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Madaxweyne Faroole Hadii Puntland ay ku qanci weydo dowlada Cusub waan ka tashan doonaa Soomaliya

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Madexweynaha dawlada Puntland Mudane C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole oo maanta boqolaal shacabka soomaaliyeed ee magaalada Garowe ku nool kula tukaday salaadii Ciidul-fitriga garoonka kubada cagta ee Mire aware ayaa khudbad dheer oo dhinacyo badan leh u jeediyay shacabka qaybihiisa kala duwan ee barxadan isugu yimid iyo kuwa kale ee gobollada ee Idaacada Tooska u tabaniya kala socday.


Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faaroole ayaa sheegay in aan lagu dari karin xildhibaanada hogaamiye kooxeedyadda koonfurta Soomaaliya isagoona ku hanjabay in hadii lagu daro liiska xildhibaanda ay ka tashan doonaanaa Soomaaliya inteeda kale hadana ay u diyaarsan yihiin dastuur iyo nidaamkii ay ku go'i karno.


Faroole ayaa sheegay in hogaamiye kooxeedyaddu ay yihiin kuwii kasoo qaxiyey guryahooda isla markaana laayey dadkoodii reer magaalka ahaa sidaa darteedna wax kale oo u yaalo aysan jirin oo aan aheyn maxkamad la hor keeno taana waxaan u sheegeynaa shaqsiyaadka u doodaayo in ay ka waantoobaan hadaladda macna darradda ah ee aan suurta galka noqon karin ayuu yiri madaxweyne Faroole.


Anagaa sameynay nidaamka dariiqa nabadda si loo xakameeyo dadka nidaam diidka soomaaliyana loogu sameeyo dowlad federaal oo aan u aragno danta reer Puntalnd inay ku jirto asaga oo sheegay inay ka digayaan in la doorto dad uu u arko federaal diid waa sida uu hadal u dhigaye.

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Lol...the funny thing is he is not different; isaguna waaba another warlord afka un ka dirira. Spoiler yaa dhaho afkaaga xiro, haddii kale maxkamadda aad sheegeyso ayaad ku biiraysaa ragga la hor geynayo.

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Lol@mali....and ma is tiri waxbuu ogyahay? Faroole bilaash uma qayliyo sometimes.:D....markuu dhaho cid aan annaga ahayn madax ma noqon karto warlord muxuu ka duwan yahay waa yaabe? Iyaguba intaas bay meelaha ka sheegaan.

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abwan faroole doesn't want shariif's wish to include warlords in the mps to come true. Faroole is sending the message to Mahiga that this rule should not be relaxed. it is a good game played by the most savvy politician in the political arena.


but question is why does shariif want the warlords? I don't understand why this guy isu cebanayo. it is shameful for shariif to demand warlords to be inculded in the MPs.

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:D Farole doesnt know the spoilers are going to be dotted by the UN security, Theire will be no more travels to Australia and no more qaylo!;)

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The same trash are returning to blunder Somalia once again, Puntland should succeed imo. Somali's are a hopeless bunch, they never learn from history.

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Mooge;858226 wrote:
abwan faroole doesn't want shariif's wish to include warlords in the mps to come true. Faroole is sending the message to Mahiga that this rule should not be relaxed. it is a good game played by the most savvy politician in the political arena.


but question is why does shariif want the warlords? I don't understand why this guy isu cebanayo. it is shameful for shariif to demand warlords to be inculded in the MPs.

Mooge, the problem over here is why are you changing the topic to Sharif when we are discussing about Faroole? His St upid comments are good games? You think you have the right to call someone a warlord or even criticize Sharif when you want to praise and support individuals like Farole for this kind of nacnac?


For Sharif's comment I dont agree with him defending warlords. Su'aal kale, why are people like Abdullahi Sh. Ismail, Ibbi and A/Aziz Sh Yusuf targeted when Juriile, Tarzan, Hassan Abshir and Mohamed Abdi Yusuf are accepted? Complete justice is needed over here.

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abwan waa markaagii cirka leefi jirtay. lool.


the topic was changed by you anti-puntland crowd. you twisted faroole's main message. you arehere just to spew hate for the clans of puntland. i don't think inaad dan ka leedihiin faroole iyo sheekoyinkiasa u malin walba ku hadle siyasada ku salaysan. i am way too smart to be fooled by your fake cries here. it is not about faroole. it is about hating people of puntland and making them look bad. let us be honest for one minute here.


i don't care for farole and you know it very well. the topic was about farole saying let us not add WARLORDS in the new parliament which is what shariif is demanding it.

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