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OG Moti

Is OSAMA BIN LADEN a hero or a creminal? as general and Did he do it?

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OG Moti   

Osama bin laden many say he is a hero left a life of wealth and money to caves and cold palces for his faith and to protect his religion, he fought many who were against islam as he thought... many say he did not do the towers thing, but in general is he a islamic hero and a mad mula? who did not know how to enjoy his wealth...

by the way in kuwait where Americans are pritty much loved, when this qustion was asked 74% said he is a hero and only 14% said he was a creminal


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Osama bin laden many say he is a hero left a life of wealth and money to caves and cold palces for his faith and to protect his religion, he fought many who were against islam as he thought... many say he did not do the towers thing, but in general is he a islamic hero and a mad mula? who did not know how to enjoy his wealth...

by the way in kuwait where Americans are pritty much loved, when this qustion was asked 74% said he is a hero and only 14% said he was a creminal


This is really a delicate, complicated situation. You have to look at it at different angles, before we can draw an accurate conclusion. He was without no doubt guilty of killing 2000 plus innocent civilians in both towers. On the other hand, its certainly arguable that his attacks on Pentagon could've been justified on the ground that its there where the U.S gov't carries out attrocities against foreigners.


My point is that he is neither guilty nor innocent. There is many things at play.

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Salaamu Caleeykum,


Actualy I Think He Is NOT Guilty cos noone can prove that he was the one if you know what mean but a real Muslim don't kill innocent poeple Being muslim is like this Keep away from me and I will keep away from you that is real muslim for those who believe that he is the one who killed 2000 and more innocent people do you prove of it? anyways just for get it Allah knows the truth lets now go over there.


Read This Carefully.Maalintii la qarxiyey labadii sarood ee New york waxaa ay ahayd September 11 (9/11)

Waxaase yaab lahaa:




September 11 waxaa ay ku aadan tahay maalinta 254 ee sannadka: 2+5+4=11.


September 11 ka dib waxaa dhamaadka sanadka ka dhimanaanaya 111 maalmood.


11ka bisha 9aad waxaa ay noqonaysaa 119 waana furaha (area code)ka dalka Ciraaq: 1+1+9=11


Labadii sarood ee mataanaha ahaa ee la qarxiyey muuqaalkoodu wuxuu u ekaa 11.


Diyaaraddii ugu horeysey ee ku dhacday sartii koowaad falayd (flight) nambarkeedu wuxuu ahaa 11.


Gobolka New York ( State) wuxuu ahaa gobolkii 11 aad ee ku biiray midowgii Maraykanka. New York City oo ah caasimadda waxaa ay ka kooban tahay 11 xaraf.


Afgaanistaan oo lagu eedeeyey qaraxaasna waxaa ay ka kooban tahay 11 xaraf.


waxaa kaloo isna la qarxiyey halka laga hoggaamiyo ama laga xukumo ciidammada Maraykanka (The Pentagon) oo iyaduna ka kooban 11 xaraf.


Ramzi Yousef oo loo xiray inuu ka danbeeyey bambadii ugu horeysey ee lagu qarxiyo sarahii dhaadheeraa wuxuu magaciisu ka koobnaa 11 xaraf.


Diyaaraddii ugu horreysey ee ku dhacda sartii koowaad ee ahayd Falayd (Flight) 11 waxaa saarnaa 92 qof 9+2=11


Diyaaradii labaad ee sartii danbe ku dhacday waxay ahayd Flayd (Flight) 77 waxaana saarnaa 65 qof . 6+5=11


Duuliyihii wadayna wuxuu ahaa lambarkiisu 11


Ninka loo haysto qaraxaasna Osama Bin Laden markii la xisaabo xarfaha uu ka koobmo magaciisu waa 11 xaraf (waa marka xarfka A oo saddex jeer ku jira laga soo qaato hal xaraf).


Wa Bilaahi Towfiiq.



Ilaah aan ka baqno saad iyo caad.

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kamila,where did u get all these,you must be a philosopher,in fact you are to my prespective.


as kamila said,i agree with that he is innocent,i know that al- qaeda said that they did this,and they said that to make the americans more sad and qalbi jab dhagax alxam!!

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OG Moti   

Guys me too i do not beleive he did it, laakiinse haduu sameeyeyna dad baa leh maxaa kujaban islaamkuu daafacayey, one more thing, kamiila yaa kugu yiri islaamka waa idaa aan kudaayee? hadey sidaad sheegi tahay islaamka lama deyn oo waa ladaba ordayaa oo meelwalba innocent muslims baa lagu dilayaa, marka ma xaq baa in innocentkeena ladilo koodana uu noolaado, what happen to an Eye for an Eye and a tooth for a tooth, I tell you strongly i do not beleive killing at all laakiinse hadii wax lagaa dilo adigana wax dil. marka ninkaan marka hore waa nin muslim ah oo doortay inuu dagaalamo islaamka dartii haduu sameeyeyna ilaahey baa og in uu danbi galay ama maya, haduusan sameenina waad aragtaan waxa muslinka kudhacay marka dadbadan baa ilaahey kabaryaya in uu noqdo isaga qofkii sameeyey


wa salaam

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Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi,


I Cannot say exactlty that Osama bin laden was behind it, but i believe it was an act of muslim personals and backup of this is that no one can kill themselves for what they believe except muslims can do that.

jews wouldnt do that becouse we know in the kuran that they dont like Death but we like it becouse we believe that life in the hereafter is better than this very low one


That is my thinking but the truth is untold and only Allah subhaanah knows it .



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Osama did not do it, evidence/common sense defy. All this media hype, the lenghs they go to frame this man and the Islamic world pretty much echoes the O.J Simpson trail on a larger scale "the glove does not fit" only this time it is much power opponents than Marcia Clark coming into play the plot thickens. What's more many scholar westerns (kufaars) are coming to believe Osama's innocence ..boggles the mind why our brethren muslims are having hardtime to come to this conclusion doesnt it? Specially when we had seen the cover-up video, heard about one of the pilots that crashed the plane still living (cant remember the name) the list goes on..


Osama Bin Ladin --still NOT guilty. By Bruce Kennedy


Give that 5paged article a try, it is worthy of your time spent.

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Yes, he did it. They just didn't want to admit to prove that Afghanistan would be attacked withour evidence. Actually Ayman al-Zawari admitted that it was carried out by them recently, in an interview with a trusted organization.


As for whether he's a hero. I'm not sure but I sure know that he is a hero to more people than he is a terrorist.

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It was all conspiracy to get afghanistans oil. He obviously didn't do it. Just like how Bush is now obsessed with Iraq for nucelure weapons (Once again its the oil)

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salaama alaykum


i belive personaly he is a hero tankale the whole point uu bush u baa'yay ama uu ilaa hada iraq utaba taagan yahay is to make a hole or tubo from there to here cuz of oil so, i beleve that is the buttom line i read from some where....

peace and love bye

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