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Maxamed Faroole oo Shirqool maleegay!

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Libaax-Sankataabte;792963 wrote:
^^ Maya inadeer. Hala wada xaajoodo oo hala doodo, laakiin yaan la isku xad gudbin. Qofna meeshan uma yimaado in cay laga buuxiyo. Politicians and public figures are a fair game for criticism on these forums. Balse the nomads on this website need to be protected. Nomads should never be insulted, attacked or threatened for giving their opinion on a subject matter, passionate or not.

Libaaxoow boowe, adigaa amiir ka ah meesha hadii aad aragtay cay, xadgudub qof qof kale ka buuxinaya wax ka qabo sharciga sitekana la tiigso. Laakiin nin isaguba dagaal ku jira ha la daayo, yaan lala hadlin waa cadaalad daro iyo in la qaato gardaro.


Faroole iyo cid kasta oo kale waa la mucaaradi karaa adigoo siyaasadiisa abaaraya, laakiin qof walba ama madax ahaado ama yuusan ahaan wuxuu xaq noogu leeyahay inaan la caayin, sharaftiisana meel looga dhicin hadaadan wax cad haynin. Aniga Faroole dadka siyaasadiisa wax ka sheega baan ugu horeeyaa and my posts in SOL speak for itself, but I see a pure character assisination and down right hatred coming out from certain people and that should be tackled and confronted.

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I don't think any one should deny the victim's human right and I belive they should have stayed back and exhaust all means to bring the perpetrators of the crime to justice, but politicising it to score a political goal against Faroole and Puntland is wrong. For all we know, the soldiers and the said victims could have had an urgument and disagreement and the soldiers behaved badly. It happened to me while I was there and if I wanted to politicise it, all I needed was give a call to a clan based web outlet who would no time square it to Faroole himself.


In every claim there are two sides, we only heard from one side and not from the other, so its wise and fair to refrain from judgement until you know all facts.

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