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Walaal, waxaad qortay : ( "muslim " iyo erayo kale oo aad raacisay qadaf ayey kaaga dhaceen")


Min fadlak ii caddee waxaad ula jeeddo qadaf? yaan qadfay? ceebtee baan ku sheegay qofkaas aan qadfay?


Run ahaantii kaagama baran luqaddan qallafsan oo kale, gaar ahaan annogoo muddo dheer doodi jirney oo umuur intan aad ugu culus ka wada niqaashi jirney.


Waxaan rajeynayaa in sabirkaad doodda u leheyd inuusan ka dhammaanin.



Tan kale, su'aahsha aad igu warsatay inaan macnaha Muslim ka hadlo lagama joogo labo sano, ee taasna maxaad ula jeeddaa?.




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Walaal Nur,


Tan 1aad waxaan jecelahay in doodan si sharaf leh aan ku soo gunaanadno. Su'aalaha aan ku weydiiyey 12 april 2006 oo aadan ka jawaabin ilaa maanta 00 bishu tahay 29 mars 2008da haddii aysan labo sano ku dhowaad ahayn maxay tahay Nur ?


Tan 2aad dood cusub oo ku saabsan waxaad tiri waxaan iri dooni maayo in aan hadda furno. Sababtoo ah wax aan dembi ahayn oo ka soo kordhaya ayaan jirin.


Camelkeenna if iyo kan aakhiro awgeed aan dhowrsanaano.



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Postive Walaal: Intaadan qof kale ku tuhmin jariimad sidan u weyn, oon dareemayo inaadan ula jeedin waxaad iga sheegtay ayaan doorbiday inaan kuu caddeeyo Sharciga wuxuu Qadhafka ka qabo.



Qadhafku Muxuu Yahay?


1. Luqadda: Qadhaf luqadda Af Carabiga ah waa dhagax inaad qof ku TUURTO ood dhaawacdo. Dabadeed ayaa ereygaas loo adeegsaday wax walboo xun oo qof lagu tuuro, ama duro sida in sharafkiisa meel looga dhaco ayadoo labaduba ay wax yeelleeynayaan qofkaas korkiisa ama dareenkiisa.


2. Sharciga: Waxaa loola jeedaa in aad qof ku durto ZINA

sida asagoo ku yidhi qof kale " Waryaa Zaani yahow" asagoon la iman afar markhaati oo ka markhaati kacaya tuhunkaas.


3. Xukunkeeda: Rasuulka Allah SAWS waxaa laga soo wariyey inuu yidhi: " Iska jira todobada Muubiqaatka ah ( Dunuubta waaweyn ):

a. Shirkiga, b. Sixirka, c. Dilka nafta Allah xarrimay xaq la'aan, d. Cunidda Ribada, e. Cunidda hantida agoonta, e. Dib u gurashada/cararka maalinka la is horjoogo jahaadka, f. Qadhafka Haweenka Muminnatka ah ee warmoogga ah ee Muxsinaatka ah ( aan ceeb laheyn oo lagu been abuuranayo)


4. Xukunka Qadafka.

a. Sida ku soo aruurtay ayyadda Surah al Nur (4-5) waa 80 karbaash, hadduusan la iman afar markhaati.

b. Xaqqa Qadhafka waa xaq Alle, kama dhacayo ciqaabtaas xataa hadduu cafiyo kii la qadfay.

c. Qadafaku ku uma eka Haweenka, ragga iyo haweekaba waa isaga mid xukunkaas.


5. Xaqiijinta Qadafka:

Qadafka waxaa lagu xaqiijiyaa: a. Qirasho uu qirto inuu qadfay, b. in labo rag oo Muslima ah oo lagu yaqaanno wanaag, kheyr, runsheeg iyo diin raac fiican ay ku markhaati kacaan inuu Qadhaf la yimid.


6. Goormoo Qadafku Ciqaab Mudanayaa:

Shuruudda uu ku muteysto kan wax Qadfay ciqabta waa:

a. Caqli, Qaan gaar, Xor; waa inuu kan wax qadhfay uusan ayheyn qof waalan, ama aan war u heyn wuxuu sheegayo,oo xor ah oon lagu qasbin wuxuu sheegay, oo aan da' yareyn.

b.Ereyga Qadhfiga waa inuu CAD YAHAY sida " War iga tag ZAANI YAHOW" laakin haddu dhaho " Anugu Zaani ma ahi". macnahaas dadban ma noqonayo Qadfi saa macnooyin badan buu yeelan karaa.

c. Waxaan aheyn ZINAA, sida inuu ninku ku yidhaah qof kale " Gaal yahow, sarkhaan yahow" iwm, ma soo galeyso Qadhfiga xukunkiisa, hase yeeshee Qaalliga Muslimka ah wuxuu ku edbin karaa qofkaas si kale oon aheyn 80 karbaash oo u gaar ah kan Qadfa dadka, markii lagu caddeeyo.




