
The Somalia-Somaliland talks Thread

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Any Somalilander who believes anything will come out of those usless talk is naive. There is no way in hell the anti-somaliland crew southern dominated goverment will accept somalikand, and there is no way in hell too that Somaliland will backdown out of its aspiration, it just a waste of time, talk ?? talk about what?? it has already failed, somaliland said it will not concede an inch, and the south said the same , so whats the point?

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Jugle, we nationalist hope Somalis can find a national solution among themselves. And the right direction is through talks? What other solution is there? Maybe you can enlighted us with your proposition?

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Carafaat i don't think talks can happen any time soon we can't ever agree about forming a technical team to pave the road for talks and you want them to agree on something:D

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So what are you doing in their sites then. i seriously think everyone in the triangle has a nut loose in the head sometimes. we have a big stick for you, you can't dare dismember our beloved country, the rest is talk.

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Odayaasha Dhaqanka oo laga codsaday inay door ka qaataan Wadahadallo dhex-mara DKMG ah iyo Somaliland


Jimco, June 08, 2012 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa ka dalbaday odayaasha dhaqanka ee beelaha Soomaalida inay gacan ka geystaan wadahadallo dhexmara dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland.


Shariif Sheekh oo odayaasha dhaqanka kula kulmay madaxtooyada ayaa xusay in aan marnaba la xallin karin mashaakilka Soomaaliya ka jira haddii aan la wadahadlin loogana baahan yahay odoyaasha dhaqanka inay door ka qaataan wadahadallo lagu soo celinayo midnimada Soomaaliya.


"Waxaa la idinka doonayaa inaad gacan ka geysataan sidii wadahadallo ay u dhex-mari lahaayeen DKMG ah iyo Somaliland, waan soo dhaweynaynaa fikir walba oo aad soo-jeedisaan," ayuu Shariif Sheekh u sheegay odayaasha dhaqanka.


Dowladda KMG ah Soomaaliya iyo maamulka Somaliland ayaa waxay horay ugu shaaciyeen inay yeelanayaan wadahadallo ay uga hadlayaan mustaqbalkooda, kaddib go’aan arrintan ku saabsan oo kasoo baxay shirkii arrimaha Soomaaliya looga hadlay ee ka dhacay London bishii Feberaayo sannadkan.


Sidoo kale, madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay inay ka go’an tahay dowladda KMG ah inay la furto Somaliland wadahadallo, inkastoo Somaliland ay horay u qaadacday wadahadallada, iyadoo sheegtay in guddiga ay DKMG ah saartay ay ku jiraan xubno u deegaannada ay ka taliso kasoo jeeda.


Odayaasha dhaqanka ayaa soo dhaweeyay hadalka madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, iyago xusay inay diyaar u yihiin inay gacan ka geystaan dadaal walba oo nabad looga dhalinayo Soomaaliya.


Kulammada dhexmaraya odayaasha dhaqanka iyo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa socday laba casho, iyadoo maalin ka hor uu madaxweynuhu ku booqday odayaasha halka ay deggen yihiin, isagoo ku boorriyay inay soo xulaan ergadii ansixinta dastuurka iyo xulidda xildhibaannada baarlamaanka.

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Somalia’s President urges elders to help jump-start talks with Somaliland


MOGADISHU — Somalia’s transitional president Sheikh Sharif has called on the country’s elders and tribal leaders to help revive talks between Somaliland and his government.


Mr. Sharif briefed the elders at a meeting in his office in the Somali capital on Friday in a bid to resume the negotiations between Mogadishu and Hargeisa – the first such since 1991.


The Somali president said that it was vital to break the current diplomatic stalemate and consultation was needed in order to find a solution. He reiterated that dialogue and negotiations were the only and accurate means to resolve the Somali differences.


“We need you to take constructive role in jump-starting a dialogue between the transitional federal government (TFG) and Somaliland. We will welcome all your recommendations,” he told them.


Talks between the two sides was first proposed during the London Conference on Somalia in February this year. The direct talk has since stalled and Somaliland says it is largely due to the TFG’s decision to include members from Somaliland community in its negotiation team.


Both Sheikh Sharif and the Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo nominated a team of negotiators charged with enhancing dialogues and cooperation. Somaliland formed a team of five where as the TFG nominated seven members which included two who happen to hail from regions within Somaliland territorial borders. Somaliland insisted that their (TFG) nomination was a key source of dispute and that if talks were to resume, the TFG, must form a new team.


Somaliland Foreign minister Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, who was leading the Hargeisa team, accused the TFG of ‘hidden agenda’ and withdraw from the talks.


Now following the recent Istanbul conference, the international community has urged both sides to be more flexible and to resume talks.


Sheikh Sharif said on Friday he was willing to resume dialogue with Hargeisa and that negotiations were


Meanwhile Hargeisa says it needs greater clarity about the TFG’s overall agenda and that it is always ready for talks. If talks resume, Somaliland is expected to go there with the same general demands.


This would be the first direct talks between Hargeisa and Mogadishu since the collapse of Somalia’s last central government of dictator Mohamed Siad Bare in 1991.

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People are divided on this Xiinfaniin Somaliland made some conditions while some individuals with in Somaliland are against any talks with Somalia at the moment like the former finance minister and also several parliamentarians. Last time any one mentioned anything about talks with Somalia is when the Foreign minister said that Somaliland withdrew from the talks. And today Sh sharif said he wants the help of the tribal chiefs of Somalia when talking to Somaliland.

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Che, it is not waste of time. At the minimum the process could as well be staging test for the ultimate political integration of secessionists in the north; in this process parameters will be defined, & the question of legitimate representation vs mere claims based on colonial nostalgia will be finally settled. In the end it will be clans that will talk, and there shall be no problem arriving equatable and just resolution to the question of secession.

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What's the point in talking to Sharifs Admin when they will be out in two months? Somalia should address the union with SL, once it has a fully functioning government that doesn't depend on constitutions drawn in foreign cities, a road map lead by foreign governments and peace protected by foreign armies.

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xaaji xunjuf, time has proven you and your ilk wrong, your waterloo was in 1992 , and not in the wars of ssc and khaatumo. you miscalculated the resolve of certain clans residing in colonial Somaliland and their determination against separation from the mother land. after twenty years of hype and propaganda, you are at the mouth of political implosion. Alas it is evident that you hope Sheekh Sharif to turn out sympathetic to accepting face saving political agreement while you are afraid of the inevitable and final political contours that are about to shape the emerging state...

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^The question is who do you talk to and who does Hargeysa represent? And the silly idea of dictating who's on the TFG committee won't help?


And to me, I am looking from Mogadishu's interest, we don't have leverage short of employing the tribes on Somaliland periphery namely Khaatumo or the tribe it represents.

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