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Aawak Miisaankeeni? Somali women demanding their rights.

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Gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed oo doonaya xuquuqdii ay ku lahaayeen Soomaaliya


Furitaankii shirkii shalay waxaa hareeyey dood dheer oo ku saabsan in haweenka Soomaaliyeed ay helaan xuquuqda ay ku leeyihiin maamulka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan in ay door muhim ah ay ka qaataan Siyaasadda Soomaaliya.


Gabdhihii shirka yimid ayaa soo qaatey boorar ay kor u sidaan kuwaas oo ay ku qoran tahay “Kudooran mayno haddii aadan noo ogoleyn xuquuqdayada”, “Aaway Miisaankeeni 30%” sidoo kale gabdhaha ayaa ku qaylinaayey in ay difaacayaan qondeyntii laga siiyey Baarlamaanka taas oo ah 30% in ay ka helaan 275 Xildhibaan ee imaan doona taas oo lagu heshiiyey shirarkii Garowe 1 iyo Garowe 2.




Madaxdii ka qaybgashey shirka ayaa si weyn uga hadley waxaana kamid ahaa Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo sheegey in qoondeyntii gabdhaha ee 30% ay tahay mid aan meelna looga baxaeyn, cidii laga waayo in ay gabdho keenaan laga qaban maayo liiska ayuu yiri Madaxweynuhu.


Shariif Shiikh Xassan ayaa isaguna sheegey in iyaga oo ah saxiixayaashu ay horey u gooyeen in gabdhuhu helaan 30% laakiin looga baahan yahay salaadiinta iyo malaaqyadu ay ka soo baxaan doorkooda. Ergayga Qaramada Midoobey Soomaaliya u fadhiya Augustine Mahiga ayaa dhankiisa adkeeyey in gabdhuhu sii wadaan halgankooda ilaa ay ka gaarayaan xuquuqdii ay lahaayeen.


Waxaa durba soo baxaya in beelaha qaarkood ee heley wax ka badan laba Xildhibaan ay soo hormariyeen rag taas oo mugdi gelinkarta in haweenku helaan xuquuqdoodi.


Horseed Media



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Why not? @ Che.


Diasporans whom have been active in their communities - as advocates of women,children and families sure do have some thing to offer the home grown movement..dont you think?

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They already indirectly involved this me think. Mostly those running for the posts, PM or president, are from diaspora. Even the pics above, I spotted many law key diaspora some women as well. My own eedo is even there. Meesha waa la isku arkay.

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Che -Guevara;853075 wrote:
The diaspora should be not part of any delegation.


I mean all somalid race aka E1b1b1 should be part of it.Some white,some chinese etc.In that way we can stabilize and get the technical knowhow:cool:

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they should vote Hiil-qaran if they want their full share.


Che, we should have a seat at the table. Reminded the French election in New York for a north american representative for their parliament

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Let me give you a different perspective of the Diaspora in Somalia. To understand this you need to also bear in mind the brain drain this country has suffered the last 20 years.



I came here in Mogadishu just over a year ago, and at the time there was a small number of Diaspora and they were actively trying to turn the fortunes of this nation for the better. They managed to do that by bringing in new ideas, and were able to better represent the Nation with the rest of the world, negotiated hard on behalf of all of us whereas before the world had it easy with Somalis.


This individuals attracted their fellow diaspora community, so much so that the entire thinking in this country is changing for the better. All of them ( i mean the overwhelming majority), are against violence and I was invited in get togethers, dinners of diaspora who work in all the different arms of governments, and they all meet based on the countries they had been living in!. It transcends the offices they work in and that in itself has helped create a better working relationship between the offices of state.


The Diaspora are also heavily investing in the country and if you look at the key differences made in the country, you will see Diaspora at the heart of it.


The point I am making is this: The Diaspora in my view should be given the lion share of any representation. Maybe I am biased.....................

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