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Doodii aanan doonanyn in aan galno ayaad bilowday. Laakiin markan keliya aan ku weydiiyee maxaad u jeeday ama ula jeedaa erayga aad qoysanka gelisay ee muslim.


Shareecada Islam erayga "Muslim" micnahiisu waa maxay ? Ogow kumaan weydiin Muslim ee " Muslim" ayaan ku weydiiyey!



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Walaal Positive


Haddaad ka carootay in aan adiga kuula jeeday ereyga "Muslm" , waad ii gaftay, adiga kuula ma jeedin.



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Walaal Nur,


Door caynkaas ah ciyaari mayso in aad erayga aniga iila jeeday iyo in kale. ISTICMAALKA erayga " Muslim " weeyaan waxa aan dhibsaday.


Haddii aad qiil u hayso in erayga loo isticmaali karo qaabka aad u isticmaashay fadlan ka jawaab su'aasha ah:


Shareecada Islam erayga "Muslim" micnahiisu waa maxay ? Ogow kumaan weydiin Muslim ee " Muslim" ayaan ku weydiiyey!


Haddii aadan qiil u hayn ha ila yaabin haddii aan ku dhibsaday.


Walaalkaa Toosiye2

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Akhi Toosiye


Bismillah wa bihi nastaciin.


Markii erey la dhex geliyo Qoutes sida " Muslim" waxaa loola jeedaa sheegasho uu qofkaas isagu sku sheegay oon loona qirsaneyn loona diiddaneyn.


Shareecaddu wexey u taqaanna (ZACM) inaad tiraahdo " qofkaas wuxuu sheegtay sifadaas"

Shareecadda waxaa ku soo arooray inuusan qofku is Tazkiyeynin, macneheedu yahay inuu qofku wanaag isku sheego, siduu Allah Quraanka ku yidhi, " Falaa tuzakuu anfusakum, huwa aclamu biman ittaqaa"


Isla markaasna, shareecaddu kuma soo aroorin in ey diidday in lagu sheego qof inuu sheegtay sifad.


Caa'isha ummul Muminiin oo maseyrsan ( Hinaase) ayya xitaa Rasuulka Allaa ku tiri " Wa tazcumu annaka Rasuulu Allahi" , waxaad sheeganeysaa inaad tahay Rasuulkii Allah. oo ah erey qaldan, sababtoo ah, qofkuu shaki ka galo Rasuulnimada Rasuulka diinta wuu ka baxayaa, haseyeeshee Caaisha Hinaase ayaa ku xambaaray ereygaas, dhabna ka ma aheyn, loomana qaban.


Muslim nimadu wey caddahay haddii loo cuskado shareecadda qodobadeeda, haseyeeshee waxaa badtay baryahaan jaahilnimo dadku ay jaahil ka yihiin shareecadda iyo sheegasho Islmaannimo, taasoo u baahan in dadka cilmiga leh ay u cadeyaan caammada ( Laymen) shareecadda sidey u kala saartay macnaha Islaanimada munafiqnimada, kufriga iyo shirkiga.


Wallahu aclam.


InshAllah, I will switch back to the English if you dont mind so that the audience can follow with us the original question that you have raised of the Defition of Islam. and Muslim.




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Walaal Nur,


Si fiican baad u dhigtay. Raali baanna ka noqday sidan aad u jawaabtay. Dooda qodobkan in aan halkan ku deyno ayaa wanaagsan. Waxaan keliya oo ku celinayaa, sida aan anigu u arko, isticmaalka erayo aan laga fiirsan oo ay yiraahdaan dadkii diinta ugu aqoonta roonaa waxay ina geyn kartaa meel aan laga soo geyoon.


Tusaale erayga " Muslim " wuxuu bixinayaa ( bixin karaa ) macno ah in ay jiraan labo nooc oo muslim ah oo nooc uusan buuxinanyn shuruudihii islaanimada ee shareecadu qeexaysay. Madaama diintu qeexayso qofka muslimka ah hadalku wuxuu u dhacayaa dadkaasi shuruudihii ma buuxinayaan oo markaas Muslim ma aha. Marka waxaa isweydiin leh waayo markaas maxaa " muslim " loogu sheegayaa. Haddiise laga shaki san yahay in aysan muslimnimadii ka bixin maxaa loogu hadli waayey qaab diiniyan sax ah oo loo oran waayey qofku waa Muslim halka laga leeyahay waa " Muslim "


Walaal dadka diinta ugu aqoonta roon waa tusaale iyo toosiyayaal. Marka ay erayo khalad ah isticmaalaan sawir iyo tafsiir khalad ahna siiyaan caamada jid xun baa lagu dambayn karaa.


