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Dastuurka Qabyada Waa Sax ee Ha la Baasiyo

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Carafaat;823374 wrote:
We oppose "Federale States" and want the original Somali Provinces to remain. We don't want clan states igniting a new wave of a Somali civil war. Proof: division igniting clan flight in Mudug, Galakacyo, Beletweyn, soon in Kismayo, Galgaduud. No more clan wars! Igniting by Federalism.

Yes Carafaat, you live in the alternate world where federalism that was established in 2004 and brought civility to parts of Somalia is behind the civil war that happened in 1991..

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Carafaat;823374 wrote:
We oppose "Federale States" and want the original Somali Provinces to remain. We don't want clan states igniting a new wave of a Somali civil war. Proof: division igniting clan flight in Mudug, Galakacyo, Beletweyn, soon in Kismayo, Galgaduud. No more clan wars! Igniting by Federalism.

There will be no wars igniting. Your doomsday scenarios are getting ridiculous. Somalia won't and can't afford to go back to 1960 Constitution, very centralized entity or continue with TFG charter which keeps it perpetual transition. Clan federalism is not long-term solution but naysayers must offer alternatives other than waan kasoo horjeednaa,

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Clan States doesn't work for Somalia. Che ignores his crumbling Puntland, divided Galkacyo, 4 clan states in Galgaduud/Mudug, clan war in Beletweyn, and the 3 or 4 "State's" in Kismayo all competing for power of the Federal State.



Puntlan's new tactic of divide and rule. It won't work Somali are aware of what is going on and that this whole process is being abducted by Faroole.

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Puntland isn't crumbling and the rest of the places you stated are not even states. And what does Kismayo have to do with it, it's occupied by Al-Shabaab so it's outside the reach of the new constitution.


You ought to just tell us all which part you disagree with, then we can have a rational conversation.

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No harm in this constitution, it's actually the most fair and balanced document ever when it comes to getting and recognizing everyone's duly and deserved rights, just power distribution and maintaining equal political stability. However, its the usual suspects that are against, those that want to keep the nation hostage, those that deny to vacate other people residential and fear that they lose all they have if fair, just, law and order returns. In their calculation, they believe they are better off in chaos and in the midst statelessness confusion.


A&T, waryaa must you fall for Ayoub's lame line, gabdhaha hanaga caayin, Xiin's high demand means high demand in the literal meaning, when things are in high demand they least available. What's he's saying is, gabadh Landcusier muraayado madow saaran oo AC ushidanyahay gurigana/magaalada iyo iskuulka lagu gaynayo looga soo celinayo, iyo A&T oo FAT STONE kayimid oo dacad jidka kulugaynaaya xagee isku arkaayaan :D , hada waa iska caadi jidkaan isla martaan baskaad wada raacdaan dacadkaa isla qabtaan :D, balse hydrocarbon markuu soo baxo xoogaa cida standardkooda iyo status-kooda kor ayay ukacaysaa ayuu kaftankiisu yahay, oo lacagtu dadka xoogaa waa kala saraysiisaa mase taas waad kudiidantahay? Different classes and different levels, in other words Xiin is telling you the upper class, upper middle class will not mix with the lower class which A&T hails from :D, just like india, England and Arab world or anywhere else in the world where that exists :D



NB: Waa Kaftan kusocda A&T, waa nin kaftanka la isla fahmi karo balse rag ayaa jira hadalan oo kale caloosha kuqaata oo kaftanka aan garanayn markaa iyagu warkaan uma socdo kuwo ayaan arkay dhowr jeer hadalo sidaas oo kale aan soo tuuray yiri reerkaa oo dhan ayaa sidaa aaminsan oo waa kadhab marka waxan oran lahaa bacda iska fura cuqdadana iska saara.

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Carafaat;823385 wrote:
Clan States doesn't work for Somalia. Che ignores his crumbling Puntland, divided Galkacyo, 4 clan states in Galgaduud/Mudug, clan war in Beletweyn, and the 3 or 4 "State's" in Kismayo all competing for power of the Federal State.



Puntlan's new tactic of divide and rule. It won't work Somali are aware of what is going on and that this whole process is being abducted by Faroole.

Again, other than being opposed to crumbling Puntland and Faroole, you and the Somalis you supposedly say know what Puntland is up offer no alternative.

