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Xaaji Xunjuf

No Recognition for Khaatumo official TFG pressconference

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Mario B   

burahadeer;801395 wrote:



ye but you broke your & our country into pieces,wanted to take ova every city ,every region & all the weath that was coming to somalia.You used somali national army meant for the greater enemy,bombarded whole cities,killing 100,000s & making millions refuges thus creating the somalia of today & still you'r the one crying loudest about greater somalia.!!!Who is gona listen to you? Let otha somalis deal with us & wait what we come up with...which is 2 separate entities.It's out of your hand now buddy cos you don't have nothing to show off.

Dream on!!

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The Zack   

A_Khadar;801179 wrote:
waxaa Mareegaha Internet-ka la soo dhigay waraaq been abuur ah oo la isku dhadhacjiyey isla markaasna aysan waxba ka jirin waxana waraaqdan lagu wax yeelaynayaa Heshiiskii DFKM ah iyo Maamulka Khaaatumo State.


Wasiirka Beeraha iyo Xanaanadda Xooluhu magaciisa mahan
Maxamed Maxamuud Xaaji Ibraahin
waxa waxa la yiraahdaa C
/laahi Xaaji Xasan Nuur
sidoo kale wasiirka Arimaha Dibadd ayaa la yiraahdaa Magacaas Maxamed Maxamuud Xaaji Ibraahin, waxad moodaa in qofka waraaqdan beenta ah ee lagu dhadhajiyey sameeyey in uu Murqaankii yahay amase Madhan yahay.


Geest kalena Wasiirka Beeraha iyo Xanaanadda Xooluhu ma ahan R/wasaare ku xigeen isla markaasna Xafiiska R/wasaaraha kuma sii simi karo sidoo kalena ma soo saari karo wax wareegto ah oo ka baxsan Xafiiskiisa eeg liiska wasiiradda


Magacyada Wasiirada:


Magaca Wasaaradda Qabiilka/Jufada

C/samad M. Maxamuud Sh. Xasan W/ Arrimaha Gudaha & Amniga Qaranka ******, ********** Ceyr

C/nuur Sheekh Maxamed W/ Qorsheeynta & Iskaashiga Caalamiga ******, Xawadle

C/Qaadir Maxamed Dhicisow W/ Macdanta, Biyaha & Batroolka ******, Gaaljecel

C/Qaadir Xuseen Maxamed W/ Warfaafinta, Boostada & Isgaarsiinta ****** , Murusade



Magaca Wasaaradda Qabiilka/Jufada

C/wahaab Ugaas Xuseen U. Khaliif Ra’isul-Wasaare Ku-Xigeen ahna Wasiirka Wasaaradda Ganacsiga & Warshadaha *******,********, Coowl yahan.

Cabdinaasir Maxamed Cabdulle Wasiirka Waasaaaradda Maaliyadda & Lacagta *******,********* ,reer Siyaad.

Cabdiraxmaan Xoosh Jibriil Wasiirka Wasaaradda Dastuurka & Dib-u-heshiisiinta *******,********

Axmed Caydiid Ibraahim Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hiddaaha & Tacliinta Sare ******* ***********.




Magaca Wasaaradda Qabiilka/Jufada

Maxamed Maxamuud X. Ibraahim R/Wasaare ku-xigeen ahna W/Arrimaha Dibadda. ********* ,Digil,Dabare.

Cabullaahi X.Xasan Maxamed Nuur Beeraha & Xannaanada Xoolaha. *********,Mirifle,Leesaan.

C/Raxmaan Sh.Ibraahim Kalluumeysiga, Kheyraadka Badda & Bay’adda. Mahelin faah faahintiisa weli.

Aadan Cabdullaahi Aadan Wasaaradda Gaadiidk Cirka, Dhulka, Badda & Dekadaha Mahelin Faahfaahintiisa weli





Magaca Wasaaradda Qabiilka/Jufada

Axmed Xasan Gaboobe Wasiirka Wasaaradda Garsoorka, Arrimaha Diinta & Awqaafta, *** Biyo maal.

Xuseen Carab Ciise Ra’iisu-Wasaare Ku-Xigeenka ahna Wasiirka Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga ***** Garxajis Ciidda gale Reer Iidle

Cabdicasiis Sheekh Yuusuf Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka ***, Faqi Muxumud.

Maxamed Muxiyadiin Sh.Mursal Wasaaradda Shaqada, Dhallinyarada & Isboortiga, ***** Habar Awal



1.Mudane Jaylaani Nuur Iikar Wasiirka Wasaaradda Howlaha Guud, Guriyeenta & Dib-u-dhiska, Beesha 5-aad Reer Xamar reer Suufi.