In aad i fahamtay ayaa rajeynayaa. Isla markaas ha i dhibsan haddaan xarigga mar mar kugu qabsado. Waayo qofkastaa toosin iyo tusaale wuu u baahan yahay.


We can switch to English so that you can answer the previous questions that I have raised.


The Awakener2

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Jazakallahu kheiran brother Positive for your advice, ret assured that I will heed it well.


Allow me to put together an in depth topic that answers your valuable and timely question of the Definition of a Muslim in these turbulent times, I assure you it will not take me another two years lol.




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Dear Awakener


In continuation of our discussion on Who Is Muslim, I am reposting the uncomplete answer to your question, later, inshaAllah I will add more meat, so be patient as we take on this interesting question:



Awakener walaal


You write:


Who is Muslim ?


In the most general terms, everything in the heavens and earth are Muslims. Allah SWT after the creation asked : ( Itiyaa tawcan ow karhaa, qaalataa, ataynaa taaiciin) Meaning : Surrender willingly or unwillingly , they said we surrender willingly.


So, the heavens and the earth are Muslims ( surrendered), and they follow a law ( Sharia) so precise if the sun shifts centimeters, our electric bill for air conditioning or heating will skyrocket, earth and and sun are following the code of their creator, to give us sustanance, under unhospitable void of space.


Man on the otherhand, was given free will to choose, to either surrender or not to surrender, a person who surrendered has no choice over his affairs, that is why Allah refvers to everybody as a slave, a slave or a prisoner has no right to choose, they must hear and obey.


So, the realtionship has two ways:


1. From man to Allah is Tawajjuh, you seek Him. love him, and beacuse you truly love him, you obey him, it does not make sense to claim that we love Allah and we disobey him or free ourselves from his worship. Its thus an exclussive activity.


2. From Allah to us, is two things:


a. Akhbaar, information that we should believe in order to:

b. Fulfil the Amr, His orders


If we deliver on His orders as a sign of belief of his akhbaar ( info) relayed to us through our Prophet SAWS, then we have met the general requirements of a Muslim.


Now, by default, all humans are born Muslims, because they have taken a covenant with Allah, their maker SWT before incarnation, that He is their Sovereign Lord. It is only when they are embodied on earth that some will walk their talk and follow their fitrah aka Defualt settings, (Islam) and respond favorably to Islam as soon as they hear its message like Deja vu, while others reject it as they favor this life more than the promised life in hearafter. The Prophet SAWS, said that Allah said : I have created my servants Hunafaa ( seeking only Allah), then the Satans have got them lost"


Alllah also says: Wa low ittabaca al xaqu ahwaa'ahum, la fasadatil samaawaatu wal ard. Meaning : If the absolute (Justice, Truth) follows their( human) desires, The heavens and the earth would have been corrupted"



InshAllah, I will come back to discuss in detail the following points and more:


1) What conditions you have to fullfil to be a Muslim?


a. Acceptability Criteria as a "Muslim" In This temporal Life.( Good enough for government work)


b. Acceptability Criteria as a "Muslim" in the day of Judgement. ( Mre rigorous and exhaustive)


2) What nullifies to be muslim ?


Any Contract has clauses that nullify its effectiveness, just like Salat's readiness is nullified by a simpe call of nature, so is Islam.



3) Can a third person tell another person that he/she is NOT a muslim while the first person is claiming that he is muslim ?


The legal context of what is known as TAKFEER ( certifying other person to be out of the Islam fold)



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Awakener Brother


Can we revist the definition of Islam by tackling your question : Who Is Muslim?


Can you clarify the context of the question? this will help us focus on that perspective, otherwise I may just say, "A Kafir is a person who is not a Muslim", a circular logic, which is the shortset answer.




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Brother Nur,



I think you have already addressed the question: who is Muslim ? I have been expecting, as you yourself have promised, that you would answer the other ( related ) questions!


When you make a promise I, like an innocent child, eagerly await that you will fulfill it. By not answering the questions you have kept me waitng dear Nur don't you think.


Besides I have observed that you have been using the word Muslim in quotes not only in this thread but also in other threads in this forum. To be frank it is the first time in my life that I’m seeing the word used in this untraditional way and in this context. That there are three types of persons namely: Muslim, Non-Muslim and “Muslim” is for me a new conceptual challenge I have to wrestle with to understand. In my level of understanding no ONE qualifies as "Muslim" by definition.


