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Saado Cali Warsame | New Song 2012 - Buuhoodle Maxaa Kayaala?..

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Ciidamada Qaranka JSL ee Sool-Joogto ayaa la sheegayaa in ay dhirbaaxo dhufteen isku day ay koox Maleeshiyo ahi ku doonaysay in ay weerar gaadmo ah ku soo qaado.


Koox aan weli si fiican loo aqoonsan ayaa xalay weerar gaadmo ah ku soo qaaday ciddmada qaranka JSL ee jiidda hore - Sool Joogto ee gobolka Togdheer Dhacdadan oo weli laga soo saarin ayaa waxa jira warar soo gaadhaya sxaafadda oo sheegaya in uu xalay shilkaasu dhacay.


Weerarkan oo gaadmo ahaa ayaa la sheehay in ay ku jabtay kooxdaasu ka dib markii ay ciidamada qaranku ku dhufteen dhirbaaxo kulul oo midba meel ka tuurtay.


Weerarkan oo dhacay goor danbe oo xalay ah ayay ciidamadu deris lama illaawaan ah u dhigeen kooxdan weerarka soo qaaday. Kooxdan ayaa loo malaynayaa in ay yihiin qaar ka hinaasay wada xaajoodka dhex maray Hogaamiye kooxeedka waxa loogu yeedho Ssc ee Saleebaan Xagle-Toosiye iyo Hogaanka sare ee JSL.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee kooxdan ayaa ku fashilantay weerarkan markii la il helay ee dib loo baacsaday. Illaa iminka lama soo sheegin wax khasaare ah oo halkaas ka dhacay labada dhinac midna.


SL Media.

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Showqi;847901 wrote:
Dadkaas iska dayee xitaa riyahoodii ayaan wadada laga mari karin Bacaaaaaaaaac-daas ayuun bay hayaan! waa wax wada qaadiraysan...

La faham in kuwa hogaamiya ee beshooda u dhashay in ay qalad ku jiraan laakin inay kuligood xita kooda siyasi aheen in uu xaqdaradaa kula saftaan oo caqligi ilaahay ku hibeestey isticmali wayeen waa arin cajiib ah.

Laakin, reer khaatumo way tashateen. Maanta maalin ay ka fiicanyihiin ma jirto. Halkaas wa inay kasi wadaan oo dhulkooda xoreestaan...Khaatumo waxa iska leh reer khaatumo. Reer waqooyi galbeed khasab ayeey intooda ku jogayaan. Mar hadii caqli wax lugu fahmi wayey.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;847898 wrote:
Clashes like this happen all the time but some say the Militia from Buhoodle attacked the army because they wanted to proof that Xaglatoosiye didn't represent them. When he made peace with president Siilaanyo of Somaliland, it was just a desperate attack.

Xaqdaro looma doodee, maxay meesha ka qabanayaa maleeyshida qabiilkiinu?

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^ lool kulaha buhodle attacked the army? inti qabiilkisi umad kale gurigoodi so dhex candhaadhsadeen miyuu leeyahay my clan militia was attacked? Walee waa sheeko isqabaneen.

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A_Khadar;847917 wrote:
Xaqdaro looma doodee, maxay meesha ka qabanayaa maleeyshida qabiilkiinu?

Uma doodin anigu eeh siday wax u dhaceen uun baan sheegey.

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You're right.. He disappeared.. Sadly, he won't stop making similar comments later yet no respond each time.. Odayga waa so headless...

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^Awoowe, simply because your one-clan state occupies currently my homecity laascaanod, does not mean laascaanod is part of your so called one-clan state somaliland. Secondly, as you can see your "hip hip hooray" comment when buhodle was attacked was short-lived, and it is clear as a daylight that your qabiil state keeps failing each time they attacked buuhodle. But, I guess since you have rule of the jungle mentality, you don't seem to care what the people of buuhodle want. But, instead your world seems to be revolved around the desires of your one-clan state. Where one time you and your likes argue that your one-clan state doesn't want to be part of somaliweyn, yet by the same token you ignore those who want to be part of somaliweyn and who want nothing to do with your one-clan state. You are a hypocrite.

With that been said. In due time, our new state will control every inch of Khaatumo State. Mark my words.

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Oodweyne;848418 wrote:
Because, firstly, the place is Somaliland and the army of the state has much right to be there as they are to be in vicinity of Oodweyne's border with the Somali region of Ethiopia. I know this little secret of Buuhoodle being a Somaliland city hasn't reached the
"Tolka's echo-chamber"
in the internet. But, still give time, I say.


After all, there was a fellow by the name of Sophist who used to ask a similar question along the line of enquiring what Somaliland's army were doing at the outskirt of Las-Anod in and around back in, say 2004. And, when he saw that we meant it when we said that Las-Anod is just another Somaliland city as Berbera or Gabiley. And, furthermore, he saw in his own eyes, that we really meant it that to be the operating reality with us, he seemed to dissapear on us by going all the way to the International NGOs in Kenya...