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Qandalawi;823435 wrote:
No harm in this constitution, it's actually the most fair and balanced document ever when it comes to getting and recognizing everyone's duly and deserved rights, just power distribution and maintaining equal political stability. However,
its the usual suspects that are against, those that want to keep the nation hostage, those that deny to vacate other people residential and fear that they lose all they have if fair, just, law and order returns. In their calculation, they believe they are better off in chaos and in the midst statelessness confusion

:D Come on Qandalawi, you can do better then "the your with the constitution or your an anti peace'. One can turn in around and say the same for those supporting the constitution that they 'wish more clan wars' for Somalia.

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^Saaxib, its true majority of those that are against the constitution happen to be those that denied to vacate other people's houses even after President Shariif made statement and the decree to do so. It's the same usual suspects all over again.


How can they accept a just Somali constitution when they are denying to leave someone else's property.



War ninkii diiday inuu kabxo guri uusan lahayn wax kadheh bal adigu Carafaadow.

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Qandalawi;823440 wrote:
^Saaxib, its true majority of those that are against the constitution happen to be those that denied to vacate other people's houses even after President Shariif made statement and the decree to do so. It's the same usual suspects all over again.


How can they accept a just Somali constitution when they are denying to leave someone else's property.



War ninkii diiday inuu kabxo guri uusan lahayn wax kadheh bal adigu Carafaadow.

Qandalawi, how will "federal" clan states help to vacate those houses? a genuine inclusive goverment could do that. Just look at the ICU period when they gave back houses to people and Farmaajo's cabinet period which marked a turning point. But a goverment build on a winner takes all mentality will never be able to nor a Somalia of dozens clan states. Will only create a new wave clan wars, more green lines through cities and regions while Muqadishu is recovering now for the first time.

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Qandalawi sxb for example aan dhahno dadka lagu xanto dhismaha sharcidaradda baa diiday dastuurka for exactly those reasons, yacnii dhismo sharci daradda,,su'aasheey marka waxaa waaye dadkii maanta leh Magaalada Muqdisho iyo hareerahiisa iyagana maxey ku diideen?


Reer Khaatumo oo taleex ku qabtay warsaxafadeed iygana maxey ku diideen??

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^Sxb, reer Khaatumo meel ay kudiideen anigu ma arkin, dadka reer Muqdishona ma diidana, iyo waliba kuwa hareeraheeda dagan. Ee waxaa diiday hal group waana kuwa kuqabtay shirka jaraa'id maalin dhawayd maagalada Muqdisho. Dad waxaa jira raba in la isaga jiro shido iyo buuq nabadna aysan imaan waa dadka raba inay xooga kuhaystaan gobolo iyo dhul ama guryo aysan lahayn taasina Somali waa kadaashay. Wixi intaa kasoo hara qofku waa diidi karaa ama shaqsiga si kale wax waa u arki karaa oo xaq ayuu uleeyhaay laakiin wuxuu kudiiday waa inuu cadeeyaa. Balse group-yada ilaa hada sida bataatannka ah uga soo horjeestay waxkastana diidan waa dadkaas raba in lagu jiro xaalada aan kusuganahay.



Carafaat, sxb caawa fahamkaa si kaa ah, kuma oran Federal states ayaa dadka guryahay kacelinayaa, ee waxaan ku iri waxaa diidan Axdi qarameedka dadka guryahay umma Soomaliyeed xooga kuqabsaday walina dagan oo diiday inay kabaxaam. Farqiga udhaxeeya labadaa statement fahan please.

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Sxb daawo videogan reer khaatumo iyo reer muqdisho duubabkooda waxey ka yiraahdeen. Balse waxaa la rabaa hadii aad diidantahay qodob ama faqrad waa inaa soo bandhigtaa oo aad sheegtiid waxaa ku diidantahay.Koley reason baa jiro oo dadka kicihaayo. Malaaq showri malaaq coloow hadalkiisa sii fiican uu dhageeyso.

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^Waa saas qofka waxaa fiican waxa uu diidanyahay inuu cadeeyo.


As for the men, nimankaan Khaatumo sababta ay Muqdisho utageen mataqaanaa? Waa inay soo xulaan ragii constitutionka ratify gareen lahaa. Marka hadii ay kasoo horjeedaan hadhow iyo codaynta ayay diidi doonaan, insha'llah marka taas lagaaro natiijada aan aragno, inta kahoraysa laab lakaca iyo hadalada horboodka hala iska yareeyo.

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