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Professor Jim Al-khalili was on the news saying he will eat his shorts live on TV if this result turns out to be true!


What do you think? Do you want this result to be true, or have anything to say on this? It's pretty interesting!

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Professor Jim Al-khalili was on the news saying he will eat his shorts live on TV if this result turns out to be true!

If true s/he'll go back to the past and change this statement. :) Well that's what might be possible, if you believe the nerds' claims.

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I suppose there's a good reason why professional physicists aren't anticipating a Kuhnian "paradigm shift" in physics. It takes more than one experiment to overturn an established theory buttressed by hundreds of experiments. Either way, the beauty of science is self-correction. And many a beautiful theory has been slain by, as the cant goes, a grotesque fact.

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I suppose there's a good reason why professional physicists aren't anticipating a Kuhnian "paradigm shift" in physics. It takes more than one experiment to overturn an established theory buttressed by hundreds of experiments. Either way, the beauty of science is self-correction. And many a beautiful theory has been slain by, as the cant goes, by a grotesque fact.

According to your mullahs, this more than just a "correction" if turns out to be true. Diintay ka baxayaan. :)

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Awoowe, meel cilmi loogaga hadlayo maaha inaad sheekh iyo diin keentid. Ee waxaan ku idhi kutubtaadii barakaysanayd isaga noqo oo masalooyinkii xaydka iyo nifaaska iyo tayammumka xal u raadi. Hawshani waa mid aadan fahmayne.

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^ Legjar ferenji iyo been baa mise waa cilmi? :)


Don't try to downplay your mullahs. Their Fatawa of nature will be torn to shreads if this discovery is confirmed.

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AYOUB;747773 wrote:
^ Legjar ferenji iyo been baa mise waa cilmi?
Don't try to downplay your mullahs. Their Fatawa of nature will be torn to shreads if this discovery is confirmed.

It's not just knowledge; it's the most precise form of knowledge ever invented! Take the caesium clocks used in this very experiment. They can measure time to an accuracy of one second in about 30 million years. It's an act of injustice to speak of it in the same tone as one might for inferior modes of knowledge, specially those which rely on things as simplistic and as naïve as 'faith'. And no, it won't shatter anything; even if it turns out that neutrinos do travel faster than the speed of light, this might only impose dimensional limit of validity on special relativity in the same way that special relativity itself imposed limits of validity on Newtonian/classical mechanics.

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Markaan warkan maqlay, my first reaction walaahi was war nimanki Prometheus lahaa way u dhamaatay hadaa! They seem to have so much faith in science. I am a sceptic of religions, but never a believer in science either.

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I'm actually hoping that this turns out to be true. It would probably be the most shocking discovery ever made. I was following the story Jim Al-khalili, the professor who said he will eat his shorts if this turns out to be true, and he said, if confirmed, eating his shorts willl be a small price to pay for such an exciting discovery! By the way, Jim is a legend! He wrote the first ever book I read on quantum mechanics - Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed - a book that's literally accessible to everyone. He also published 'Pathfinders' last year, a truly fascinating account of the 'golden age of Arabic science' (I might post a good review I've seen of the book somewhere).

Prometheus;747755 wrote:

I'm impressed by your knowledge on these matters! Not many people know of the ideas of Kuhn, Popper, Feyerabend etc!

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I am eternally puzzled by the reaction of the faithful to scientific discoveries, ever declaiming against the authority of science. Unfortunately, their misplaced schadenfreude betrays a profound ignorance of the scientific process. Experiments like OPERA are scarcely a source of angst and dread for scientists; on the contrary, such provisional findings are a catalyst of curiosity and an impetus for further research. It is impossible to exaggerate the intellectual excitement and debate such experiments foster. If you peruse any scientific journal, magazine, or blog, you'll find lively reviews (and debates) of the original paper, arguments about methodological flaws, interpretation of the data, and its possible implications. This is science at work. And it's pure fun.

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Prom, it is the likes of you who try to claim science as a property of only kaafirs, so don't despair when the fundamental pillars of your faith are called in to question. What's is clear to anyone - even passive follower of this story like myself, you and the other fella have trying to downplay the significance of discovery's confirmation. The question is why? I can understand why Jerusalem Post is negative, but why you? I'm prepared to wait for further research without making my mind either way, why is your buddy Qarnaqsi (ms noma iyo nus) already saying "it won't shatter anything; even if it turns out that neutrinos do travel faster than the speed of light"? Is this not blind faith? The Qur'an describes some followers of the "bible" with the parable of a donkey that is carrying what it doesn't know. Looks like science's miseducated fools are no different.

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A meeting at Cern, the world's largest physics lab, has addressed results that suggest subatomic particles have gone faster than the speed of light.


The team has published its work so other scientists can determine if the approach contains any mistakes.


If it does not, one of the pillars of modern science will come tumbling down.


Antonio Ereditato added "words of caution" to his Cern presentation because of the "potentially great impact on physics" of the result.


The speed of light is widely held to be the Universe's ultimate speed limit, and much of modern physics - as laid out in part by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity - depends on the idea that nothing can exceed it.


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Start Quote


We want to be helped by the community in understanding our crazy result - because it is crazy”



If the Europeans are right, Einstein was not just wrong but almost clueless. The implications could be huge. Particles that move faster than light are essentially moving backwards in time, which could make the phrase cause and effect obsolete.

"Think of it as being shot before the trigger is pulled," wrote University of Rochester astrophysicist Adam Frank on his NPR blog. Or, as Czech physicist Lubos Motl put it on his blog, "You could kill your grandfather before he had his first sex with your grandmother, thus rendering your own existence needed for the homicide inconsistent with the result of the homicide."

The evidence for this complete upending of modern physics and cosmic decorum comes from an experiment involving two top-notch physics installations. The first is CERN, the European Center for Particle Physics, near Geneva, where a particle accelerator created the swarm of neutrinos in the first place. These bits of matter are bizarre no matter how you look at them: they're so elusive that one of them could pass through a chunk of lead a trillion miles thick without a bump.



The beeb and Time for you.

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AYOUB;748496 wrote:
I'm prepared to wait for further research without making my mind either way, why is your buddy Qarnaqsi (ms noma iyo nus) already saying "it won't shatter anything; even if it turns out that neutrinos do travel faster than the speed of light"? Is this not blind faith?

At least have the courtesy to quote the entire sentence. I wrote: 'And no, it won't shatter anything; even if it turns out that neutrinos do travel faster than the speed of light, this might only impose dimensional limit of validity on special relativity in the same way that special relativity itself imposed limits of validity on Newtonian/classical mechanics.' I know exactly what I'm talking about in here; and so would you, if you knew anything about physics. Quoting sensationalist pop media articles with remarks as meaningless as 'the beeb and time for you' only serves to make you look ridiculous.

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