I'm not here to push you to give answers brother but I have been trying to see if convergence of understanding is possible! That and nothing more.


The Awakener2

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Brother Awakener.


First please be clear on the question, a good question is half the answer, I propmise that I will give you the best possible answer if the question is CLEAR. So, please refresh the question one more time, and inshAllah the last time.



Brother, below I have posted an old topic that will answer all your questions of who is Muslim or who is not, and hence the quotes on the word "Muslim", please read patiently the entire two topics, and then if anything is not clear, please ask, if I have made any wrong implications, please bring it to my attention, I am human, and I make mistakes.


The two following gtopics were questions that were posed to me by my readers back in 2000., One by a sister, and the other by a non Mumslim reader (as per his name on screen)



Am I A Munafiq?


Well, that is a difficult question, first let us learn the relationship between iimaan, sin and kufr to see where nifaaq belongs.



1. No Soul will go to Jannah which is not a Muslim(a)


2. No one can be Muslim without Shahaada (Tawxiid)


3. Shahaada is information, we are required to believe in and bear witness thereof.


4. The test to see if we indeed believe in information represented by the Shahaada are our deeds:


So our faith is composed of a


A. set of Information we are required to believe.


B. Set of Commands we are ordered to obey


The extent of your belief in the information that our Prophet SAWS delivered is measured by the extent of orders that we obey.


In other words, our obedience to the orders of Allah, is a reflection of our belief in the information delivered to us.


So , Islam is composed of a two sets:


A) A set of information to be believed in, like Allah, Jannah, angels, etc .


B) A set of orders to abide with, such as Prayers, (Salat), Fasting, Upholding Justice, etc .


The orders are subdivided in to two categories:


1.Orders to do something

2.Orders to stay away from doing something


If Allah orders us to do something, and we fail to comply, the reason could be:


a. We do not believe in the information

b. We believe in it but we are arrogant



If (a) that is clear kufr

If (b) That is also kufr, the type of Sheitan

If © We may be the same case like a crazy person, Mentally Challenged, no responsibility.


If we are ordered to stay away from something, and we do not, we have the following scenario:


a. We do not believe in the information b. We are arrogant

c. We can not resist temptation



All but case © are covered above.


If case © is the situation, then that is called disobedience (Sin)(Macsiyah) and it is what Adam and Eve , (Hawaa) aleyhimaa assalaam have committed. It does not make one a kaafir by itself. ( The Khawaarij are the only to claim that a sin can make one a Kafir )


To generalize the above.


If a person does something he is ordered not to do, the driver is more likely weakness against temptation, and that person is not a kaafir, this is the case of Adam and Eve, Aleyhimaa assalaam .


If a person refuses to do something he is ordered to do, the driver of his action is more likely arrogance, like the case of Sheitan .


Now we visit a new territory:


There is a principle for detecting iiman ( Faith) levels developed by Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah. Called (Talaazumul Dhaahir wal Baatin )( Synregy of the Apparent actions of a person with the Hidden Motives within the consciousness )


I will simplify it for you again.


The inside beliefs and the outward actions of a person are always working in harmony. Except when an outside disturbance influences that person attention. When as a result, the outwardly actions of that person projects and acts contrary of what is supposed to be inside .




In Systems Science, when we input a signal into a balanced system, we observe an output that reflects the shape of the original signal output + the function of the signal that operated on the system.


In the absence of outside disturbance, we can always predict the output. But when an outside element disturbs the system, the output will not be predictable.


A person who is a kaafir therefore will normally act as a kaafir. Sabeelul kaafireen


And a person who is a muslim will always act like a Muslim. Sabeelul Mumineen


In general, if you leave anyone alone, what he/she does is reflecting what they believe . But the minute that person feels that he/she is being observed, that feeling will somewhat effect the action of that person.


An example is when you catch a child making funny faces on a mirror the child will immediately alter his behaviour to an acceptable manner. This is called conforming.


So, when a Kaafir lives with Muslims, he may act like Muslim, to avoid problems. He is called a Munaafiq .


And a Muslim who lives with Kufaar may at times act like kuffar, to avoid problems. He is called Mukrah .


Now, a Somali Nomad who lives in Somalia, USA or Europe, is free to practice his faith, so if that person does not practice, or he acts contrary to his faiths tenets, his actions are an indicators of what is missing in his heart. In this case the actions or their absence are an indictor of the iimaan inside that person.


