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Muuqaalka Maydadka Ragii Ku Nafwaayey Dagaaladii Sool Joogto Oo Aysan Aasin Malayshada S/L

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Deegaanka Sooljoogto oo kamid ah Deegaanada sida weyn ay dagaaladu ugu dhexmareen Ciidama Beeleedada Deegaanka Buuhoodle iyo Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland ayaa haatan ah mid si rasmi ah dib ugu soo laabtay gacanta dadka Deegaanka Buuhoodle, iyadoona Deegaankaasi ay dagaalo qadhaadh ay iska hor yimaadeen Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland iyo Ciidama Beeleedada Deegaanka Buuhoodle waxaana dagaaladaasi ku nafwaayey in ka badan ilaa 300 qof oo ka tirsan dhinacyadii halkaasi ku dagaalamay.


Hadaba mar aanu Deegaankaasi booqanay ayaa waxaanu ku aragnay rag ku naf waayey dagaaladaasi oo aysan aasin Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland, iyadoona marxuunyadaasi ay tiradoodu dhan tahay 3 qof ayaa waxaanu ku aasnay Deegaanka Shangalle oo ah duleedka Magaalada Buuhoodle ee xarunta Gobolka Cayn.


Waxgaradka iyo Culuma awdiinta Magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa si aada u cambaayey falkaasi isla markaasna ku tilmaamay mid ka baxsan xuquuqul insaanka maadaama ay asturi waayeen maydadkaasi.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee falkani ayaa qayb ka ah falal hore uga dhacay Deegaankaasi, iyadoona dadka Deegaanku ay sheegeen in Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland ay caadaysteen inay gaystaan markasta falal ka baxsan xuquuqul insaanka isla markaasna ay hore u jireen dad Ciidamada Somaliland ay mariyeen gawaadhida gaashaaman ee loo yaqaan Beebeega.


Disturbing images


People slaughtered by SNM militia in Sool-Joogto and didn't burry..Their remains were found after they vacated.










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Subhanalah I am at loss for words.


umada dhibta haysata meelkasta ee somalia ka jogaan alle haka dul qaado waxa dhibta wadana ilaaahay haka jaro dhibta ee gaadhsiiyeen umada masaakiinta . ameen

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Digging the graves and bringing out lafaha doesn't help you ,,, Plus it is Ramadan, Ilaahay xataa lagama xishoonayo.


Peace will prevail and the spoilers will vanish very soon ...

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Jacaylbaro;857254 wrote:
Digging the graves and bringing out lafaha doesn't help you ,,, Plus it is Ramadan, Ilaahay xataa lagama xishoonayo.


Peace will prevail and the spoilers will vanish very soon ...

JB intaan waa dhaami jirtey, can you confirm that bones are being digged out of graves? Soomaalidu xilliga dagaallada qabiillada dadka ay iska dilaan meydadkoodu bannaanka waa wada yaalaan, mana arko sabab lafo bannaan loogu soo saaro. Caddad ahaan isma lahan mana la is barbardhigi karo dhacdooyinkan laakiin lafaha hargeysa iyo Burco nalaga tusi jirey iyo kuwaaniba waa Soomaali labaduna xuquuq ayey leeyihiin ee ogoow. Dhinacan kale laftooda waan arkayey meyd masawirradooda la soo bandhigayo ee arrintaani dhinacna kuma fiicna. Haddii shalay aad rabtey in loo garaabo dhibbaneyaashaas adiguna maanta oggolow inaad u garawdid kuwaan. Ilaah hakala qaboojiyo dadkan soomaalida iyo muslimiinta ah.

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JB, are you not fasting yourself? Why people dig only three graves when in fact there are hunderd others to dig.. These three found men were aware of their killing when your millita captured the place, AUN, but no one ever thought they will be left un burried.. You can't defend undefendables..


You also reminded this "Tuugu tabtuu maruu tilmaama".. I guess adigaa yaqaan in qabuuraha la qodo oo lafaha lagu soo qufo, and you will suspect others will do the same..

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^ On who's account should we believe this disturbing tail? You and others were going around not long ago describing this low intensity short lived conflict in Buhoodlee and Sool as a 'genocide'. It is clear that some of the low budget clansmen website of yours are also willing to say anything in the realm of propaganda to rile up a tribal conflict in those parts. Given such precedent (among others), this story is more likely than not a fabrication or the least a gross exageration.

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Abwaan walaal reer khaatumo gurigoodi inti logu yimid ayaa dab lugu shidey. Wayeel dumar ciyaal iyo nimanba lugu laayey. Ilaahayna ha qaboojiyo but note labo umad oo is haysata mesha ma jirto ee wa umad xaqdaro luguso duulay. Ilaahayna waa caadil aqtisa dulmi kama waaro asaga baa umadisa u gargaaraya.

P.S What took place in the khaatumo regions particularly buuhodle/cayn region is nothing short of genocide. And those who are implying otherwise shame on you. Ilaahay waa idin arka. If you are not going to accept the unjust war your clansmen initiated and the grusome way they murdered innocent people the least you can do is be silent. Waxa layidhi ama qofku wax macquul ah buu ku hadla ama wuu iska amusa

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Aaliyyah;857351 wrote:
Abwaan walaal reer khaatumo gurigoodi inti logu yimid ayaa dab lugu shidey. Wayeel dumar ciyaal iyo nimanba lugu laayey. Ilaahayna ha qaboojiyo but note labo umad oo is haysata mesha ma jirto ee wa umad xaqdaro luguso duulay. Ilaahayna waa caadil aqtisa dulmi kama waaro asaga baa umadisa u gargaaraya.

P.S What took place in the khaatumo regions particularly buuhodle/cayn region is nothing short of genocide. And those who are implying otherwise shame on you. Ilaahay waa idin arka. If you are not going to accept the unjust war your clansmen initiated and the grusome way they murdered innocent people the least you can do is be silent. Waxa layidhi ama qofku wax macquul ah buu ku hadla ama wuu iska amusa

^ A prime example of my previous point

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LANDER;857371 wrote:
^ A prime example of my previous point

I have seen your previous posts were you blatantly supported the aggression and the invasion of your clans men to Khaatumo territories.

It is an irony that you are denying the killings of innocent people by the same token supporting the unjust war. What exactly do you think your adeero the snm militia were doing in sooljoogto? were they eating icecream and vacationing? Obviously, the fact is you all know what took place and support it wholeheartedly. Oh well, people from Khaatumo don't need your sympathy or your misplaced comments. To you and your likes disappointment( Oodweyne and co) the snm militia failed in the unjust war that they initiated taasna waa mid ilaahay aan ugu mahadnaqano.


Inshallah in due time Khaatumo State of Somalia will control fully their rightful lands. For your own sanity, I suggest you all drop this ideology of "ku qabso ku qadi maysid" and instead of the rule of the jungle mentality accept/respect what every maamul is entitled to.


It is unfortunate that simple common sense is not common anymore. Talow umada yaa caqliga kala tagay.

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