2.Marwo Caasho Cismaan Caaqil , Wasiirka Wasaaradda Haweenka & Arrimaha Qoyska, Beesha Jareer Weyne



Actually, Khadar,your source is little outdated. Max’ed Max’uud Xaaji Ibraahim is indeed Wasiirka Beeraha ahna PM ku xigeen. The other dude, C/llaahi Xaaji Xassan, is wasiirka dibadda. Max'ed Max'uud used to be Wasiirka dibadda ahna raa'isal wasaare ku xigeen, February 14keeda loo wareejiyay wasaaradda beeraha, xilka dheeriga ahaa ee PM ku xigeenkana waa loo dhaafay. The list you posted is the initial appointments by Gaas. That has changed. Even Shariif Canbe made these changes, Abdiweli maba ogeen LOL. I am not sure how legal that is. So I am afraid that this letter is authentic. Not sure why Khaatumo is concerned about this weak TFG's "recognition" anyways. :) All they need to do is work on the ground, everything else shall be on board.


See the source here:

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The Zack isn't it the job of cabdi cawar to run the government sharif doesn't have the legal authority to reshuffle the cabinet. Shaw meeshan TFG idu waba iska zoo.

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Madaxda Dowlada KMG Ah oo Isku Khilaafay Aqoonsiga Maamul Goboleedka Khaatumo State of Somalia


MadaxWeynaha Somalia Sh. Shariif Ayaa Taageersan Soo Dhoweynta Iyo Aqoonsiga Khaatumo State.


R/Wasaare Abdiwali Iyo Wasiir Xuseen Ciise oo Kasoo Kale Jeeda Puntland Iyo Somaliland Ayaa Kasoo Horjeeda Aqoonsiga Khaatumo



Qoraal ka soo baxay xafiiska R/wasaaraha ayaa lagu sheegay in Xafiiska R/Wasaaruku kasoo horjeedo aqoonsigii dhowaan uu sheegay madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif in dowladu ay aqoonsatay jiritaanka maamulka Khaatumo State.


Sarkaal u hadlay xafiiska R/wasaaraha oo ay wareysatay idaacada Coda Maraykanka ayaa xaqiijiyey jiritaanka qoraalka aqoonsiga lagala noqday Khaatumo State.


Sarkaalkan oo lagu magacaabo Dr. Cali Nuur Xuseen oo la hadlay Idaacadda VOA-da u xaqiijiyay jiritaanka warqaddaasi,waxaana hadalkiisa uu kusoo koobay in arrimahaasi wax laga waydiiyo Wasiirka beeraha.


Dhowaan ayaa Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed waxa uu aqoonsaday Mamulka Khaatumo iyadoo aan la ogayn sida ay ku dambeyn doonto maadaama ee Madax Weynahu Iyo R/Wasaarahu isku khilaafeen Aqoonsiga Maamul Goboleedka Khaatumo State of Somalia

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^^^ You more then welcome to join Somaliland. seriously no joke. We were always one country, we live in Sool and Buhoodle together...Be part of it, share in the political, economic, social development, go and live in what ever city you want, trade etc. no point of khatumo, somaliland can give you that and more...;)


At least consider it without qabil mentality for a few minutes.

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Mario B   

The Hermet;801626 wrote:
^^^ You more then welcome to join Somaliland. seriously no joke. We were always one country, we live in Sool and Buhoodle together...Be part of it, share in the political, economic, social development, go and live in what ever city you want, trade etc. no point of khatumo, somaliland can give you that and more...


At least consider it without qabil mentality for a few minutes.

Says the man with qabil mentality, ah the irony. :eek:

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The Zack;801512 wrote:
Actually, Khadar,your source is little outdated. *Max’ed Max’uud Xaaji Ibraahim is indeed Wasiirka Beeraha ahna PM ku xigeen. * The other dude, C/llaahi Xaaji Xassan, is wasiirka dibadda. * Max'ed Max'uud used to be Wasiirka dibadda ahna raa'isal wasaare ku xigeen, *February 14keeda loo wareejiyay wasaaradda beeraha, xilka dheeriga ahaa ee PM ku xigeenkana waa loo dhaafay. The list you posted is the initial appointments by Gaas. *That has changed. *Even Shariif Canbe made these changes, Abdiweli maba ogeen LOL. *I am *not sure how legal that is. *So I am afraid that this letter is authentic. *Not sure why Khaatumo is concerned about this weak TFG's "recognition" anyways.
* All they need to do is work on the ground, everything else shall be on board. *


See the source here: *

Why is the "minister for animals" speaking about "khaatumo"? :)

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