However a Muslim who lives in tyranny, his actions may not be indicator of his belief. Because, if this person practices his faith, he is afraid for his life. As a result this person conceals his faith portraying himself as non Muslim, when in effect he fully believes his faith and is willing tp practise it to the fullest if he was not afraid. His fear, though could be justifiable or may be unjustifiable, in which case he is in grave error.


Allah says : Are they same he who spends all his nights praying and prostrating, alert for aakhirah, and the one who is in darkness..............................."

Nasalu Allaha al caafiyah. Aamin



Walllahu aclam.



2000 Nurtel Communications Old Edition

Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign



Levels Of Iman: Second Aqeedah Question :


This article was also prompted by a similar question that I have answered in plain English, My way is always keep things as simple as possible, because the majority of people are indeed simple, not scholarly, again enjoy the simplicity of Aqeedah, brainteasers are not my cup of Caano Geel, so enjooy reading:



Levels of Faith ( IIMAAN).



A viewer with screenname Johnny Jake asked me on another thread if there are different levels of being a Muslim:



Here is the answer I posted 2 Years ago:


Bismillah, wa bihi nastaciin



Islam literally means submission to a higher authority .


As such, one gives up his power over his life at will, taking direction of how to live from that higher source.


To be a Muslim, just like graduating from college, there is minimum requirements. Once these minimum requirements are met, a person is a muslim.


Islam is composed of a word to utter and actions to perform


The word to utter is further divided into two categories.


A. The word of the heart, which is belief in what has been revealed .


B. The word of the mouth, which is uttering the manifestation of the singularity of the authority that created the universe and everything in it, and following the course of the messenger who delivered this mesage .


Deeds are further divided in to two parts.


A. Deeds of the heart, which is the intention that drives our actions .


B. Physical deeds, like prayers, fasting etc.


If a person does not utter the word of the heart, meaning he does not believe, he is not a Muslim


If a person does not utter the word of the mouth, eventough he believes in his heart, he is not Muslim, he is like Sheitan, or Abi talib , the uncle of the prophet SAWS.


If a person's heart does not do the deeds of the heart, meaning he has no intention to do something, that person, is not a Mulsim, The prophet said " (Inamaal aamalu bil niyaat) the validity of deeds are conditional to having the right intention(NIYA). That is why manslaughter is a lesser charge than murder, because the accused did not intend to kill, no (NIYA).


If a person does not do physical deeds, Like salaat, fasting etc. then, we look into what motivates that person to do or not to do what he is been ordered or prohibited from.


If he does not do what has been ordered to do, that person is usually driven by disbelief, arrogance, or he is Mentally Challenged (SAFAAHA). All of which make him not a Muslim, except for a Mentally Challenged person, which wholly or partially makes him unaccountable to his deeds ( SAFEEH)


If he does something prohibited, he is more likely driven by strong desire or Lust, arrogance, disbelief or being Mentally Challenged( SAFAAHA). All but Lust will make him a non-Muslim,


Doing something prohibited because of lust and uncontrollable desire, is called a (MACSIYA) a SIN and it does not make a person by itself a non-Muslim. Accumulation of sins lead to disbelief in the long run though, just like sand pepples form mountains, A Muslim, therefore, does not trivilize sins, but looks up to the importance of the authority that he/she is disobeying.



Wa Salaamu Alaa man ittabaca al hudaa.


2000 Nurtel Communications

Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign




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Brother Nur,


It feels that we are going no where with our discussion! It seems that now we are in a i jiid aan ku jiide mood.


Your write :


First please be clear on the question, a good question is half the answer,



Which question ? There are three questions which you have already partially answered.


Your partial answers contain :



InshAllah, I will come back to discuss in detail the following points and more:


1) What conditions you have to fullfil to be a Muslim?


a. Acceptability Criteria as a "Muslim" In This temporal Life.( Good enough for government work)


b. Acceptability Criteria as a "Muslim" in the day of Judgement. ( Mre rigorous and exhaustive)


2) What nullifies to be muslim ?


Any Contract has clauses that nullify its effectiveness, just like Salat's readiness is nullified by a simpe call of nature, so is Islam.



3) Can a third person tell another person that he/she is NOT a muslim while the first person is claiming that he is muslim ?


The legal context of what is known as TAKFEER ( certifying other person to be out of the Islam fol

which question are you referring to then? where is your " coming back to discuss in detail the above points and more"?


Neither does your last posting answer my questions because among other things it does not answer in a clear manner what you mean by the term " Muslim".


You have both the freedom and choice under what context you want to answer but you could answer in a manner which inquiring minds could reflect upon and learn from.


The Awakener2

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