal view, the word 'exodus' conjures up mass movements of rather biblical proportions. Now conjoin the word 'mass' unto it and what we truly have an image or sight that defies the human intellect to meaninfully comprehend. Well, that is according to me and me alone.


Very well. There is a visible flight of people whose destination is either Xamar or Xeryaha qaxoontiga. The number of these people is quite sizeable - sizeable because flights are often over booked. I know this because it happened to me in person. I took my older brother to the airport with an African airlines flight to Xamar only to be told the plane has already taken off, and actually there were 80 overbookings including his. I was vexed and made some noise. An agent calmly told me 'idinku waabad fiican tihiin sxb waayo flight-dada qaar there were over 150 overbookings'.
Mind you, that was 3 weeks ago
. Then I had neighbours in the block.Now the family to the left has gone and the one to the right is going, the floor beneath me seems to be emptying and the landlord seems to have started begging tenants to stay. Lol. The rent was 30k and now we are huggling over whether it would 15 or 16 - he, the landlord, is ofcourse all kinds of uncustomary noises. Well, suits him.


The point I am trying to make here is that Eastleigh is emptying and there is noticeable migration out of it and not into it. Every day you'll loaded lorries, cars, carts and family members carrying household belongings on their shoulder. What is quite popular in Eastleigh are auctions, auctions and more auctions.
Majority of the people leaving are, however, those who had an peculiar documentation called 'Alien' primarilly issued by the UNHCR
. There are also Somalis with legal Kenya documents that are leaving but their numbers isn't large as the 'alien' group. Having said so, the make up of the people leaving Eastleigh for Somalia seems to be uncunningly specific in clan identity. There are others are rumoured to be leaving for Kampala with the plan of coming back when the dust settles in Nairobi. In Garissa, there were rumours that non-indegenous Somalis were not so welcomed as before.


Above all that the political rhetorics in somalia over Juba state creations vs Villa Somalia vs Kenya vs Kampala vs God knows who else seems indicative of driving the dynamics of on-goings of all these. I will refrain from theorising who is doing what and to who or even share my views of what is trully causing all this fuss but you're welcome to have a go at it. Do please do.


I just hope to Allaah that my worst fears are proven to be unjustified 'cos Somalis here and Somalia cannot afford to through a bitter cold-war like one I suspect some evil hearted folks are planning for the poor folk.


Solers unless the signs change, I think we'll need to brace ourselves for major political sh!t to hit the fan. Strength is needed to weather through it.

Thanks for the contribution Paragon and also the guys oo qabiil gaar ah well the fact is they have some where to go to now, also paragon the alien card was introduced by the kibaki goverment in 2002, after pressure from the local somali bussiness community and the NGO's the idea was that it would be I.D for refugees cleared by UNHCR that would allow somalis to run their businesses, open bank accounts, register bussinesses, rent premises e.t.c and if they had no criminal recored over a 5 year period they could apply for kenyan nationality, I know several people who got nationality in this manner, and it really helped the boom time islii of the 2000's.


keep it coming brother

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Part of me is saddened by the plight of Somalis being uprooted yet again and facing uncertain future. I am also quite optimistic about the future of these returning refugees in a more stable and secure Somalia. It will be tough for most people to resettle in a devastated towns and cities, but at least they will be truly free and will never again face the humiliation of bribing a greedy Bantu government thief.

Ilaahay ummada Soomaaliyeed haka nasiyo dhibta haysata.

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Having read all the above (and the previous five pages) I'm still not sure what Ayoub & co are trying to sell. Naga daaya dee.

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