And, secondly, the reason the army is there is that, according to the rumors, the place has a decent goat-milk to which camping army can have a field-day as their nutrient sustenance on a daily basis..


I hope that answers your non-the-wiser sort of question, in which at best, a failing student at the back-in-the-class, could be rely on to chance it to the teacher; particularly when the teacher tries to see whether the blighter is following the discussion in the class or not..

Honestly your answer is the only non-the-wiser answer to my question that I ever heard. One thing though is true, you believe your clan has the full right or May I say queen's inheritance to occupy all the lands used be called Somaliland protectorate, and that is where we will never get alone... Expect more hits from the local before your militia runs away...

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Somali-LAND dadka la baxay , intay xabada la dhacayaan dad guryahoodii jooga, tolow, ma waxay garan kari waayeen .....jirda aad Khaatumo dhulkooda ku wareeraysaan QASHANKA KAGA GURA HARGEYSA IYO BURCO.!!! Xooga dhalinyaradaa la soo ma jara habaabiyay, xoogada iyo caqligoodaba waxaa loo adeegsan kari lahaa wax aduun iyo aakhiraba wax taraya.


Aniga hadii aad SNM horjoogo u ahaan lahaa, walaahay Jiridaa ,Buuhoodle iyo Lasanod toona uma dareen, Ceelal, Beero, Nadiifinta deegaanka ayaan u diri lahaa.


ilaahay waxaan uga baryayaa in uu xaqa garan siiyo SNM, kuwa dhulkooda iyo deegaankooda duulaanka lugu yahayna ilaahay ha ku guulayo in ay sharaftooda iyo maalkooda ka difaacdaan Bahalaa SNM ee duulaanka ku ah.

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^ameen walaal ilaahay ha guleesiyo reer khaatumo. Waa umadaa dhulkii ilaahay siiyey raba in ay difaacdaan, ma aha umad dad kale dhulkooda hunguri ka galeen.

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You are a hypocrite; I don’t need to sugar coat it for you. When you were asked what your snm militia are doing in sooljoogto attacking and killing innocent people continuously. Your reply was that buhodle is part of your one-clan State Somaliland. Clearly discounting the fact that reer buhodle support Somali Unity and want nothing to do with your clan state. At the same time you want to tell me that people from laascaanod support your clan state and that it isn’t occupied.

It is truly amusing that some old man from Burco, would want to convince me his distorted version of what is happening in my own city. Awoowe, the fact on the ground is people from Khaatumo whether they live in laascaanod or buuhodle support their new State “Khaatumo State of Somalia” and don’t support secessionists.


As for your question that have I seen cities that are occupied that are not blowing up daily?..


Isn’t that what your snm Militia are doing currently to reer buuhodle. Warring with them continuously despite reer buuhodle repeating that they want nothing to do with your So called Somaliland state?

Isn’t that what your snm Militia did in laascaanod when the civilians had pro-khaatumo demonstrations? Literally shooting at the people that were demonstrating?

Isn’t that what your snm militia did in Borame as well when they had pro Awdal State demonstrations? Shooting at the demonstrators?


With that being said, it is irrelevant to me what took place in laascaanod in Siyad Barre’s time. I don’t dwell over the past. I suggest you do the same for your own sanity. Instead focus on the present. Hence, if you support your clan to secede from the rest of Somalia you should not support the blatant aggression and invasion that your clan is doing to other clan’s territories. That is if you have a sound mind that can reason with others. Otherwise, there is no need for this discussion, saan horay u idhi “ hadalkoo dhan wuxu noqoni biya haan daloosha lugu shubayo”..

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Oodwayne , You are a sick person and you are a better off to see a doctor soon! If you are not ..............! Who gave you a right to call the entire Khatumo Community "retired folks"


Aaliyyah, wallaallo - this guy does not a different from SNM thugs in Khatumo Land and I should not respond people like him.

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Farmaraa;848749 wrote:
Oodwayne , You are a sick person and you are a better off to see a doctor soon! If you are not ..............! Who gave you a right to call the entire Khatumo Community "retired folks"


Aaliyyah, wallaallo - this guy does not a different from SNM thugs in Khatumo Land and I should not respond people like him.


Reer khaatumo yaga ayeey xilku saranyahay in ay dhulkooda xoreestaan qurbo iyo dhulki hooyo mesha ay jogaanba..Hadana dadaal weyn ayeey mujiyeen, halkaa uun halaga si wado.


Axad hadalku ka dhadhaceen in maanto dhan waqti lugu lumiyo wa laga fiicanyahay waa runtaa.

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